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freshmen research paper

freshmen research paper. spring 2010. Tuesday, March 16. Today’s objective: I will select a research topic and determine key vocabulary of research by justifying my choices and completing an exit ticket about vocabulary (5d). Today’s agenda:

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freshmen research paper

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  1. freshmen research paper spring 2010

  2. Tuesday, March 16 Today’s objective:I will select a research topic and determine key vocabulary of research by justifying my choices and completing an exit ticket about vocabulary (5d). Today’s agenda: “I Do” – McArdle will demonstrate choosing a research topic. “We Do” – Use highlighters to narrow down topics of interest. “You Do” – Justify/Rank your Top Three topic choices. Essential Vocabulary – Exit Ticket

  3. Wednesday, March 17 • Today’s objective:I will identify key points of my research topics and determine key vocabulary of research by • justifying my choices and completing an exit ticket about vocabulary (5d). • Today’s agenda: • Dig deeper into your topic choices • Narrow to your number one choice • Essential Vocabulary – Exit Ticket

  4. Choosing Interesting Research Topics for Your PaperThis is the starting point and the most essential aspect of any research paper writing process. Approach this task very seriously; it won’t be possible to change your approved research topic. When choosing a research topic, try to answer the following questions:    * How popular is this topic?  * Will I be able to gather all necessary info?  * How many sources are available to me?    * To which extent I am familiar with this topic?    * Is there anyone who can help me?

  5. Common knowledge: Something which is generally known; can be defined as facts known by a large number of people. These "facts" do not have to be cited. Today’s objective:I will select a research topic and determine key vocabulary of research by highlighting/ranking my choices and completing an exit ticket about vocabulary(5d).

  6. General: Steroids have side effects. Specific: Steroids can cause bad breath and severe acne. • When being “general” or using common knowledge, you do not have to cite your info. • But when using specifics, you must cite your research.

  7. Note-taking: • Recording and citing relevant information captured from a source which supports your central idea and helps you prove your point Today’s objective:I will select a research topic and determine key vocabulary of research by highlighting/ranking my choices and completing an exit ticket about vocabulary(5d).

  8. Thursday, March 18 • Today’s objective:I will use organization features of electronic databases to locate relevant information and understand the purpose of each source. • Today’s agenda: • Pass back organizer to solidify topic choice • “I Do” – model today’s research process • “We/You Do” – laptops, index cards, research • Turn in all documentation

  9. WWMD? What would McArdle Do? Collect a list of possible sources. Categorize emerging “main points” or “key ideas”. THEN decide which are worthy of printing for deeper reading. • Why not just dive in like a maniac? • Waste of time (yours and mine). • Waste of paper (don’t hate on the Earth and its trees).

  10. “What goes on the index cards, Mister?” Today’s objective:I will use organization features of electronic databases to locate relevant information and understand the purpose of each source.

  11. Friday, March 19 • Today’s objective:I will continue to use organization features of electronic databases to locate relevant information and understand the purpose of each source. • Today’s agenda: • “We/You Do” – laptops, index cards, research • Turn in all documentation

  12. Monday, March 22 • Today’s objective:I will skim and select relevant information by using titles, subtitles, and other text features to record information on appropriate organizers (1f, 5c). • Today’s agenda: • “I Do” – Teacher demonstrates thinking process and how to record on index card. • “We Do” – Turn to elbow partner and trade current index cards. Do your index cards follow the correct format? If not, fix the index cards. • “You Do” – Complete the rest of • your 12 index cards. Use your time wisely. Remember you will receive grades for “process” as well as “product”.

  13. “What goes on the index cards, Mister?” Today’s objective:I will skim and select relevant information by using titles, subtitles, and other text features to record information on appropriate organizers (1f, 5c)

  14. Tuesday, March 23 Today’s objective:I will analyze information from a variety of texts to formulate conclusionsby summarizing and synthesizing information about a topic using note cards (5c). Today’s agenda: Construct a “should” or “should not” statement “I Do” – Teacher demonstrates how to group the cards into common themes to reveal what main points may emerge “We Do” – Together, the class groups a sample pile “You Do” – Student analyzes his/her own pile of cards 5. Use the handout to plot main points for a draft of position statement

  15. SHOULD? SHOULD NOT? Your Position • Examples: • Schools should require students to pass exit exams for students to graduate. • The United States should not continue to invade other countries. • The state of Colorado should build more prisons for lawbreakers.

  16. SHOULD? What main points seem to emerge as you skim/scan your 12 cards? SHOULD NOT? Your Position • Examples: • Schools should require students to pass exit exams for students to graduate. • Because the business world is claiming their newest workers are unprepared • Because other countries with whom we compete globally require their students to do so • The United States should not continue to invade other countries. • Because many citizens of foreign countries do not want us there • Because we have problems to solve on our own soil • The state of Colorado should build more prisons for lawbreakers. • Because …

  17. SHOULD? What opposing viewpoint emerges as you skim/scan your 12 cards? SHOULD NOT? Your Position • Examples: • Schools should require students to pass exit exams for students to graduate. • Students already take the ACT and/or SAT to get into college • The United States should not continue to invade other countries. • The United States is helping to form independent, democratic nations. • The state of Colorado should build more prisons for lawbreakers. • Because …

  18. Position Statements-On your own copy, underline 2 main points and circle the one opposing viewpoint the writer will use. 1. Though some claim that schools are being asked to raise people’s children, the American Educational System should be reformed by financing inner city schools and their communities and improving curriculum. 2. Professional sports players should be able to use performance-enhancing drugs, because, although players are seen by many as role models, these sports players are adults who can make decisions about their bodies and fans would be entertained by the players’ record-breaking performances.

  19. Wednesday, March 24 Today’s objective: I will choose articles for my research and explain their relevance by using the recorded information on my cards to justify this selection (5b, 5d, 5e). Today’s agenda: 1. Select three articles you will print to support your FIRST MAIN POINT

  20. Thursday, March 25 Today’s objective:I will continue to choose articles for my research and explain their relevance by using the recorded information on my cards to justify this selection (5b, 5d, 5e). Today’s agenda: 1. Select three articles you will print to support your SECOND MAIN POINT

  21. Friday, March 26 Today’s objective: I will choose articles for the opposing viewpoint and explain their relevance by using the recorded information on my cards to justify this selection (5b, 5d, 5e). Today’s agenda: 1. Select three articles you will print to explain the OPPOSING VIEWPOINT

  22. Monday, March 29 Today’s objective: Today’s agenda: *Go over rubric

  23. Tuesday, March 30 Today’s objective: Today’s agenda:

  24. Be clear with your words. • Even though homelessness is bad since of scam artists, federal services should assemble programs in need of limiting homelessness. • Schools should provide suicidal resources for teenagers because many teenagers are unaware that there is help. • There are many suicidal teens out there that are unaware of the consequences of suicide.

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