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Solution to Current Border Crisis is to Return and Reunite

Solution to Current Border Crisis is to Return and Reunite. A strong majority of respondents believe that sending these children back to their home countries will convince parents to stop sending their children to the U.S. border. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14.

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Solution to Current Border Crisis is to Return and Reunite

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  1. Solution to Current Border Crisis is to Return and Reunite A strong majority of respondents believe that sending these children back to their home countries will convince parents to stop sending their children to the U.S. border. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  2. Cooperation Sought on Immigration Independents & Moderates Reject Executive “Action” Liberals are alone in supporting Obama as Lone Ranger. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  3. Majority Say Encourage Return to Home Countries by Tightening Access to Jobs & Welfare Hispanics disagree but opposition is weak. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  4. Immigration Generally Now Seen Through the Lens of the Current Children-at-the-Border Crisis: Just 20% Prefer Amnesty Unpopular at each level of concern, whether immigration is a voter’s most important issue or not in top 10. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  5. In Competition for Jobs, Voters Prefer Americans Over Additional Immigrants, Legal or Illegal As the economy creates new jobs, who should get preference: U.S.-born workers and legal immigrants already in the country, OR additional immigrants who would come to the United States (SPLIT SAMPLED) legally? n=522 77% U.S.-BORN WORKERS AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS ALREADY IN THE COUNTRY 4% ADDITIONAL IMMIGRANTS WHO WOULD COME TO THE UNITED STATES LEGALLY 17% DO NOT KNOW/CANNOT JUDGE (VOL.) 2% REFUSED (VOL.) As the economy creates new jobs, who should get preference: U.S.-born workers and legal immigrants already in the country, OR additional immigrants who would come to the United States (SPLIT SAMPLED) illegally? n=479 89% U.S.-BORN WORKERS AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS ALREADY IN THE COUNTRY 1% ADDITIONAL IMMIGRANTS WHO WOULD COME TO THE UNITED STATES ILLEGALLY 7% DO NOT KNOW/CANNOT JUDGE (VOL.) 2% REFUSED (VOL.) Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  6. Majority Support Populist Three-Prong Approach to Border Surge Although a gender gap exists, majorities of both men and women support these policies. Majorities of all political parties agree. This includes 2-1 support in regards to intensity (34% strongly support/18% strongly oppose). Support for these policies also increase with income. Nationwide Survey: 1,008 Adults 8/7-10/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  7. Outside Polls Confirm Findings • Fox News poll: Obama Approval 42% approve/52% disapprove • Immigration: 34% approve/58% disapprove • Handling of children on the border: 31% Approve/56% Disapprove • The economy: 40% approve/57% disapprove • Obama honest and trustworthy: 48% Yes/50% No • WSJ/NBC News Poll: Obama Approval 40% approve/54% disapprove • Worst measure for handling an issue: Illegal children on the border: 11% satisfied/64% dissatisfied. • 51% of Americans say illegal children on the border should be sent home because the U.S. does not have the resources to deal with them. 43% say some immigrants should stay. FoxNews Poll: 7/20-22/14 1,057 RVs WSJ/NBC Poll: 7/30-8/3/14 1,000 Adults Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  8. KEY FINDINGS • Immigration is front and center now, and people expect leaders to respond, not just react. Take your case directly to them. They are listening. • Americans want businesses to be held accountable on immigration practices: e-Verify is not enough; more serious and more fair hiring policy and job training for U.S. workers are popular. • Keep the focus on what you can be for – policies that protect unemployed and low-income American workers from competition with immigrants for jobs, compassion but common sense at the border, encouraging repatriation and poking businesses to hire Americans in need of work. • Fact and figures that inform and remind people of the literal costs of illegal immigration, from increased taxes to decreased economic opportunities subsume the heartstrings impulses. Emotional appeals are fine, but economic data should carry the day. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  9. KEY FINDINGS • “Fairness” is a core governing value in this country, having replaced “equality” on a number of issues. On immigration, fairness should apply to everyone in the equation, not just the immigrants. What is fair to the economy? To blue-collar workers? Are employers doing all they can to be fair to Americans looking for an honest day’s wages for an honest day’s work? • The children-at-the-border-crisis has brought into sharp relief public opinion about immigration. Out of sight, out of mind is over. • There is strong consensus on many populist immigration policies that should find new audiences: • Strengthen enforcement of current immigration laws. • Tighten access or eliminate public benefits to illegal immigrants – at least adults – and improve enforcement of employment laws. • Limit chain immigration for legal immigrants to immediate nuclear family (spouse and minor children). • Encourage/require businesses to hire American citizens and legal immigrants already here first, offering training as necessary – especially in low or minimal skilled jobs. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  10. KEY FINDINGS • Policies that encourage illegal immigrants to return home by not allowing them to hold a job or receive public benefits receives high agreement. Conservatives and Republicans can “own” this issue by focusing on these common sense solutions. • Turning on its head the cynical meme that immigrants do the jobs Americans won’t do would be a public relations coup. The idea that Americans should do – an should be preferred in trying to do – the jobs currently held by immigrants – enjoys broad public support. Five and a half weeks of children at the border, and five and a half years of the Obama economy has crystallized public sentiment. Leverage that. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  11. KEY FINDINGS • The time appears ripe for a national immigration conversation. There is a new open-mindedness to populist approaches, regardless of partisan or ideological preferences. • 75% want more enforcement of current immigration laws, including 63% of Hispanics and over 50% of Democrats • A full 18%, and across racial lines, name immigration as the most important issue to their vote and another 39% put it among the top three. • While President Obama is underwater in his job approval (57%-40%), an even greater margin (two-thirds) of Americans disapprove of his handling of immigration. This includes one of his key constituencies, Hispanics, who disapprove of his job performance on immigration by 55% to 39%. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  12. KEY FINDINGS • Neither Republicans or Democrats are viewed as doing a good job on immigration, a product of the parties’ lack of coherent immigration message. That also means that neither party currently “owns” the issue. The current combination of children-at-the-border-crisis and an increasingly weakened President Obama is awakening a sleeping giant on an issue long eclipsed by the economy and healthcare. • Those pessimistic about the U.S. employment outlook or have lower annual household incomes are more resistant to immigration and also more conservative in their approach to policies dealing with illegal immigrants. • Likely voters are more inclined to believe that immigrants take jobs from Americans rather than create jobs, and nearly 9 out of 10 believe that U.S.-born workers and legal immigrants already here should get first preference for jobs. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  13. KEY FINDINGS • Over two-thirds of likely voters agree that we should limit access to illegal jobs and welfare benefits to encourage illegal immigrants to return to their home countries - including 64% of union members. Hispanics were split: 48% support and 46% of them oppose this solution. • Tolerance for adult foreign citizens who overstay their visas is almost nil – just under 80% of all respondents say they should not be allowed to stay. • There was strong agreement, including among all ideological and political party identifications, that chain migration needs to be limited to only spouses and minor children of legal immigrants. Even half of those who say we enforce our immigration laws “too much” agree that this policy should be limited. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  14. Immigration is an Issue Unto Itself AND as Part of Overall Economic Message • Messaging on debt, unemployment, Obama and Obamacare will not be enough come November. This is not 2010. And that did not work everywhere in 2012. “Economy” means different things to voters (affordability, security) & immigration is viewed as part of the overall economic equation. • 50% believe it’s unfair that we bring in one million immigrants who can look for jobs while millions of Americans are having trouble finding work • Pessimism persists: 45% plurality believe that the unemployment situation will get worse in the next few years • 77% believe U.S. born workers and legal immigrants already in the country should be given preference for hiring and training over new legal immigrants (89% agree over illegal immigrants). • 58% agree that there are plenty of Americans to do construction and service industry jobs, with no need for increased immigration to fill them. • 80% believe businesses should be required to recruit and train more American workers from groups with high unemployment levels. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  15. A Million Man March of Immigrants Annually Hardens Opinion among those already Concerned with Immigration Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  16. Libs/Dems Agree: U.S. Workers should be priority even over new legal immigrants Those in the Northeast want Americans to be the priority over the general population (86%-77%), while those making less than $40k agree. Nearly one quarter of those 18-34 are unsure of who should be the priority. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  17. Consensus: Businesses Should Recruit and Train the Chronically Unemployed Respondents overwhelmingly agree that businesses should be required to try harder to recruit and train more American workers from groups with the highest unemployment levels, rather than allowing them to bring in more immigrant workers. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  18. Higher Pay Rates, Not Immigration Rates Three quarters of respondents believe that businesses should attract workers through higher wages, not recruiting from the immigration lines. This also represents an opportunity for a positive populist message that demonstrates a market-based solution to immigration and to raise workers’ pay apart from the minimum wage. Nationwide Survey: 1,008 adults 8/7-10/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  19. Two-thirds Favor Limited Chain Migration over Extended Family Tree Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  20. Gov’t Looks the Other Way on Immigration Enforcement; Voters Do Not Three quarters of respondents want more enforcement of immigration laws in the United States, not buying the narrative of Obama’s high number of deportations. This includes 63% of Hispanics, 53% of liberals, 57% of Obama 2012 voters. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  21. Hispanics Agree: Americans Should Compete for the Jobs Illegals are Doing Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  22. Critics of Rigid Immigration Enforcement Agree: Unemployed Should Compete for Jobs Now Held by Illegals Even those wanting to give illegals citizenship, and those who think we enforce immigration laws “too much” believe that these jobs should go to American workers. Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

  23. Americans don't think visa overstays should remain; those here illegally should return home, and if they want, get in line. “As you know, there are many different ways in which illegal immigrants come to this country. I am going to read you a few different situation. For each, please tell me whether you think that group should or should not be allowed lifetime work permits and legal status in the United States.” Nationwide Survey: 1,001 LVs 7/16-20/14 Kellyanne ConwayAugust, 14 2014

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