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Sinead Higgins

Sinead Higgins. National Federation of Group Water Schemes. Introduction. NFGWS Background DBO and Bundling Update on Bundles Rainwater Harvesting Project Source Protection Project. National Federation of GWS. Representative and negotiating body for Group Water Schemes Set up in 1997/98

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Sinead Higgins

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  1. Sinead Higgins National Federation of Group Water Schemes

  2. Introduction • NFGWS • Background • DBO and Bundling • Update on Bundles • Rainwater Harvesting Project • Source Protection Project

  3. National Federation of GWS • Representative and negotiating body for Group Water Schemes • Set up in 1997/98 • Direct input into the development and implementation of the Rural Water Programme • Successful in negotiating increased capital and operational grant aid for the rural water sector • Network of staff available to assist individual Group Water Schemes • Involved in the training of GWS operators and boards of directors • ‘Voice’ for GWS at local and national level..

  4. NFGWS • Board of Management • Co Federations • Offices – Monaghan, Tuam, Tullamore and Kiltimagh • Staff – 10 • Advice and assistance to ALL GWS • www.nfgws.ie • Rural Water News – Quarterly publication

  5. Background • Rural Water Programme • Find solutions to water quality problems on GWS • National Rural Water Monitoring Cttee • Local Rural Water Monitoring Cttee • Preparation of strategic plan • ‘Partnership’ – DoEHLG, LAs, NFGWS, GWS and other rural organisations • Regular meetings and agreement on work programme during the year • Financial update on priority GWS – ESSENTIAL!

  6. Legislation • Water Services Bill • Group Water Schemes will require a licence • Quality Drinking Water • Quality Management • Quality Customer Service • LAs will be obliged to take action on GWS failing to provide quality drinking water • Long term and sustainable solutions necessary for all GWS under remit of Drinking Water Directive

  7. Long Term Solutions • Connection to Public Water Supply • Takeover by Local Authority • Installation of treatment by means of • Design Build and Operate (DBO) – stand alone • DBO – amalgamation • Disinfection (??) • Solutions determined by • Cost • Engineering principles • Timescale • Solutions implemented at the very earliest possible date!!

  8. DBO and Bundling

  9. Design Build and Operate • Contractor engaged to • Design the solution (treatment plant) • Build the treatment plant • Operate and Maintain (O&M) the treatment plant for 20 years Bundling • A number of treatment plant solutions tendered as part of one contract – separate contracts for O&M Phase • Economy of scale • Larger, established contractors • Better value for money • National policy

  10. DBO Route • GWS sign up to DBO and bundle formed • Clients Rep prepares report on each GWS • Quality of water • Design demand in 2025 • UFW • Yield of Source • Possible solutions • Site investigation and acquisition • Advance works contracts • Reservoirs, access roads, metering, critical mains replacement etc • Procurement of DBO Contractor • Contractor appointed to build plants • Plants commissioned – O&M Phase commences..

  11. DBO Bundles to date

  12. DBO Bundles to date

  13. Costs of DBO *Subsidy of €196 payable per domestic connection

  14. Keeping foot on pedal… • Monthly DBO steering groups • Technical cttee meetings in advance • Resolve important issues and stumbling blocks!!! • Effective communication between partners to deal with issues • Ongoing consultation with GWS • Communication with GWS members • Newsletters for cttees • Feature in local papers, Co Mayo • Delivery of ESB on schedule • Leakage Control Strategies implemented • Rationalisation of neighbouring GWS – to ensure sustainability

  15. Leakage Strategies • Leakage Control Infrastructure • Metering of all connections • Bulk meters • Telemetry • PRVs • ‘On the Ground’ Support from LA / Clients Rep • Eg Rinn Killeeneen GWS, Co Galway • 12 Km of pipework, divided into 7 sections by Ryan Hanley • UFW • 13% ie 19m3 on distribution network AND • 87% on consumer side • Training course developed - WSNTG

  16. Rationalisation of GWS • Key to survival of many GWS • Spreading costs and sharing resources • Small GWS especially in the West • Mayo DBO 2 16 GWS 6 new entities • Galway DBO 2 35 GWS 11 new entities • eg 50% of GWS less than 50 houses….. Example • Co Galway - Cappataggle District Community GWS Co-op Ltd • 9 GWS amalgamated on 31 May 2006 • 8 sources abandoned • 4 Limited Co, 2 Co-ops and 4 Trusts dissolved • New co-op formed • Each GWS agrees to bring their network up to standard • Financial evaluation of resources to ensure equity

  17. Mayo DBO 2

  18. Galway DBO 2

  19. O&M Phase • Water audit of each GWS • Liaison person in every GWS • PMS training course • Liaison Monitoring Cttee • Regular meetings • Reports from Private Service Provider (PSP) • Address problems • Validation Office, Monaghan

  20. Ongoing Projects Under NRWMC

  21. Rainwater Harvesting • Dublin Institute of Technology acting as lead authority - Dr. Sean O Hogáin and 3 research students • Investigate options available to domestic/agricultural users to reduce water wastage and utilise other sources, other than mains water • Typical house – 80% of water used for toilet flushing, showering and clothes washing • Domestic Project – Ballinabranagh GWS, Co Carlow • Rainwater harvester installed for house • Water meters fitted on houses • Water conservation devices fitted • Agricultural Project – farm in Co Meath • rainwater from farm buildings will be collected, filtered and pumped to storage tanks

  22. Source Protection • NRWMC initiated National Pilot Project • Will impact on all privately sourced schemes and O&M volumetric charges • Churchill / Oram GWS, Co. Monaghan • National Centre for Freshwater Studies established at DKIT – Dr S Linnane and Dr B Brennan • 3 Postgraduate Students have been appointed • Detailed study of the Churchill/Oram catchment now under way • Widespread community involvement all stakeholders • Solutions will be replicated nationally

  23. Conclusions • Outstanding DBO Bundles • Get to tender at earliest date • Add ons to existing DBO Bundles • GWS on Annex 14 list • Keep pedal to the floor….. • Partnership approach • Draw down funding as time is running out.. • Issue of Finesfor Ireland Resurfacing !

  24. What is Partnership? • Partnership = Respect + Trust

  25. Thank you for your attention.. www.nfgws.ie sinead@nfgws.ie

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