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Dr. Ibrahimov outlines a strategy to build an Army with language & cultural skills for 21st-century operations. Training & development paths are linked, focusing on individual, unit, and career development.
Dr. Mahir J. Ibrahimov Senior CFL Advisor4 AUG 2011
Stage 1 Recruit – IMT Stage 4 Senior 17+ years Stage 2 Junior >IMT-7 years Stage 3 Mid-level 8-16 years Train/Ready Available Reset Army Culture and Foreign Language Strategy End-state: Build and sustain an Army with the right blend of language and cultural skills to facilitate Full-Spectrum Operations in the 21st Century. Individual and Unit Development are Linked Individual Development Career Development Path Pre-deployment Path Unit Development Dr. Ibrahimov
Dr. Ibrahimov Career DevelopmentCross-Cultural and Regional Competencies • Develop C&L standardized CORE lesson plans • Provide Core by cohort to IMT/Cadet Cmd/USMA/CoE/CGSC/AWC/SMA for integration into applicable POI • CoEs/Schools refine resource/curriculum requirements based on specific MOS integration • CFLMO provides QA/QC for integrated plans to ensure standardization/synchronization TCC DLI/FLC Civilian Cohort CoE Coverage Lesson Plans LDE Coverage Stage 1 (Recruit – End IMT) Stage 2 End of IMT -7th Year Stage 3 8th Year – 16th Year Stage 4 17th Year and Beyond Officer WO NCO Civilian BOLC CCC ILE SSC An understanding of cross-cultural competence, regional knowledge and some language proficiency to effectively operate in a JIIM environment with a level of competence necessary to serve at the company level A basic awareness of culture and language sufficient to operate in a JIIM environment and at a level of competence necessary to serve at the platoon level Sophisticated understanding and the ability to apply culture, language and regional expertise across JIIM environments at the strategic level Advanced understanding of culture, language and possession of regional expertise and the ability to apply it in a JIIM environment as staff officers Impact on attributes: Character Presence Intellect Impact on attributes: Character Presence Intellect Impact on attributes: Character Presence Intellect Impact on attributes: Character Presence Intellect WOBC WOAC WLC ALC SLC SMA AIT TBD
Dr. Ibrahimov Pre-deployment TrainingCountry and Mission Specific Knowledge • PDT requirements clearly delineated by DA/COCOM through DA EXORD and ALARACT • Requirements all Soldiers complete “Rapport” Program (online) • 1 Leader per platoon 0+0+ in appropriate language (ex. dari) • Language Options: DLI, LTD, HeadStart2 (online) • Currently implemented through Language Training Detachments (LTD)/Cultural Mobile Training Teams • Facilitate/Conduct cultural and language lesson plans at distributed locations TCC Cultural MTT/TTT DLI/FLC Language 0+0+ & Cultural Awareness DLI/FLC LTD Locations Provides: CFL Relevant & Ready Force Pool CFL Integrated Home Station Training
Dr. Ibrahimov BACKUPS
Learning Objectives Nested with ALDC/ALC 2015 Army Leader Development CHARACTER: Demonstrate interaction and cross-cultural communication skills in order to effectively engage and understand people and their environment. Assessment Training Experience Education Army Culture & Foreign Language Strategy Army Culture & Foreign Language Strategy FM 6-22 Leadership Expertise FM 3.0 Operations FM 5.0 The Operations Process FM 7.0 Training for FSO Training Experience Army Capstone Concept Capstone Concept for Joint Operations Attributes: Character Presence Intellect Advise Attributes: Character Presence Intellect Understanding Apply INTELLECT: Demonstrate a familiarization in a geographic region of current operational significance. Education Awareness PRESENCE: Demonstrate communication, influence and negotiation skills essential for leaders to effectively operate in a JIIM environment. Learn • Operational Factors: • Full-spectrum Operations • Adaptability • Decentralization • Mastering fundamentals • Culture and Language • Capitalizing on experience Dr. Ibrahimov
Dr. Ibrahimov 36 hours programmed Example of Captains Career Course (CCC) Learning Objective 1 (Character) Learning Objective 2 (Presence) Learning Objective 3 (Intellect) • Apply culturally relevant terms, factors, concepts and regional information in the development of mission plans and orders • Insurgency overview and theory (4 hours) [I] • Pattern and social network analysis and PE (8 hours) [I] • COIN IPB and planning (6 hours) [I] • Assess and describe the effect that culture has on military operations specific to countries or regions of operational significance to the US • SWOT analysis country brief (6 hours) [P] • Writing requirement: Analytical paper (3-5 pages) (approximately 10 hours of research) [R] • Analytical paper presentation / discussion (2 hours per section) [P] • CoE CFLP Lecture Series (2 hours) [P] • Professional reading program (one book from recommended reading list - optional) [PD] • Assess cultural perspectives and values different from one’s own; compare differences and sensitivities in order to modify one’s behavior, practices and language, and operate in a multi-cultural environment • Cross-cultural skills building (4 hours) [P] • Cultural influence and military operations (5 hours) [P] • ISD briefs “Know Your World” (2 hours) [P] • Apply cross-cultural communication skills • Army 360 Cultural Trainer (2 hours – self-paced) [R] • Develop communication skills that enable effective cross-cultural persuasion, negotiation, conflict resolution or influence • Local University media training (8 hours) [P] • Cross-cultural negotiations (4 hours) [P] • Apply communications skills during cross-cultural negotiations • Role-play exercises (2 hours)[P] • Key Leader Engagement exercise (1 hour) [P] • Develop confidence in learning and applying language skills • Introduction to a language through Rosetta Stone software (4 hours minimum – self paced) [R] • Additional language training (optional) [PD] • Total: 70 hours • Programmed [P] – 36 hours • Reinforced / Integrated [R/I] – 34 hours • Professional Development [PD] – optional
Resource Examples Online Lesson Plans Websites Resource Centers Training Packages Dr. Ibrahimov