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sebuah presentasi pelajaran untuk siswa kelas 4 SD.
LESSON 2 DRAW TWO BIG EYES UNIT 4BODY AND FACE START Penyaji: Ni Made Sumawati [08_2905] JurusanPendidikanBahasaInggris FakultasKeguruandanIlmuPendidikan UniversitasMahasaraswatiDenpasar Tahun 2011
? THE ITEM a. Listen and Say b. Look and Listen c. Listen and Draw d. Look and practice c. Listen and Chant
? Listen and Say (mendengarkandanmengucapkan) • Instruction: Listen to your teacher and repeat it after him/her! • (dengarkan guru membacasebuahkalimat yang kemudianharusdiucapkanulang) Conversation: X : Let’s draw a face. Y : Ok. X : Draw two big eyes. Y : Pardon? X : Two big eyes. Y : Two big eyes. Ok. BACK NEXT
? Look and Listen(melihatdanmendengarkan) Face Hair Eyes BACK Ears Nose NEXT Lips
? Listen and Draw(mendengarkandanmenggambar) Instruction: • Listen to your teacher and then draw what your teacher has been said! • Dengarkankata yang diucapkanoleh guru dankemudiangambarkankatatersebut! A round face Two big eyes A pointed nose Short hair Two ears An oval face Two small eyes A flat nose Long hair Two ears BACK NEXT
Look and Practice(melihatdanmemperagakan) ? Instruction: • Look at the conversation then practice it with your friend in front of class. • Perhatikanpercakapan yang disediakankemudianperagakanpercakapantersebutdidepankelas. Conversation. Dedi : let’s draw an oval face. Anto : Ok. Dedi : Can you give me the red pen, please? Anto : Sure. Here you are. BACK NEXT
? Listen and Chant(mendengarkandannyanyikan) Two eyes, two eyes one, two Two ears, two ears One, two Two arms, two arms One, two Two hands, two hands One, two Two legs, two legs One, two Two feet, two feet One, two Fingers, toes One mouth, one nose Instruction: Let’s sing it together! (bernyanyibersama-sama) BACK NEXT