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Applied curricula in space exploration and intelligent robotic systems. The university has implemented the following activities (+ short description of their deliverables) according to the work plan:. WP1 Preparation:. Organizing a work group; Writing and approving an internal project plan;
Applied curricula in space exploration and intelligent robotic systems
The university has implemented the following activities (+ short description of their deliverables) according to the work plan: WP1 Preparation: • Organizing a work group; • Writing and approving an internal project plan; • Preparing a list of current disciplines relevant to the project with detailed information about them; • Preparing a questionnaire in order to analyze the state of the relevant to the project current disciplines; • Preparing a questionnaire for young professionals/graduates to figure out what competences were especially useful; • Preparing a questionnaire for employers, who are relevant to graduates of the University, to clarify the requirements of skills/competences of graduates; • Writing an analytical reports on results of analysis of the current courses; • Preparing a list of the current courses the university plans to upgrade; • Develop the schedule for updates of the current curricula; • Upgrading current courses; • Preparing a report of update of current curricula; • Developing a description of each updated curriculum in English and national languages including the ECTS points in accordance with the Bologna recommendations; • Accrediting the updated disciplines in accordance with valid University rules. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
WP2 Development: • Preparing a list of new curricula to be adapted at the university; • Studying new curricula descriptions and training materials from EU universities; • Developing new modules at the PC university using new curricula descriptions and training materials from EU universities; • Accrediting of developed modules in accordance with valid University rules; • Accrediting of developed modules at the national level; • Developing and publishing the new tutorials, handbooks, syllabi; • Purchasing new tutorials, handbooks, syllabi; • Uploading teaching material to electronic educational platform of the university; • Preparing organizational documentation for ROBOLAB, among which: a layout of the rooms for the purchased equipment; • Preparing a list of equipment for ROBOLAB; • Preparing and updating of timetable of practical works at ROBOLAB; • Participating in English language courses; • Preparation of criteria for the selection of teachers to participate in trainings at EU universities; • Participating in training at EU universities; • Developing a joint web-based platform in the university with teaching materials, useful information; • Preparing a schedule of trainings for teachers/mentors about new curricula and methodology (the next years); • Preparing a schedule of pilot teaching of students of new curricula/courses/modules; • Participating in teacher training of new curricula and methodology. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Creating a quality group responsible for the quality level of each new or modernized modules in the target field; • Preparing a schedule of quality group’s meetings; • Developing quality indicators to assess quality level of each new or modernized modules in the target field; • Finding potential peer reviewers (organizations or persons) to conduct a peer review of new/modernized modules/courses/curricula; • Developing a peer review questionnaire; • Conducting peer review and analyzing results, assessing quality level of each new or modernized curricula/courses/modules in the target field. WP3 Quality Control: L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Developing a questionnaire for University students/graduates/undergraduates concerning the level of awareness about the APPLE project among them; • Planning a schedule of dissemination events at the university; • Preparing presentations for dissemination events; • Preparing minutes of meeting/press releases of dissemination events; • Searching universities and non academic partners and organizations outside the project who can be interested in the project results; • Signing an APPLE plus agreement with universities and non academic partners and organizations outside the project who can be interested in the project results; • Preparation of publications for a local newspaper, magazine, or other mass media; • Blogging in the Internet: posting on Facebook and other social media about the project events and activities; • Preparing and publishing brochures/leaflets about the project output; • Preparing organizational documents for the TETRO creation in University: regulations of structural division and job descriptions; • Developing working schedule of TETRO office; • Developing a business model of TETRO office; • Conducting refreshing courses for graduates. WP4 Dissemination: L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Developing a questionnaire for University students/graduates/undergraduates concerning the level of awareness about the APPLE project among them; • Planning a schedule of dissemination events at the university; • Preparing presentations for dissemination events; • Preparing minutes of meeting/press releases of dissemination events; • Searching universities and non academic partners and organizations outside the project who can be interested in the project results; • Signing an APPLE plus agreement with universities and non academic partners and organizations outside the project who can be interested in the project results; • Preparation of publications for a local newspaper, magazine, or other mass media; • Blogging in the Internet: posting on Facebook and other social media about the project events and activities; • Preparing and publishing brochures/leaflets about the project output; • Preparing organizational documents for the TETRO creation in University: regulations of structural division and job descriptions; • Developing working schedule of TETRO office; • Developing a business model of TETRO office; • Conducting refreshing courses for graduates. WP4 Dissemination: L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
WP5 Management: • Organizing coordination meeting: Preparing a schedule of coordination meetings Preparing minutes of coordination meetings; • Daily project coordination and control. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
As a result of each implemented project activities in accordance with the "Work plan", the following positive changes have been achieved in our university. Developed their own internal plan of activities to achieve the project objectives (based on the project work plan). Defined the working group of the project (minimum 5 people) and assigned responsible people for each implementation of the work package. We made a list of the departments of the university involved in the project. Develop criteria for selecting teachers for internships at European universities compiled a list of events and presentations for the dissemination of information about the project, publications in local or national media, including Internet information and social networks. Have drawn up your own plan for dissemination and sustainability of the project based on the "APPLE Distribution and Sustainability Strategy" project. Developed the Office of Services for Applied Space Technologies and Intelligent Robotic Systems "Applied curricula in space exploration and intelligent robotic systems" (TETRO). TETRO conducts works related to the profound development of materials created within the framework of the project and the updating of the contents of the disciplines in the field of applied space technologies and intelligent robotic systems in accordance with the latest achievements in the target area. The activities of TETRO are carried out in cooperation with other services and structural divisions of the university, and also within its competence - with third-party organizations. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
UPDATED COURSES ∑(Total number of updated courses) =4 ∑(Total number of ECTS) =12 L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
NEW COURSES ∑(Total number of new courses) = 6 ∑(Total number of ECTS) = 18 L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
ACCREDITATION PROCESS • Our university have valid IAAR accreditation certificates for programmes “Space equipment (engineering) and technologies”, (master degrees) from 2017 until 2022 , also every year these specialities have been accreditate by the national agencies IAAR (Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating). • The update tasks (what percentage of the courses is updated): 80 % • The recognition/accreditation tasks: 40 % • The percentage of courses already implemented/delivered to the target group(s): 70 % • The development tasks (what percentage of the courses are ready): 85 % • The recognition/accreditation tasks: 25 % • The percentage of courses already implemented/delivered to the target group(s): 75 % L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
ACCREDITATION PROCESS Include a scan of accreditation documents (for example, minutes of the chair meeting concerning the approval of the launch of the pilot teaching) L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TEXT BOOKS (MANUALS, COURSE LITERATURE) L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TEXT BOOKS (MANUALS, COURSE LITERATURE) L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TEACHER SELECTION CRITERIA In the European universities for the internship in the APPLE project "Applications in the exploration of outer space and intelligent robotic systems" lasting from three to five weeks, the teachers of the department of "Space technology and technology" are selected. The main objectives of the internship are to provide interns with practical knowledge in the universities of the European Commission, to give them the opportunity to acquire personal experience in research work during their daily work. Candidates for internships in EU countries should be fluent in at least one of the working languages of the European Commission. A set of trainees is carried out in accordance with the curriculum in the field of CT and robotics and the Agreement on Cooperation between Universities. Requirements for the selection of candidates for the internship: • have a master's degree and above; • at present work at the department of "Space technology and technology"; • not to participate in internships of other institutions of the European Union; • Very good command of English, French or German. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TRAININGS IN EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES From 20 to 22 March, the European Commission ERASMUS + conference was held on the basis of the Berlin Technical University on the project "Applied programs in the field of space research and intelligent robotic systems / APPLE". On behalf of LN Gumilev ENU participated: the project coordinator from ENU professor of the department "Space technology and technology" Kerimbai NN. and the head of the department, Professor Yergaliev DS. At the conference NN Kerimbai made a presentation on the topic: "Applied training program on space exploration and intelligent robotic systems". L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TRAININGS IN EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TRAININGS IN EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TRAININGS IN EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES From January 21 to 29, 2018, the University of Thomas More in Belgium hosted an internship on "Development of Spatial Systems" within the framework of the international project "Apple". In the program of professional development of teachers the best professors from the Belgian University lectured and conducted laboratory experiments. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TRAININGS IN EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
SHARING OF KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED DURING TRAINING IN EU UNIVERSITIES In the program of professional development of teachers the best professors from the Belgian University lectured and conducted laboratory experiments. In particular, with PCP (Printed Circuit Board) software, which meets the most stringent requirements in modern industrial situations, with the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) program, which includes a set of microcircuits for familiarization with the automated design of cartridges and creation of digital integrated circuits laboratory works. For example, a laboratory for printing particle boards, a laboratory for detecting particles based on a 3D printer, an experimental laboratory for testing thermal vacuum and space vehicles, and so on. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
ROBOLAB and equipment L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TETRO Office The main purpose of TETRO is the use of an information technology laboratory and intelligent robotic systems in the framework of training bachelors and masters, as well as engineering. To this end, TETRO carries out:• Analysis of the requirements of companies for graduates.• Analysis of possible services, shares for partner companies, using TETRO.• Organization of information dissemination within the university and friendly organizations• Organization of familiarization seminars with participation of students with presentation of potential capabilities of laboratories• Organization of short-term refresher courses for students / teachers.• Organization of monitoring of research projects of students and working groups potentially interested in using TETRO. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
TETRO Office L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
DISSEMINATION EVENTS L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
DISSEMINATION EVENTS L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
DISSEMINATION MATERIAL L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
DISSEMINATION MATERIAL L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT IN THE INTERNET 1. https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=%D0%9D%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0%BD%20%D0%9A%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%B9%20%20APPLE%20 2. http://apple.erasmus.plus/project-management-board/ L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
INDUSTRIAL PARTNERS • Agreement on cooperation with J SC Kazakhstan GaryshSapary • Agreement on cooperation with J SC Galam • Agreement on cooperation with the Republican Center for Space Communications • Agreement on cooperation with the National Nuclear Institute • The agreement on cooperation with JSC National Center for Space Research and Technology L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
CHANGES IN THE COUNTRY • The State Program "Digital Kazakhstan" was approved by the Resolution of the Government of Kazakhstan No. 827 of December 12, 2017 with special emphasis on the space and robotics industries. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Contact information of the reporter NurzhanKerimbay,Professor of Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov geoknn64@mail.ru +7-701-718-34-62 L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Project Team Kerimbay N.N. - Professor of Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov; Ergaliev D.C. - of Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov; GiniyatovaSh.G. – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology for Research; Ibildaev B.K. - Professor of Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov; Ashurov A.E. – docent of Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov; Kerimbay B.S. – Senior Lecturerof Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov; Bazarbek A. - teacherof Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov; Zhubaniyazova K.K. - teacherof Department Space engineering and technology Eurasian National University by L.N. Gumilyov. L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Thank you for attention! L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University