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Morrison Academy

Morrison Academy. 馬禮遜美國學校 1997-2003 MAK 2003-2007 MCA. Introduction 自我介紹. 10 years in Morrison system 6 years at MAK 4 years at MCA 十年在馬禮遜系統 六年在高雄,四年在台中。 Now attending Mass. Inst. Of Tech. (MIT) at Cambridge, MA - 2nd year 目前就讀麻省理工學院二年級. MAK.

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Morrison Academy

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  1. Morrison Academy 馬禮遜美國學校 1997-2003 MAK 2003-2007 MCA

  2. Introduction 自我介紹 • 10 years in Morrison system6 years at MAK 4 years at MCA十年在馬禮遜系統六年在高雄,四年在台中。 • Now attending Mass. Inst. Of Tech. (MIT) at Cambridge, MA - 2nd year目前就讀麻省理工學院二年級

  3. MAK • 3 years in Da-Hwa Campus (3rd-5th)3 years in New Campus (6th-8th)三年在大華(鳥松)校園(三至五年級)三年在大社(現今)校園(六至八年級) • Back then at Da-Hwa, MAK was a very small school ~120 studentsWhen I left MAK, it was around ~180 students在大華時,學生很少,僅120位左右。離開大社時,約增加至180位。

  4. MAK Teachers 懷念的老師 • I was fortunate to have memorable teachers at MAK我很榮幸的接觸到許多悉心教導我的老師。 • Mrs. Laurie Smith (4th Grade)Ms. Rachel Ward (5th Grade)Mr. Jim Multra (7th-8th Humanities)Mr. + Mrs. Choi (6th-8th Math)Mr. Dan Minnich (6th-7th Science)

  5. MCA • I left MAK at the end of eighth grade to go to MCA for high school我讀完八年級以後就轉到MCA繼續讀高中。 • I applied to TAS and was accepted at the same time.我當時也有申請TAS,並同時間收到入學許可。 • At mother’s insistence, I attended MCA.受到母親的影響,我決定去讀MCA。 (Reasons discussed later…原因請見以後)

  6. MCA Campus 校園

  7. MCA Campus 校園

  8. MCA Campus 校園

  9. Freshman Year 九年級 • Doc Anstine - Biology I instructorSpecimen collecting trips to mountainsDoc Anstine 是我的九年級生物教師,常常帶領我們到惠蓀農場收集標本。 • Mr. Doug Taylor - Algebra 2 instructorSparked my interest in mathematicsMr. Taylor 是我的代數二教師,培養我未來對數學濃厚的興趣。 • Started participating in Track and Field.參加田徑隊,專跑長距離。

  10. Sophomore Year 十年級 • Took AP Calculus as school exception - Mr. Taylor 透過Mr. Taylor的幫助,我成為MCA第一個十年級讀微積分的學生。 • Mr. Gulliver - Chemistry and Physics - laid down excellent science foundationMr. Gulliver 是我的化學與物理導師,為我打下未來的良好理化基礎。 • Went to Okinawa with Track Team, started doing student government, yearbook我和田徑隊到沖繩比賽,開始參加學校紀念冊編輯小組,班級幹部。

  11. Junior Year 十一年級 • AP Courses - US History, ChemistryMr. Jim Chandler - USH - essay-writingAP Chem equivalent to MIT Intro Chem AP(大學先修課程)美國歷史,化學。Mr. Chandler 教導寫作技巧。Mr. Gulliver 的 AP化學課難度與MIT大一化學難度相當。 • Mission Trip - Manila, PhilippinesConstruction, evangelical work, not “tourism” trip Mission trip (宣教旅行)至馬尼拉。十四日間幫忙蓋了一間房子,也有到路上宣教。這並不是一般的學校旅遊。 • Certified lifeguard, continued student government, yearbook 十一年級時我也在學校通過救生員訓練,並繼續參與學校紀念冊編輯小組,班級幹部。

  12. Mission Trip 宣教旅行

  13. Mission Trip 宣教旅行

  14. Senior Year 十二年級 • AP Courses - English, BiologyMrs. Diane Chase - literary appreciation AP 英國文學,生物。Mrs. Chase 教導我如何欣賞,解析文學。(奠定良好英文文學基礎) • STUCO Vice President, Editor of 2007 Morrisonian, Model United Nation conferences, Mission Trip, Orchestra/Choir - very extracurricular heavy year高中全體學生會副會長,2007學校紀念冊總編。參加模擬聯合國會議,2007宣教旅行,交響樂團,合唱團。是參加許多活動的一年。

  15. Looking Back 大學入學 • MCA prepared me very well for college admissions. I applied to 15 schools and was admitted at 12. Some of those schools included Stanford, Columbia, Duke, Brown, Caltech, U Penn, and Berkeley. MCA的教育是我申請大學的一大關鍵。我一共申請了15所大學,並收到12張入學許可。其中包括史丹佛,哥倫比亞,杜克,布朗,加州理工,賓州,與柏克萊大學。 • I ultimately chose MIT, and it was worthy to note that no one from another American school got into MIT Regular Action (everyone else was from local Taiwanese schools) 去年,我是唯一台灣美國學校中MIT正取的學生。TAS/KAS 都沒有。(TAS候補有進一位)

  16. Morrison Education 教育優點 • Small classes (<25 any class at MCA)一堂課絕不超過25人 • Small/tight-knit community - not cutthroat - know every single individual in class - teachers are like friends能認識班上所有的同學,無惡性成績競爭,老師就像朋友一樣。 • Emphasis on moral education - “education of the heart” - not seen in other schools在其他學校沒有的人格教學。”心的教學”。

  17. Common Questions 常見憂慮 • Question 1 • “I’m not a Christian. Why do I have to learn about Christianity and take Bible classes at MCA?” • “我不是基督徒。為什麼我在MCA要上聖經課?”

  18. Question 1 • If you are not inclined to view Christianity as a religion, you can look at it like a philosophy or “moral education” 你可以不要把基督教單純看成一種宗教。基督教也可以是一種增進你待人接物的哲學。 • Chinese students have to learn from the philosophies of Confucius or Sun Yat Sen 以同一種原則,台灣學生也要研讀孔子或孫中山的哲學道理。 • Morrison never forces you to convert. Morrison 從不會強迫你信教。

  19. Question 2 • “But Morrison is so small! My child will not have as many opportunities as TAS/KAS/US high schools.” • “可是Morrison是那麼小的學校!我的小孩在Morrison的機會會比TAS/KAS/美國本土的高中少。”

  20. Question 2 • You really only have 24 hours in a day; what does having 20 AP courses mean? Are you really going to go and take every single AP course? 你一天也不過24個小時;如果一個學校有20個AP課程或眾多活動又怎麼樣呢?你有辦法全部都上完嗎?

  21. Question 2 • A small school doesn’t imply weakness. It merely yields more opportunities if you’re dedicated. I wouldn’t have done half the stuff I did at the same time if I was at TAS. • 一個小的學校並不代表機會缺乏。如果你是非常積極的學生,很有可能你的機會只是會更多而已。我今天如果去了TAS,我不可能在我十二年級當上那麼多的領導職位。

  22. Question 2 • If you are truly talented, opportunity is what you make of it. A successful person is never limited by his conditions - he finds other ways to overcome them. Cornfield student/AP’s • 我個人深信一個人的成就並不是受他的環境所限制的。MIT的玉米田學生,Morrison的AP

  23. Question 3 • “Morrison is uncompetitive.” • “Morrison 的競爭力很差。” In short, this is simply - and utterly - false. 簡單的說,這個概念完全錯誤。

  24. Question 3 • 97% graduates go on to college 97%畢業生直接就讀大學。 • Admission stats to top colleges: 2008 - BU Accelerated Med Program, UPenn, Berkeley, Rice 2007 - MIT, Cornell, Wellesley, Berkeley 2006 - Princeton, MIT, Duke, Cornell, Rice The Idea of “Sample Size” 用”樣本大小” 的概念來看大學入學

  25. Question 3 • The myth of TAS and Harvard TAS與哈佛大學的迷思 • Classic misinterpretation of “sample size” 標準的 “樣本大小” 誤解 TAS’ Class Size = MCA High School Size TAS 班級大小 = MCA 高中部大小

  26. Question 3 • Given TAS’ huge class size, it’s not supposed to be a surprise that they yield Harvard admits regularly (but they haven’t been able to do so in these couple of years). In relation, MCA is not underperforming. 以TAS非常大的班級大小考慮,有時有哈佛學生並不奇怪。但,並不代表MCA競爭力不足。 • Going to a more “competitive” school is never a guarantee of college acceptance. It’s individual merit, not how the school is! 進大學是看你個人的表現,不是你學校的表現。

  27. Question 4 • “Morrison’s academics and extracurriculars do not measure up.” • “Morrison 的教育與學生能參與的活動非常有限。”

  28. Question 4 • Quality of AP courses is high - on average, taking all 5 AP courses is challenging - you can self-study also MCA的AP課都是有一定的水準的。如果你覺得AP課不夠多,你也可以自己研讀。 • Mr. Gulliver’s AP Chemistry course is comparable to MIT’s Intro Chem Mr. Gulliver的AP化學難度與MIT大一化學難度相當。

  29. Question 4 - Morrison’s Quality - Morrison的水準 • My observations at MIT 我在MIT的觀察

  30. Question 4 • Morrison’s Extracurricular 課外活動 • High Quality Yearbook 紀念冊編輯 • High Caliber Sports 有競爭力的運動隊 Competes with military schools 軍隊學校 • Strong music program 多元的音樂活動 Musical/madrigals/orchestra 音樂劇等 • Other clubs/initiatives 其他的選擇

  31. Question 5 • “But I don’t want to sned my child to live in the dorms. What if the dorms are bad?” • “那,學校的宿舍如何呢?”

  32. Question 5 • Dorm parents that care 有愛心的dorm parents • Close-knit dorm life 有關懷心的環境 <20 per dorm 少於20人的宿舍 • Good transition to college life 開始適應大學生活 • Only 1 hour now by HSR 高鐵的便利

  33. Closing Comments 我的看法 • I feel the best thing that MCA left me with is a sense of moral purpose and rationale on life. • 我覺得我在MCA感受最深的是MCA會教你如何活著有意義,如何做一個有原則的人。 • It’s not about the academics. • 這不是讀書讀的好就能學會的。

  34. In College…在大學裡 • Public/private schools only teach you to be smarter 學校只教你如何讀書 • Some parents don’t care 有些家長也不教導小孩 • Leads to many problems 產生許多問題 Random sex, drug use, alcohol abuse, violence, poor stress management 不良性行為,毒品,酗酒,暴力,無法紓解壓力

  35. Continued… • This is a very common and serious problem. • 這是非常普通與嚴重的問題。 • Even at MIT! • 在MIT也是一樣。

  36. What Morrison Does… • In my personal opinion, MCA seeks to not just make you a more productive or “smarter” student, but also to be a socially responsible, moral individual, and (if you choose) a disciple of God. • 以我個人的看法,MCA不只是要把你培養成一個更聰明的學生,可是也要教你如何成為一個負責任,有原則,與(如果你要的話)親近神的學生。

  37. Continued… • Now that I’ve left Morrison, this had only been impressed more firmly in my mind. • 雖然我已經不是Morrison的學生,我離開後感觸更深。

  38. Thank you! Questions? 謝謝。歡迎提問。

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