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Results from an arable crop rotation study, Oak Park, 2000 - 2007

Results from an arable crop rotation study, Oak Park, 2000 - 2007. Study by J. G. Crowley, A. Mahon and E. Baldwin Presentation by: Dr. T. Kennedy, Dr. C. Merfield and A. Mahon. Objective:. Overall aim – to improve the yield and quality of organic arable crops in Ireland Others:

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Results from an arable crop rotation study, Oak Park, 2000 - 2007

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  1. Results from an arable crop rotation study, Oak Park, 2000 - 2007 Study by J. G. Crowley, A. Mahon and E. Baldwin Presentation by: Dr. T. Kennedy, Dr. C. Merfield and A. Mahon

  2. Objective: Overall aim – • to improve the yield and quality of organic arable crops in Ireland Others: • Base-line data, good agronomy practices, costs AND ………. • Conduct component trials within the existing rotation

  3. Organic Rotation study • Trial lay out • Results crop sequence • Summary and Conclusions • Future …………

  4. Spring Barley Start grass/clover W. Wheat High response Legume Replace N Potatoes Mineralise N Oats Low fertility 7 YEAR ROTATION Grass / CloverN + OM build-up2 Seasons

  5. Randomisation and Replication

  6. S barley Lupins W wheat Grass Clover Grass Clover S Oats Triticale Potatoes Lupins S barley Grass Clover Grass Clover W Oats Potatoes N M S barley Grass Clover W wheat Grass Clover W Oats Lupins Potatoes L K J I H G F E D C B A Q P O U T S R 2008 WOOD BOUNDARY WALL BOUNDARY WALL WOOD ROAD WAY ROAD WAY WOOD

  7. Crop Sequencing

  8. RESULTS…..

  9. Grass Clover ….

  10. Grass-clover mix 2000 - 2003

  11. Grass-clover mix 2004 - 2006

  12. Winter wheat…..

  13. Winter wheat – Yields t/ha

  14. Winter wheat Seeding rates – t/ha cv Soissons

  15. Spring wheat – t/ha, 2003

  16. Triticale cultivars – Yields t/ha, 2003

  17. POTATOES…..

  18. Potato yield, t/ha, and % grade, cm, by weight

  19. Potato yield, mean grade category

  20. Oats…..

  21. Grain yield, t/ha, Barra Oats

  22. Grain yield, t/ha, Barra and Jalna Oats, 2004, 2005 & 2006

  23. Grain yields, t/ha, Spring Oats 2007

  24. Lupins…..

  25. Lupin yields, t/ha, 2002 - 2007

  26. Lupin – seed rate yields, 2003 R2 = 0.99 R2 = 0.94

  27. Spring barley…..

  28. Barley yield, t/ha, 2003-2007

  29. Barley cultivar yields, t/ha, 2007 Oak Park & Cork, Galway and Wexford. Source: DAFF

  30. Barley cultivar yields, t/ha, 2007 Oak Park & Cork, Galway and Wexford. Source: DAFF

  31. Soil nutrients…..

  32. Soil nutrient analysis by year, mg kg-1

  33. Summary ----- Single rotation, 7-year cycle 2000 • Grass-clover sown in autumn – red clover • Winter wheat 5.9 t/ha, triticale 7.5 t/ha • Potatoes, 32.7 t/ha Tuber size - good • Winter oats 5.8 t/ha. Spring 4.6 t/ha. • Lupins 2.4 t/ha • Spring barley 4.5 t/ha • Cultivar evaluation -- Teagasc & DAFF

  34. Conclusions ----- • Winter wheat -- no major production problems. Good yields. • Potatoes – weeds ! Yield, Harvest early August. Suitability ! • Oats - yields good. Sow late-Oct / early-Nov. • Lupins Totally unsuited. • Spring barley. Should do better with lupins gone • Cultivars. Potato – blight and slug resistance. Cereals cultivars. • Nutrients No major decline or depletion. Monitor.

  35. Acknowledgements ----- DAFF Frank Ryan Herbert Wilson

  36. Results from an arable crop rotation study, Oak Park, 2000 - 2007 Study by J. G. Crowley, A. Mahon and E. Baldwin Data compiled by: Dr. T. Kennedy, Dr. C. Merfield and A. Mahon

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