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The Great War Ch 11 Sec 1. What were the long term causes of WWI?. M-Militarism A-Alliances I-Imperialism N -Nationalism. Causes of WWI. Nationalism -a devotion to the interests & cultures of one country. -Many feared Germany’s growing power in Europe. Imperialism
What were the long term causes of WWI? • M-Militarism • A-Alliances • I-Imperialism • N -Nationalism
Causes of WWI • Nationalism -a devotion to the interests & cultures of one country. -Many feared Germany’s growing power in Europe. • Imperialism -As Germany industrialized it competed with France & Britain for colonies. • Militarism -The development of armed forces & their use as a tool of diplomacy. -By 1890 the strongest nation on the European Continent was Germany.
The Alliance System The Allies (Triple Entente) -Britain, France & Russia. The Central Powers (The Triple Alliance) -Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy (Italy would move to the other side) & the Ottoman Empire. More Causes
The Central Powers Austria-Hungarian Empire Ottoman Empire German Empire
The Allied Nations Great Britain France Russian Empire
Germany • Competition among European powers caused tension. • Germany grows into an economic & military powerhouse. A. Britain felt threatened by Germany B. Germany felt that the other Euro powers did not give it the respect it deserved. C. Competition for more land brought the Euro powers close to war on several occasions.
Aggressive Nationalism • Nationalism was strong in both Germany & France. • Germany was proud of their military strength & industrial leadership. • France was still bitter about their loss in the Franco-Prussian war and wanted to recover their lost territory-the Alsace-Lorraine. • Russia was advocating a powerful form of nationalism known as Pan-Slavism-Russia felt it had a duty to lead & defend all Slavs including Serbia.
Fear of Rising Nationalism • Two old multinational empires feared rising nationalism: 1. Austria-Hungary-feared it might start rebellion among the many minority populations. 2. Ottoman Turkey-felt threatened by nearby newly formed nations (such as Serbia). • 1912 Several Balkan States took a large area of land from Turkish control-then they fought amongst themselves over the land.
The Powder Keg Ignites • B.G.-In 1914 Bosnia was under the control of A-H. It was also the home of many Serbs & Slavs. • Archduke Ferdinand was to visit Sarajevo (the capital of Bosnia) A. News of the royal visit angered Serbian Nationalists. B. The Black Hand Group (Unity or Death) took Action.
PK Cont’d • The Assassination A. The Archduke would ignore warnings & visit Sarajevo anyways. B. June 28, 1914 Archduke & his wife are shot & killed by Gavrilo Princip. The car the Archduke & Sophie -> were riding in.
The above is a picture of the wrong man being arrested for the murder of Archduke.
The Browning FN Model 1910: The Gun that Killed 8.5 million People
Chain Reaction Follows • Austria Strikes back-the gov’t in Vienna saw this as an opportunity to crush Serbia (despite Francis Joseph being reluctant to go to war). • In Berlin, Germany Kaiser Wilhelm II-he wrote to Francis Joseph & offered him a “blank check” (promise of unconditional support no matter what the cost) to take a firm stand against Serbia. • Austria sent Serbia an ultimatum-Serbia didn’t agree to all of it.
CR Cont’d • When Serbia refuses to meet all the demands-Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia- July 28, 1914
Germany Invades Belgium • By early August neither Italy or Britain had joined the war. • The Schlieffen Plan *Germany’s military strategy depended on speed-the plan was to avoid a 2-front war. *Germany needed to defeat France quickly-then they would turn around & fight Russia. *Germany invaded neutral Belgium to surprise attack France-this enraged Britain. *Britain declared war on Germany on August 4th.
Reactions to War • Before the breakout of the Great War countries were troubled with domestic issues (issues w/in their own countries). • The war created a new sense of Patriotism & gave countries temporary relief from these issues as they focused on the war. • British Diplomat, Edward Grey, was less positive “The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.”