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SIOUX. Great Plains. SIOUX. How did the homeland affect their way of life??. Why is storytelling important??. Very important way of communication “Forgotten Ear of Corn” – teaches not to waste and to take care of harvest

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  1. SIOUX Great Plains

  2. SIOUX How did the homeland affect their way of life?? Why is storytelling important?? Very important way of communication “Forgotten Ear of Corn” – teaches not to waste and to take care of harvest “Peace Pipe” – people are on two sides and when peace is achieved they need to smoke to seal the agreement • Hunting & fishing • some farming • Buffalo herds graze on the plain • Buffalo is main food resource • Nomadic live in tepees of buffalo hide

  3. SIOUX What was special about the culture of this group? War – fought to prove courage mostly Rarely did the warriors kill or destroy an enemies village. • Two types of society – 1) “Warrior” trained warriors, hunters, to police the community. 2) “Naca” tribal elders; elect 7-10 men to interpret and enforce the decisions of the Naca • Houses (tepees) belonged to the women of the tribe & they transported it.

  4. SIOUX How did trade affect the Native American group discussed in the book Give at least 3 examples of how this group adapted to their environment Introduction of horse increased the Sioux dominance from Canada to Mid-Nebraska; from Minnesota to Yellowstone Tepees made of posts & buffalo hide Set up & take down in under an hour Allows for the tribe to move quickly – follow herds • Traded furs with French in 17th century. • Trade with neighbor tribes influenced the Sioux way of life – 1) use of earth lodge and 2) bullboat • Traded buffalo furs and meat for corn

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