This figure represents one proposed possible structure for Earth Sciences at UNESCO that was under discussion during the 10 Feb Working Group and modified during the 23 May and 2 July Working Groups on Geoparks. Bodies in green already exist, although the proposed Geoparks Council is currently called the GGN Bureau and exists outside of UNESCO, those bodies in orange are proposed. Geoparks Bureau 3 members: UNESCO Secretariat, GGN, Chair of the Geoparks Council decide on Global Geoparks Geosciences/ IGCP Bureau 3 members: UNESCO Secretariat, IUGS, Chair of the Scientific Council decide on approved projects International Geosciences and GeoparksProgramme Geoscience and Geoparks Coordination Unit < Decision making bodies > < Decision making bodies > Geoparks Council 12 regionally representative experts plus IUGS and IUCN meet annually to recommend Global Geopark applications and revalidations IGCP Scientific Council 5 representative Theme Leadersmeet in Paris annually to recommend on IGCP projects and proposals < DG appointed experts, drawing on GGN recommendations > < DG appointed experts , drawing on IUGS recommendations > 50 Scientific Board members work electronically to review proposals Global Geopark Evaluation Team, Field and desktop reviews