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The Male Reproductive System

The Male Reproductive System. An essential function of all living things is reproduction, the process by which life continues from one generation to the next. From 300 million to 400 million sperm in each ejaculation, only one can fertilize an ovum. Lesson Objectives.

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The Male Reproductive System

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  1. The Male Reproductive System An essential function of all living things is reproduction, the process by which life continues from one generation to the next. From 300 million to 400 million sperm in each ejaculation, only one can fertilize an ovum.

  2. Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you’ll learn to: Describe the parts of the male reproductive system and explain the function of each part. Relate the importance of early detection and warning signs that prompt males of all ages to seek health care for the male reproductive system. Identify situations requiring professional health services for preventive care. Analyze the importance and benefits of abstinence as it relates to the prevention of STDs.

  3. The Male Reproductive System The Reproductive System In humans, as in many other animal species, reproduction results from the union of two specialized sex cells—one from the male and one from the female. These cells are made by the reproductive system.

  4. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System Functions of the Male Reproductive System The two main functions of the male reproductive system are the production and storage of sperm and the transfer of sperm to the female’s body during sexual intercourse. Hormones produced in the pituitary gland stimulate the production of testosterone. Testosterone initiates physical changes that signal maturity, including broadening of the shoulders, development of muscles and facial and other body hair, and deepening of the voice.

  5. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System External Male Reproductive Organs The testes, the penis, and the scrotum are external structures involved in the process of reproduction. The penis releases semen. At the height of sexual arousal, a series of muscular contractions known as ejaculation may occur. Fertilization—the joining of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell—can result if ejaculation occurs during sexual intercourse.

  6. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System Sperm The scrotum protects sperm by keeping the testes slightlybelow the normal body temperature. When a male begins to produce sperm, he may experience nocturnal emissions, or ejaculations, that occur when sperm is released during sleep. This is a normal function that relieves the buildup of pressureas sperm begin to be produced during puberty.

  7. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System Internal Male Reproductive Organs Although sperm are produced in the testes, which are suspended outside the body, they must travel through several structures inside the body before they are released. These structures include the vas deferens, the urethra, the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and Cowper’s glands.

  8. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System Male Reproductive System

  9. Care of the Male Reproductive System Get regular checkups by a physician. Wear protective equipment during physical activities. Perform regular self-examinations for signs of cancer. Practice abstinence to avoid contracting STDs. Caring for the Male Reproductive System

  10. Care of the Male Reproductive System Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Chlamydia and gonorrhea are bacterial infections that cause discharge from the penis and burning upon urination; both conditions can damage reproductive health. Syphilis is another bacterial infection. If left untreated, syphilis can spread and damage internal organs. Genital herpes is a virus that causes periodically occurring blisterlike sores in the genital area.

  11. Problems of the Male Reproductive System Inguinal Hernia Sterility Testicular Cancer Prostate Problems Conditions Requiring Professional Health Services

  12. Problems of the Male Reproductive System Inguinal Hernia An inguinal hernia is a separation of tissue that allows part of the intestine to push into the abdominal wall near the top of the scrotum. Symptoms of inguinal hernia may include a lump in the groin near the thigh, pain in the groin, or in severe cases, partial or complete blockage of the intestine. Surgery is usually necessary to repair the opening in the muscle wall.

  13. Problems of the Male Reproductive System Sterility Sterility in males can result from too few sperm—fewer than 20 million per milliliter of seminal fluid—or sperm of poor quality. Causes of sterility: Environmental hazards Hormonal imbalance Certain medications and use of drugs Some diseases, including STDs

  14. Problems of the Male Reproductive System Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer can affect males of any age but occurs most often in males between the ages of 14 and 40. Males should be prompted to seek health care if they notice any warning signs, such as a painless lump or swelling in either testicle or pain or discomfort in a testicle or in the scrotum. With early detection most testicular cancer is treatable through surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

  15. Problems of the Male Reproductive System Prostate Problems The prostate gland can become enlarged as a result of an infection, a tumor, and age-related problems. Symptoms may also indicate more serious conditions, including prostate cancer. Prostate cancer screening is usually done during routine physical exams for males over age 50. Early detection increases the chance of survival. Treatment includes surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy.

  16. Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q.The male sex hormone is known as _____. • scrotum • 2. penis • 3. testosterone • 4. semen

  17. A.The male sex hormone is known as testosterone. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

  18. Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q.What is the function of the testes? Quick Review Click Next to view the answer.

  19. A.The function of the testes is to produce sperm and secrete testosterone. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

  20. Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q.What are the symptoms of testicular cancer? Identify conditions requiring professional health services for preventive care. Quick Review Click Next to view the answer.

  21. A.Males should be prompted to seek health care if they notice any warning signs or symptoms of testicular cancer, such as a painless lump or swelling in either testicle or pain or discomfort in a testicle or in the scrotum. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

  22. Analyze the following. Analyze the importance and benefits of abstinence as it relates to the prevention of STDs. How can problems related to STDs affect the male reproductive system? Quick Review

  23. A.Correct! The male sex hormone is known as testosterone. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

  24. You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

  25. The Male Reproductive System The Reproductive System In humans, as in many other animal species, reproduction results from the union of two specialized sex cells—one from the male and one from the female. These cells are made by the reproductive system. The reproductive system is a system of organs involved in producing offspring.

  26. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System Functions of the Male Reproductive System The two main functions of the male reproductive system are the production and storage of sperm and the transfer of sperm to the female’s body during sexual intercourse. Hormones produced in the pituitary gland stimulate the production of testosterone. Testosterone initiates physical changes that signal maturity, including broadening of the shoulders, development of muscles and facial and other body hair, and deepening of the voice. Sperm are the male reproductive cells.

  27. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System Functions of the Male Reproductive System The two main functions of the male reproductive system are the production and storage of sperm and the transfer of sperm to the female’s body during sexual intercourse. Hormones produced in the pituitary gland stimulate the production of testosterone. Testosterone initiates physical changes that signal maturity, including broadening of the shoulders, development of muscles and facial and other body hair, and deepening of the voice. Testosterone is the male sex hormone.

  28. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System External Male Reproductive Organs The testes, the penis, and the scrotum are external structures involved in the process of reproduction. The penis releases semen. At the height of sexual arousal, a series of muscular contractions known as ejaculation may occur. Fertilization—the joining of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell—can result if ejaculation occurs during sexual intercourse. The testes are two small glands that produce sperm.

  29. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System External Male Reproductive Organs The testes, the penis, and the scrotum are external structures involved in the process of reproduction. The penis releases semen. At the height of sexual arousal, a series of muscular contractions known as ejaculation may occur. Fertilization—the joining of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell—can result if ejaculation occurs during sexual intercourse. The penis is a tube-shaped organ that extends from the trunk of the body just above the testes.

  30. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System External Male Reproductive Organs The testes, the penis, and the scrotum are external structures involved in the process of reproduction. The penis releases semen. At the height of sexual arousal, a series of muscular contractions known as ejaculation may occur. Fertilization—the joining of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell—can result if ejaculation occurs during sexual intercourse. The scrotum is an external skin sac.

  31. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System External Male Reproductive Organs The testes, the penis, and the scrotum are external structures involved in the process of reproduction. The penis releases semen. At the height of sexual arousal, a series of muscular contractions known as ejaculation may occur. Fertilization—the joining of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell—can result if ejaculation occurs during sexual intercourse. Semen is a thick fluid containing sperm and other secretions from the male reproductive system.

  32. Problems of the Male Reproductive System Sterility Sterility in males can result from too few sperm—fewer than 20 million per milliliter of seminal fluid—or sperm of poor quality. Causes of sterility: Environmental hazards Hormonal imbalance Certain medications and use of drugs Some diseases, including STDs Sterility is the inability to reproduce.

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