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Spišský Hrad

Spišský Hrad. Daniel Fecko 2.C Juraj Chovanec 2.C. Location. in the center of the Spis region 634 meters above sea level on dolomit rock it is located above S pisske podhradie. History. is very rich the rock under castle was inhabited already 40 000 years ago

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Spišský Hrad

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  1. Spišský Hrad Daniel Fecko 2.C Juraj Chovanec 2.C

  2. Location • in the center ofthe Spis region • 634 metersabovesealevel • on dolomit rock • itislocatedaboveSpisske podhradie

  3. History • isveryrich • the rock undercastlewasinhabitedalready 40 000 yearsago • firsttowerofthecastlewasbuilt in 11th or 12th century • otherpartswerebuilt in 13th century

  4. in 1312 Matúš Čák Trenčiansky wanted to conquerthecastlewithoutsuccess • as a result, the castle was enlarged and rebuilt in the Gothic style shortly after • in 1443 JanJiskragainedthecastle and rebuiltit to theactualappearance • laterthekingdonatedthecastle to thefamilyZapoľský and itbecametheirseat

  5. lateritbecameproperityofthehouseof Habsburg, Turzoand Csaky • in 1780 thecastleburned • from that time the castle became a ruin • in recentyearsthecastlewasreconstructingandrepairing • the lower courtyard was open to public in 1983

  6. Castletoday • biggestcastlestructure in middleEurope • itisopenedfromApril to November • in summerthere are big middleageactionswithsoldiers, battles, lords and craftsmen • thereisstillarcheologicalresearch in thebasement of thecastle

  7. Youcanalsovisit Spišské podhradie and Spišska kapitula whichisverybeautifulchurch • lot of hikingroutesofdifirentdificulties • lot of restaurantsnotfarfromthere • Itisnearhighway, so transportationisnotproblem

  8. Thanksforyouratention

  9. Zdroje • http://www.spisskyhrad.sk/

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