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Key Events in U.S. History |

Learn significant historical milestones such as Jamestown founding, Constitution writing, Civil War dates, and key policies. Explore topics such as Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny, and Emancipation Proclamation. |

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Key Events in U.S. History |

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  1. STAAR Social Studies Review

  2. Jamestown was the first English settlement in North America. In what year was it founded? 1607 John Smith Pocahontas

  3. In what year did the Second Continental Congress approve the Declaration of Independence? 1776

  4. Delegates from twelve states met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation, but instead, they wrote a new constitution for the United States. In what year was this Constitution written? 1787

  5. In what year did the United States, under leadership of President Jefferson, purchase the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon, ruler of France? 1803

  6. The American Civil War began with the firing on Fort Sumter and ended with the Confederate surrender at Appomattox Court House. In what year did the Civil War begin and when did it end? 1861-1865 Appomattox Fort Sumter

  7. What is meant by the term, “representative government?” A form of government in which power is held by the people and exercised through the efforts of representativeselected by those people.

  8. Aboard the Mayflower in Plymouth Bay, the Pilgrims drafted a document in which they agreed to accept majority rule and participate in a government in the best interest of all members of the colony. What was the name of this document? Mayflower Compact

  9. What was the name of the first written constitution in the American colonies? Charter Oak Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

  10. What was the name of the first representative assembly in the colonies? It was founded in 1619 in Virginia. House of Burgesses

  11. Great Britain’s trade with her American colonies was based on an economic theory which stated that the colonies were to serve as a source of raw materials for Great Britain and as a marketplace for British goods. What is this economic theory called? Mercantilism

  12. While they were fighting the Seven Years’ War in Europe, the British and French fought a war in America. What was the name of the war fought in America and which side won? The French & Indian War British Victory

  13. Congress put a tax on imported goods in order to protect American factories in the Northeast from British competition. The South bitterly opposed the tax. What was this tax called? Protective Tariff

  14. In his Farewell Address in 1796, President Washington stressed three dangers facing the nation? List them. • The rise of political parties which he believed could divide Americans. • Sectionalism - political divisions based on geographic loyalties. • Involvement in European rivalries.

  15. Name the foreign policy statement formulated by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams and presented by President James Monroe in 1823 which reflected American nationalism. It warned European nations not to interfere with young Latin American republics and stated that the United States would not get involved in European affairs. Monroe Doctrine

  16. In the 1830s, President Andrew Jackson ignored the ruling of the Supreme Court and forced the Cherokees to move from their home in Georgia to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. What was the 800 mile journey of the Cherokees called? The Trail of Tears

  17. In 1787, the Confederation Congress passed a law which established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states. The law required new states to prohibit slavery. What was the law called? Northwest Ordinance

  18. In the 1840’s, what was the popular expression based on the belief that the United states was destined to secure territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean? Manifest Destiny

  19. In 1794, Congress levied an excisetax on certain domestic goods. The tax resulted in a rebellion in western Pennsylvania. What was this rebellion called? The Whiskey Rebellion

  20. Issued by President Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862, to go into effect on January 1, 1863, it declared that all slaves in the rebellious Confederate states would be free. It did not apply to slaves living in border states or to areas in the South occupied by federal troops. What was this document called? Emancipation Proclamation

  21. Name the speech delivered by President Lincoln on November 19, 1863, which begins with the words, “Four score and seven years ago.” The Gettysburg Address

  22. What is the name given to the period following the Civil War from 1865 to 1877? Reconstruction

  23. Following the Civil War, some members of Congress favored harsh treatment of the South and quick incorporation of the freedmen into citizenship with full privileges including voting rights for all African Americans, government seizure of land from planters for redistribution to freedmen, and funding of schools for African Americans. They also agreed that ex-Confederates were traitors and should not be readily accepted into the union. What were these members of Congress called? Radical Republicans

  24. What name was given to the system of agricultural production based on large-scale land ownership and the exploitation of labor which developed in the South? Plantation System

  25. What term is used to refer to the switch from hand labor to machine labor which began in England and spread to the United States in the late 1700’s? Industrial Revolution

  26. What name is given to the war between the United States and Great Britain in the early 1800s which resulted from British violations of United States’ freedom of the seas? War of 1812

  27. What do you call an economic system in which individuals depend on supplyanddemand and the profit margin to determine the answers to the four basic economic questions of “what to produce,” “how to produce,” “how many to produce,” and “for whom to produce?” Free Enterprise System

  28. What document, signed by King John, declared that the king and government were bound by the some law as other citizens of England? It contained antecedents of the ideas of due process of law and the right to a fair and speedy trial. These are also included in the U.S. Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta

  29. Name the document, signed by King William and Queen Mary in 1689 which guaranteed certain rights to English citizens and declared that elections for Parliament would happen frequently. Its influence can be seen in our Bill of Rights. English Bill of Rights William and Mary

  30. What document, adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1776, begins with the words, “We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?” Declaration of Independence

  31. What do we call the series of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, which explained and urged ratification of the U.S. Constitution? Federalist Papers Hamilton Madison Jay

  32. What name was given to our first national constitution? It was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1781 and created a weaknationalgovernment with most power at the state level. Articles of Confederation

  33. What do we call the current document which outlines the powers of our national government and divides our government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial? U.S. CONSTITUTION

  34. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? They were ratified in 1791. The Bill of Rights

  35. The first amendment guarantees five fundamental rights of American citizens. List these rights. Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press Right to Assemble Right to Petition

  36. What term is used to define a type of government in which everyone, including all authority figures, must obey the law? Limited Government

  37. What is the term that describes a philosophy of limited government with elected representatives serving at the will of the people? This philosophy says that the only legitimate government is one based on the consent of the governed. Republicanism

  38. Name the system which authorizes each branch of government to share its powers with the other branches and provides methods for each branch to limit the activities and powers of the others. Checks And Balances

  39. What do we call the distribution of power between a federal government and the states within a union? Federalism

  40. The division of the powers of government among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches is called what? Judicial Executive Legislative Separation of Powers

  41. Which branch of government (known as Congress) makes the laws? Legislative

  42. Which branch of government, headed by the president, enforces the laws and sees that they are carried out? Executive Branch

  43. Which branch of government, headed by the Supreme Court, interprets the law? Judicial

  44. What term is used to describe the concept that political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government. People express themselves through voting and free participation in government. Popular Sovereignty

  45. What did the 13th Amendment do? Abolished Slavery (in 1865)

  46. What did the 14th Amendment do? It declared that all persons born or naturalized in the United States (except Indians) were citizens, that all citizens were entitled to equalrights regardless of their race, and that their rights were protected at both the state and national levels by dueprocessoflaw.

  47. What did the 15th Amendment do? It granted black men the right to vote.

  48. What do we call the power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional? Judicial Review

  49. Those favoring ratification of the Constitution and adoption of the federalist form of government were called what? Federalists

  50. Those opposed to the Constitution because they feared the power of the national government in the new federal system (such as Patrick Henry and George Mason) were called what? Patrick Henry George Mason Anti-Federalists

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