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This study by Itasia Dina Sulvianti explores the importance of developing environmental culture characters in vocational schools, emphasizing the roles of parents, schools, and society. The framework focuses on leadership, professional environmental awareness, developing noble morals, social sensitivity, and an entrepreneurship spirit among students. The text presents strategies, approaches, and indicators for creating a clean, green, and friendly environment within school settings, aiming for sustainable and wide-reaching effects. The study also addresses challenges such as lack of time, motivation, and financial constraints, offering innovative solutions like economization, creative partnerships, and paperless exam software. In recognition of its efforts, the school has received numerous awards for its environmental initiatives and green practices. The forthcoming plan includes further initiatives to make the Cibalok river green and clean with community support.
Developing Vocational School Based Environment Cultured Characters Itasia Dina Sulvianti, 2015 Principal of SMK Wikrama Bogor
Environmental problem is a matter of attitude Why developing environment culture characters?
Behavior problem is equal to education Why developing environment culture characters? The importance of the roles of parents, schools and society
The facts to face: Why, as a principal, should I take part in developing environment culture characters? Not many schools try to overcome environmental problems wholly, comprehensively and sustainably. Not many schools have community leaders who have sense of crisis towards environmental and quality problems
Framework of Developing Environment Culture Characters leadership professional Environmental awareness 3. Developing personality Noble moral Social sensitivity Entrepreneurship spirit The role of school in protecting and managing environment 4. Seeding exemplary trees 2. Familiarizing behavior 5. Spreading positive effects to society 1. Developing characters School Values : Honest, Clean,Prudent, Collective, Sincere To Give
Whole, comprehensive, sustainable and wide effects Main strategy to develop environment culture characters Exemplify thoughts, remarks, and positive actions familiarization recognition Every individual as an agent of change duplication appreciation dissemination System approach: student rayonisation, controlling book, computerization. Individual approach: appointing community leaders who have sense of crisis Environmental approach: clean, green and friendly environment equipment and supplies
Friendly environment building No air conditioner, natural cooling from “wudhu water remains” 3 different dustbins in every room
Strategy to extend positive effects of environment culture School :school as agent of change of environmental culture School personnel Core family People around school and neighbors People all over Indonesia
Strategy to overcome handicaps in developing environment culture characters Mental block School Afirmation My existence brings my environment happy. To our country we promise, upon passing from Wikrama we will develop our country. Wikrama for Indonesia!!! Ready to be a model wherever, whenever and to whoever.
Strategy to overcome handicaps in developing environment culture characters Motivation to change is low Motivation Activity School Policy Socialization Implementation of School Rules Consistently Scoring Reward and Punishment Selecting The Best Students Routine Meeting and Togetherness Environment Hypnosis
Strategy to overcome handicaps in developing environment culture characters Students number & teacher-students ratio are big Rayonisation approach Student Rayonisation (28 Rayons) The role of rayon advisor Interaction of senior–junior students Interaction with family Growing togetherness
Strategy to overcome handicaps in developing environment culture characters Not enough time Activity Integration Environment based curriculum Contextual teaching Environment integration to every subject Environment CBT “Tunas Hijau” extra curricular activity Environment loving boyscout
Strategy to overcome handicaps in developing environment culture characters Finance Creativity & Economization Developing multi-party cooperation Saving environment as well as earning money: compost, recycled paper, handicraft from paper, cloth and plastic waste. Creative approach : paperless exam software for rent ( 31 schools) No cleaning service and security guard, the cost is used to develop environment culture school
Success Indicator Economization 30% decrease in water and electricity cost 50% decrease in paper cost Paperless Exam Software Typing Test Software A half folio computerized answer-sheet is used twice Digital library SMS gateway The use of recycled paper and paper remains 60% decrease in garbage amount Compost Recycled paper back
Success Indicator Environment Awareness back Clean and green Cibalok river Added value plastic waste
Success Indicator Environment Awareness back Application of biopore absorption hole 2000 tree planting
Success Indicator Developing environment cultured characters 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010 2011-2012 Appointed by Kutai Kartanegara Regency to provide a short training to its 25 best students. As a benchmark (31.048 visitors in 2012) As a delegate from Indonesia in RTD program to Europe Receive “ Indonesia Green Award” Adiwiyata Mandiri School Best model school “ Go Green School” for national level National champion of “ e-learning” paperless exam as an implication of paper efficiency National “ Go Green School” model school A “life skill” model school Prepared to be a “ green school” since its establishment
Recipient of environment cultured school award “AdiwiyataMandiri” at President Palace on June 5, 2012.
The forthcoming plan 2013 Creating Cibalok river green and clean with the support of Bogor mayor Developing environment cooperation with German schools Turning green roof into nursery to be developed by the students parents in rayon respectively ( cooperating with SEAMEO Biotrop and IPB Tropical Horticulture Center)
Thank you visit our website: www.smkwikrama.net
God( Allah), give us your bless as you always do it to the pious people
The role of Principal, Teachers and Education Staff in protecting and managing environment The power of resourse Individual approach Group approach System approach Network approach Program approach The importance of problem
The Implementation Of School Strategy In Developing Environment Cultured Characters Complete, Comprehensive, and Sustainable Development of Network and Cooperation Green School Policy Actualization of School Values Information and Communication System Equipment and Supplies Curriculum and Schoolboyish
VISION To be a national vocational school model focusing on environment culture, nationality characters, information technology as well as to meet industry work needs
MISSION • Educating students with heart and technology to meet industry work needs • Establishing school as a nation moral development • Developing social togetherness, entrepreneurship, environment awareness
Quality Target • Produce mannered and competent graduates; • Generate innovative and excellent learning outcomes; • Meet school stakeholders satisfaction, and • Produce an orderly, inspiring, and comfortable school atmosphere.
Quality Policy • Committed to customer satisfaction, legal aspect, quality management system, and continuous improvement, Wikrama Bogor is to produce excellent learning outcome.
Main Character of WikramaPersonnel Honest Bersih Hemat Berjama’ah Iklas Memberi
Kebijakan Sekolah • Kebijakan Umum • Kebijakan Penjaminan Mutu • Kebijakan Akuntabilitas Sekolah • Kebijakan Efisiensi Sumber Daya Sekolah
Kebijakan Efisiensi Sumber Daya Sekolah • Pedoman Rancang Bangun dan Penyediaan Ruang Sekolah • Pedoman Penghematan Air dan Konservasi Air Tanah • Pedoman Penghematan Listrik • Pedoman Penghematan Kertas dan Bahan Habis Pakai • Pedoman Pemberdayaan Gugus Siswa • Pedoman Pengelolaan Sampah dan Good Housekeeping • Pedoman Perwujudan Sekolah Sejuk dan Produktif • Pedoman Budaya Hidup Sehat • Pedoman Kantin Sehat • Pedoman Aplikasi TI dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan • Pedoman Pramuka Cinta Lingkungan • Pedoman Pengembangan Jejaring Kerjasama Lingkungan Hidup • Pedoman Peningkatan SDM di Bidang Lingkungan Hidup
1. Pedoman Rancang Bangun dan Penyediaan Ruang Sekolah • Pembangunan ruangan harus memperhatikan isu kelestarian lingkungan, pemanasan global, dan hemat energi • Persyaratan: • Pemanfaatan matahari • Sirkulasi udara • Teknologi Pendukung: • Green Roof • Pemanfaatan selokan air • Pemanfaatan tanaman • Pemanfaatan lubang ventilasi
2. Pedoman Penghematan Air dan Konservasi Air Tanah • Penyediaan air diperuntukkan untuk kepentingan air minum, memasak, mandi, perlengkapan kantin, jamban dan peturasan, wudhu, penyejuk ruangan, dan penyiraman tanaman. • Pemanfaatan pendistribusian air tanah (PDAM) dan air hujan/sungai
3. Pedoman Penghematan Listrik • Penyediaan energi listrik diperuntukkan untuk kepentingan penerangan dan untuk menjalankan alat dan mesin yang memerlukan energi gerak listrik. • Energi listrik didistribusikan untuk kepentingan KBM dan kepentingan fasilitas sosial & umum. • Penggunaan energi listrik untuk KBM maupun fasilitas lainnya harus dapat melayani kegiatan baca tulis pada malam hari dengan menggunakan lampu hemat energi.
4. Pedoman Penghematan Kertas dan Bahan Habis Pakai • Penyediaan kertas dan bahan habis pakai diperuntukkan untuk kepentingan administrasi, media pembelajaran, dan praktik di laboratorium. • Pemanfaatan dua sisi kertas. • Pemanfaatan daur ulang kertas. • Penggunaan software paperless exam, typing test, dan e-book. • Penggunaan sistem informasi manajemen. • Penggunaan alat tulis dan media pembelajaran untuk KBM. • Laboratorium virtual.
5. Pedoman Pemberdayaan Gugus Siswa • Pembentukan gugus siswa ditujukan sebagai upaya mengefektifkan KBM, membangun basis kesejahteraan sosial sekolah, membangun peduli antar sesama, menggali peluang kewirausahaan, dan mengembangkan budaya cinta lingkungan. • Pemberdayaan gugus siswa berbasis lingkungan diarahkan untuk menularkan budaya cinta lingkungan kepada keluarganya atau masyarakat sekeliling rumahnya.
6. Pedoman Pengelolaan Sampah dan Good Housekeeping • Sekolah berpotensi menghasilkan sampah sehingga perlu pengelolaan sampah dengan menggunakan prinsip 4R. • Pengembangan program penyelamatan lingkungan dan perawatan dengan pendekatan tatagraha yang baik (good housekeeping).
7. Pedoman Perwujudan Sekolah Sejuk dan Produktif • Sebagai upaya untuk mewujudkan lingkungan sekolah yang sejuk merupakan tanggung jawab pihak sekolah bersama warga sekolah dan bersifat fisik (konstruksi/non konstruksi, perencanaan rancang bangun sekolah, arsitektur pertamanan) dan non fisik (kesadaran warga)
8. Pedoman Budaya Hidup Sehat • Merupakan perilaku/kebiasaan positif seseorang dengan memperhatikan kaidah ilmu kesehatan yang diaktualisasikan dalam bentuk upaya kesehatan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan jasmani, rohani, dan sosial. • Upaya kesehatan merupakan tanggung jawab seluruh warga sekolah. • Perwujudan budaya hidup sehat dilakukan melalui berbagai kegiatan terstruktur (renstra, program kerja, KTSP, proposal/perencanaan lainnya) dan tidak terstruktur (kegiatan spontan/momentum).
9. Pedoman Kantin Sehat • Penyediaan makanan jananan dengan bahan baku bergizi dan proses pengolahan yang sehat. • Fasilitas pengelolaan kantin yang sehat (instalasi pengolahan air limbah, himbauan berperilaku jujur dan hidup sehat. • Perwujudan kantin sehat: • Rancang bangun kantin ramah lingkungan • Penyediaan fasilitas pencucian
12. Pedoman Pengembangan Jejaring Kerjasama Lingkungan Hidup
13. Pedoman Pengingkatan Sumber Daya Manusia di Bidang Lingkungan Hidup
Kebijakan Sekolah • Kebijakan Umum • Kebijakan Penjaminan Mutu • Kebijakan Akuntabilitas Sekolah • Kebijakan Efisiensi Sumber Daya Sekolah
Kebijakan Efisiensi Sumber Daya Sekolah • Pedoman Rancang Bangun dan Penyediaan Ruang Sekolah • Pedoman Penghematan Air dan Konservasi Air Tanah • Pedoman Penghematan Listrik • Pedoman Penghematan Kertas dan Bahan Habis Pakai • Pedoman Pemberdayaan Gugus Siswa Berbasis Lingkungan • Pedoman Pengelolaan Sampah dan Good Housekeeping • Pedoman Perwujudan Sekolah Sejuk dan Produktif • Pedoman Budaya Hidup Sehat • Pedoman Kantin Sehat • Pedoman Aplikasi TI dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan • Pedoman Pramuka Cinta Lingkungan • Pedoman Pengembangan Jejaring Kerjasama Lingkungan Hidup • Pedoman Pengingkatan Sumber Daya Manusia di Bidang Lingkungan Hidup
1. Pedoman Rancang Bangun dan Penyediaan Ruang Sekolah • Pembangunan dan penyediaan ruang untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar dan mengajar harus memperhatikan isu kelestarian lingkungan, pemanasan global, dan hemat energi.
2. Pedoman Penghematan Air dan Konservasi Air Tanah • Penyediaan air diperuntukkan untuk kepentingan air minum, memasak, mandi, perlengkapan kantin, perlengkapan jamban dan peturasan, wudhu, penyejuk ruangan, dan penyiraman tanaman.
3. Pedoman Penghematan Listrik • Penyediaan energi listrik diperuntukkan untuk kepentingan penerangan dan untuk menjalankan alat dan mesin yang memerlukan energi gerak listrik. • Energi listrik didistribusikan untuk kepentingan kegiatan belajar mengajar dan/atau untuk kepentingan fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum.