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EMu Spring Slice Test

EMu Spring Slice Test. Frank Geurts FNAL. ME4. DT-11. DT-10. ME3. ME2. ME1. Magnet Test / Cosmic Challenge. one 60° trigger sector 36(39) chambers provided electronics available otherwise 24 CSCs Sector 5, overlap with DT sectors 10+11 Trigger: self-trigger or external

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EMu Spring Slice Test

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  1. EMu Spring Slice Test Frank Geurts FNAL

  2. ME4 DT-11 DT-10 ME3 ME2 ME1 Magnet Test / Cosmic Challenge • one 60° trigger sector • 36(39) chambers • provided electronics available • otherwise 24 CSCs • Sector 5, overlap with DT sectors 10+11 • Trigger: self-trigger or external • TrackFinder crate in counting house • FED: prototype FED or production • FED crate in counting house • 1(2) DCC + 3 DDUs Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  3. EMu Slice Test • Preparations towards the Magnet Test, and beyond … • Starting at YE+2, add chambers when electronics comes available • Add chambers from other stations: ME+1 and ME+4 • Integrate with other CMS systems • Central DAQ • Local Trigger Control for Cosmic Challenge • Develop and test software • Local DAQ • Timing routines • DCS, DQM • FAST-site tests • dBase • Offline/Reconstruction Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  4. Spring Test Set-Up • At SX5, on or near YE+2 • Peripheral Crate: based on std. VME crate. Using a rev-1 6U backplane. • Fully equipped with 9 production DMBs, 9 (old) TMBs, pre-production MPC and CCB, and Dynatem Crate Controller • Connected to 6 CSCs, forming a 20° slice on ME+2 and ME+3 • Fiber patch panel for DAQ/Trigger/TTC fibers • Local control PC for Dynatem/iBoot Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  5. ME+2/1/16 ME+2/2/31 ME+2/2/32 ME+3/1/16 ME+3/2/31 ME+3/2/32 Spring Test Chambers on YE+2 Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  6. Spring Test Peripheral Crate ME3 ME2 YE+2: ME2 and ME3 CSCs in the same crate Slot assignments done according to Ben Bylsma’s document. Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  7. Spring Test Set-Up (cont’d) • In the Counting House (a.k.a. Green Barrack) • Trigger & Clock • TTC Electronics: TTCvi + TTCvx, external clock patch • TrackFinder Electronics • Additional NIM electronics • Control PC • DAQ • pFED and prototype FED crate • Local DAQ PC • S-Link to Central DAQ’s FRL • DQM • Local DQM server Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  8. Spring Test Counting House (I) • TTCvi/vx • courtesy of OSU • CAEN v1718 USB-VME bridge • Fiber patch panel • Counterpart at YE+2 • TrackFinder Crate • SP’02, CCB’01 TTC fibers TF Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  9. Spring Test Counting House (II) • NIM electronics • Level conversion • Allow for add’l modules for trigger manipulation • pFED crate • Old DDU with small peripheral backplane • S-Link feed to CMS DAQ • Spy feed to Local DAQ • Local DAQ, Trigger and DQM control PCs NIM DAQ DQM TRG FED Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  10. Schematic Layout Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  11. Trigger, TTC and DAQ Paths Trigger Path TTC Path Local DAQ Path Global DAQ Path Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  12. Spring Slice Test: Scope & Goals • One of the stepping stones towards the Cosmic Challenge • 2nd half of April • Announced at our previous EMu Meeting • Infrastructure ready (fibers, counting house, etc.) • except for rack cooling in the Counting House • Experts invited • Connect and time-in 6 CSCs • Self-trigger on cosmics using TF • Provide data to Central DAQ Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  13. Spring Slice Test: where are we? • TF/SP details, see Dan’s presentation • Updated/verified firmware on all CFEBs and DMBs • Jason • Updated firmware on all TMBs and ALCTs • Yuri/FG • ALCT firmware is now uploaded via the TMB, using the PeripheralCrate library • Documentation available at our website • ALCT “mirrored” firmware on ME3 chambers, specially updated and tested for Slice Test by Alex M. • Fully loaded rev.1 peripheral backplane resulted in communication problems with the ALCTs • Temporary removing 6 out of 9 TMB/DMB pairs alleviates the problem • Reintroduce after first CSCs are completely set-up Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  14. Spring Slice Test: where are we? (II) • TTC electronics • Both TMB and SP timing tests showed intermittent response to B-Go commands • Initially observed single-bit shifts of CCB commands in the TTC B-channel, where double-bit shifts were expected • Occasional single and double errors at the TTCrq • Traced back to incorrect A and B-channel timing between TTCvi and TTCvx (thanks to Jan T.) • First stab at internal Slice Test note on TTC configuration for future reference. • Available at our website Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  15. CSC Timing • “Synchronization is pretty hard” [from J. Hauser’s summary at the FNAL EMu Meeting] • Conceptual Manual exists • Recently updated powerpoint presentation • First step: • adjust clock phases between TMB and CFEB • Adjust TX and RX clock phases between TMB and ALCT • Requirements: • Up-to-date ALCT configuration software • tmbtiming.exe: command line package which sets up and executes automated timing procedures • To be replaced by a dedicated TMBtiming class • useable through the XDAQ interface • Second Step already requires L1As in the system • Will be provided by TF/SP Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  16. CSC Timing (II) • First step is done for all 6 chambers • Use DMB/CFEB pulser to find optimal TMB-CFEB clock phase • Use ALCT test strip pulsing to find optimal TMB-ALCT tx/rx clock phases • Second step requires L1As • Generate ghost tracks and have the MPC send two muon candidates to the SP • Work in progress: See Dan’s presentation • Last week, we saw the first L1As travel through our systems … • Albeit at very low rate. • But, this is an important step! Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  17. CSC Timing (III) • Next steps • L1A timing at CFEBs • Adjust various timing windows • See Jay Hauser’s FNAL presentation • Update TMBtiming class • will eventually contain all timing methods • Create detailed documentation • CMS Internal Note on EMu timing Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  18. Calibration & Local DAQ • Calibration • See Alex’s presentation • Uses DAQMB/CFEB pulser • Triggered by TTC B-Go or CCB • Adjusted DAV windows • Part of the FAST site test suite that needs to be ported to the PeripheralCrate Library • New CalibDAQ class available in TriDAS/emu repository • Local DAQ • Similar to Beam Tests: DDU spy channel into emuslice02 • Used to retrieve Calibration data at the Slice Test • And, is likely to be needed for all other FAST site tests • DDUReadout/HardwareDDU classes to retrieve data • HardwareDumper: command-line, for testing purposes • EmuRUI (preferred method): XDAQ-based, DQM hooks Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  19. EMu & Central DAQ • S-Link cable connectes DDU/DCC to FRL (CMS-DAQ) • FRL connects us to a CMS DAQ column (RUI/RU/BU/FU) • Successful first tests • 1309 events recorded by FRL and local spy channel • Important milestone for EMU and CMS-DAQ: • First CMS subsystem to provide data to DAQ! FRL crate (counting house) Myrinet switch (counting house) Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  20. EMu & Central DAQ (II) • After the first 1309 events, we ran a 100k single-chamber calibration run • Event counts identical • CRC checks agree • Next, • Very long run (this weekend) • CRC verification • Increase event size (this weekend) • Add more chambers • Variable event size • Use cosmics data • Pass data on to a simple DAQ column Frank’s Laptop Roberta’s Desktop Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  21. What’s next? • After Spring comes Summer Test: • Continue timing efforts • Integrate trigger with Cosmic Challenge Local Trigger Control • Introduce 2nd Peripheral Crate and separate ME2 and ME3 chambers out. Use 2nd MPC feed to SP. • Need more (old) TMBs • Introduce OSU Crate Controllers • XDAQv3 migration • EMu Slice Test Workshop: July 11 – 15 at CERN • Discuss our Summer Plans • I sent out to the EMu SliceTest mailing list a personal and likely incomplete list of tasks relevant to the Slice Test • E.g. draft and discuss the CMS Internal Note on CSC timing Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  22. Summary • With the Spring Test, the Slice Test is now well under way • Many thanks to all who have helped and still do! • 6 CSCs are hooked up and have been operational throughout ever since the Spring Test • Fiber duct installation • Timing of the chambers partially done • Not as fast as we hoped, but … • … this is a more complicated procedure than at the TBs • Self-trigger: no external trigger source • EMu first CMS sub-detector to provide data to Central DAQ • Summer Plans • July Workshop at CERN • Integrate with Cosmic Challenge LTC Webpage – http://cern.ch/EmuSliceTest Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

  23. ALCT - Anode Local Charged Track BU – Builder Unit CCB – Clock & Control Board CFEB – Cathode Front-end Board CMS – Compact Muon Solenoid CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check CSC – Cathode-Strip Chamber DAQ – Data Acquisition DCC – Data Concentrator Card DCS – Detector Control System DDU – Detector Dependent Unit DMB – DAQ Motherboard DQM – Data Quality Monitoring DT – Drift Tube EMu – End-cap Muon FAST – Final Assembly & Test FED – Front-end Driver FRL – Front-end Receiver Link FU – Filter Unit LTC – Local Trigger Control ME – Muon End-cap MPC – Muon Port Card RU – Readout Unit RUI – RU Interface SP – Sector Processor TB – Test Beam TF – Track Finder TMB – Trigger Motherboard TTC – Timing, Trigger & Control VME – VERSAmodule Eurocard A Glossary of Acronyms Endcap Muon Meeting / CMS Week

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