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Binge Drinking among College Students in 2008 The Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies.
Binge Drinking amongCollege Students in 2008The Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies This research was sponsored by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and by the Delaware Gambling Council. The views and conclusions expressed in this presentation do not necessarily represent those of the sponsoring agencies.
College Risk Behaviors Study (2008) • College Risk Behaviors Study (CRBS) • Electronic survey sent to 2,000 college students • All were full-time undergraduates at University of Delaware • $5 incentive to participate • 864 were completed (43%)
Definitions • Binge Drinking • Having five or more drinks in a single sitting • Occasional Binge Drinking • Binge drinking 1-9 times per month • Frequent Binge Drinking • Binge drinking 10 or more times per month • Heavy Alcohol Use • Drinking 20 or more times per month
Past Month Drinking Behaviors by Gender Though women are just as likely to drink alcohol, men are more likely to binge drink or drink heavily.
Past Month Drinking Behaviors by Race/Ethnicity Non-Hispanic White students are more likely to drink or binge drink than other ethnicities.
Past Month Drinking Behaviors by Class Binge drinking appears steady throughout the college experience. However, casual drinking and heavy drinking tend to increase over time.
Past Month Drinking Behaviors by Age Casual drinking and heavy drinking tend to increase as students get older.
Past Month Unprotected Sex by Alcohol Use Binge drinkers were more than twice as likely as non-binge drinkers and abstainers to have unprotected sex.
Past Year Victim of Assault by Alcohol Use Binge drinkers were nearly twice as likely as non-binge drinkers and abstainers to be a victim of assault.
Past Year Victim of Sexual Assault by Alcohol Use Binge drinking females were more than three times as likely to be a victim of sexual assault.
Substance Use at Time of Victimization Roughly half of all victims of these crimes reported having been under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs at the time.
GPA Below 3.0 by Alcohol Use Binge drinkers were nearly 50% more likely as non-binge drinkers and abstainers to have a GPA below 3.0.
Past Year Substance-Related Arrests Male students were four times as likely to be arrested for an alcohol-related offense.
Past Year Self-Reported DUI Nearly one in six students has driven under the influence of alcohol in the past year.
Heavy Drinking and Mental Health Students who drank heavily over the past month were about 50% more likely to report feeling sad or hopeless.
Past Month Alcohol and Marijuana Use Judicially referred students report the same levels of alcohol use and binge drinking as other students, but more marijuana use.
Past Month Sexual Activity Judicially referred students are less likely to report having engaged in a sexual contact in the past month; protected or unprotected.
Trends in Substance Use at University of Delaware Binge drinking saw a decline in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but has returned to its previous rate. Cigarettes use experienced a steady decline, as has marijuana use.
Trends in Substance Use at University of Delaware and Nationally The changes in binge drinking rates at University of Delaware appear to be a local phenomenon and not something occurring nationally.
Trends in Substance Use at University of Delaware The decline in binge drinking appears to have occurred during the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant.
Future Plans • 2009 CRBS • A new sample of 2,000 students • 2008 CRBS One-Year Follow-up • Re-contact previous participants • Will attempt follow-up for all participants who are still students at University of Delaware