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STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME TO ADDRESS POLLUTION FROM LAND-BASED ACTIVITIES (SAP MED). U N E P / M A P. United Nations Environment Programme - Mediterranean Action Plan. Legal framework for activities
Legal framework for activities • Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona Convention) - signed in 1976 and amended in 1995 • Protocol (LBS Protocol) signed in 1980 and revised in 1996 • The Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention agreed to take all appropriate measures to prevent, abate, combat and eliminate, to the fullest possible extent, pollution of the Mediterranean Sea from land based activities, giving priority to the phasing out of inputs of TPB substances. (Convention, Article 8; LBS Protocol, Article 1) • The Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention agreed to elaborate and implement national and regional action plans and programme, containing measures and timetables for their implementation. (LBS Protocol, Article 5) U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
TRANSBOUNDARY DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS (TDA) Prepared as a part of a GEF PDF-B Grant • First draft reviewed by Government-designated experts in June 1997 • Second draft reviewed by Government-designated experts in October1997 • Adopted by the Contracting Parties in November 1997 TDA includes: • Review of the data and information relating to transboundary issues • Identification of the perceived issues and problems affecting the Mediterranean and assessment of their relative magnitude and importance • Identification of the causes, both proximate and ultimate, of the issues and problems and where possible quantification by source • Identification, where possible, of the geographic sites of impact and the nature of the affected resources • Assessment of the extent to which individual issues and problems are national and/or transboundary in nature, and the extent to which the cumulative effect on the MED of national issues and problems might itself be considered transboundary U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
TDA document consists of three sections: • Perceived major problems • Major perceived problems • Transboundary elements • Main root causes • Areas where action is proposed • Analysis of the problems and their root causes • Problems • Character of impacts • Main stakeholders • Root causes and possible solutions • Potentially transboundary effects • Relevant data and information and detailed analysis of the problem U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Perceived Major Problems, their Root Causes and Types of Action proposed Types of problems Main Root Causes (in descending order of significance) Types of Action (in descending order of significance) Degradation of coastal and marine ecosystems ·Inadequate planning and management at all levels ·Inadequate financial mechanism and support ·Inadequate legal and institutional framework ·Insufficient human and institutional capacity ·Insufficient involvement of stakeholder ·Integrated planning and management and reduction of pollution ·Resources management Unsustainable exploitation of coastal and marine resources ·Inadequate planning and management at all levels ·Inadequate financial mechanism and support ·Insufficient involvement of stakeholders ·Insufficient human and institutional capacity ·Inadequate legal and institutional framework ·Resources management ·Integrated planning and management and reduction of pollution Loss of habitats supporting living resources ·Inadequate planning and management at all levels ·Inadequate financial mechanism and support ·Insufficient involvement of stakeholders ·Insufficient human and institutional capacity ·Inadequate legal and institutional framework ·Resources management ·Integrated planning and management and reduction of pollution PerceivedMajorProblems, their Root Causes and Types of Action proposed U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Decline in biodiversity, loss of endangered species and introduction of non-indigenous species ·Inadequate planning and management at all levels ·Inadequate financial mechanism and support ·Inadequate legal and institutional framework ·Insufficient human and institutional capacity ·Insufficient involvement of stakeholders ·Integrated planning and management and reduction of pollution ·Resources management Inadequate protection of coastal zone and marine environment and increased hazards and risks ·Inadequate planning and management at all levels ·Inadequate financial mechanism and support ·Inadequate legal and institutional framework ·Insufficient human and institutional capacity ·Insufficient involvement of stakeholders ·Integrated planning and management and reduction of pollution ·Resources management Worsened human related conditions ·Inadequate planning and management at all levels ·Inadequate financial mechanism and support ·Inadequate legal and institutional framework ·Insufficient human and institutional capacity ·Insufficient involvement of stakeholders ·Integrated planning and management and reduction of pollution ·Resources management Inadequate implementation of existing regional and national legislation ·Inadequate legal and institutional framework ·Inadequate planning and management at all levels ·Inadequate financial mechanism and support ·Insufficient human and institutional capacity ·Insufficient involvement of stakeholders ·Integrated planning and management and reduction of pollution ·Resources management U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Strategic Action Programme (SAP MED) The main aims of SAP MED: • improvement of the quality of the marine environment by better shared-management of the land-based pollution • facilitation of the implementation by the Contracting Parties of the LBS Protocol SAP MED is a programme that identifies the main environmental land-based problems of the region, lists and costs the related remedial measures and establishes deadlines for their implementation. It defines a timeframe of concrete actions and measures at regional and national levels, which are important for the implementation of the revised Land-based Sources Protocol in the next 25 years. • Prepared as a part of a GEF PDF-B Grant • First draft reviewed by a Meeting of Government-designated experts in June 1997 • Second draft reviewed by a Meeting of Government-designated experts in October 1997 • SAP MED adopted by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention in November 1997. U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Specific objectives of SAP MED • Formulation of principles, approaches, measures, timetables and priorities for action • Preparation of a priority list for intervention and investment ("investment portfolio") • Analysis of expected baseline and additional actions needed to resolve each transboundary priority problem • Identification of the elements and preparation of guidelines for the formulation of national action plans for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities • Identification of potential roles for Non-Governmental Organizations in the implementation of the SAP MED U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Principles and obligations In order to protect the environment and contribute to the sustainable development of the Mediterranean Sea Area, the Contracting Parties shall: • Apply the precautionary principle • Apply the polluter pays principle • Undertake Environmental Impact Assessment • Accord priority to integrated pollution control • Commit themselves to promote the integrated management of the coastal zones Priorities for Action • Degradation of the marine environment • Perturbation of the biological diversity • Land-based origin • Transboundary nature (causes or effects) Targets and Activities SAP MED established targets to be achieved at 2005, 2010 and 2025 time horizons and activities to be undertaken at regional and national levels in order to achieve the established target. U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Categories of substances selected as priorities: • Urban environment • Sewage • Solid waste • Air pollution • Industrial pollution • TPB substances • Other heavy metals • Organohalogen compounds • Radioactive substances • Nutrients and suspended solids • Hazardous wastes • Physical alterations and destruction of habitats U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Targets Activities at the Regional level Activities at National level ·by 2025, disposal all sewage in conformity with the LBS Protocol ·by 2005, disposal of sewage from cities and urban agglomeration exceeding 100,000 inhabitants in conformity with the LBS Protocol ·by 2000, to update and adopt the 1986 guidelines for sewage treatment and disposal ·to develop programmes for sharing and exchanging technical information regarding environmentally sound sewage treatment and facilities ·to promote research programmes to identify and validate sewage treatment technologies ·update and adopt, over two years, national regulations concerning sewage discharge into the sea and rivers, in conformity with the LBS Protocol ·by 2005 to develop National Plans and Programmes for the environmentally sound Management of Sewage (NPS) Examples 1. Municipal sewage U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
NPS should ensure: • by 2005, the connection of coastal cities and agglomerations of more than 100,000 inhabitants to a sewer system and disposal all waste in conformity with a national regulation system • the location of coastal outfalls so as to obtain or maintain agreed environmental quality criteria • promotion the primary, secondary and, where appropriate and feasible, tertiary treatment of urban wastewater • promotion and control of the good operation and proper maintenance of existing facilities • promotion of the reuse of the treated effluents for the conservation of water resources • promotion of the separate collection of rain waters and municipal wastewater and ensure treatment of rain waters • identification of the availability and sustainability of productive uses of sewage sludge • prohibition of the discharge of sludges into water in the Protocol Area U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Industrial development 2.1 Substances that are Toxic, Persistant and liable to Bioacumulate (TPB) 2.1.1 Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Twelve Priority POPs: • Pesticides: DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin, Chlordane, Heptachlor, Mirex, Toxaphene, Hexachlorbenzene (HCB) • Industrial chemicals: PCBs • Unwanted contaminants: Hexachlorbenzene, Dioxins and Furans U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Targets Activities at the Regional level Activities at the National level ·by 2010, to phase out of the pesticides and PCBs and reduce to the fullest possible extent of unwanted contaminants ·by 2005, to reduce 50 % inputs of the priority 12 POPs ·by 2005, to collect and dispose all PCB waste in a safe and environmentally sound manner ·to provide Contracting Parties with technical information and advice on the nine pesticides and PCBs substitutes ·to develop programmes for sharing and exchanging technical information and advice regarding the environmentally sound disposal of existing nine pesticides and PCBs ·to prepare guidelines for the application of BEP and if possible BAT by the point sources of dioxines and furans ·to make, over a period of two years, an inventory of quantities and uses of the nine pesticides and PCBs, as well as of the industries which manufacture them ·by 2000, to phase out of the nine pesticides ·by 2000, to prohibit the manufacture, trade and new use of PCBs and by 2003 all existing uses of PCBs ·to prepare pilot programmes aimed at the safe disposal of the PCBs ·by 2000, to organize the collection and env. sound disposal of the nine pesticides ·to reduce the emission of HCB, dioxins and furans by the implementation of BEP and if possible BAT U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Monitoring • Establishment of monitoring programmes of the inputs of the priority pollutants and of the quality of the marine environment • Establishment of a permanent river quality/quantity register • Establishment of systems of inspections Capacity building • Activities to support, promote and facilitate programmes of assistance in the area of scientific, technical and human resources • Activities to support, promote and facilitate, as appropriate, the capacity to apply, develop and manage access to cleaner production technologies as well BAT and BEP U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Public participation • Provide to the general public access to the information available on the state of the environment of the Mediterranean and the measures taken to improve it • Enhance the environmental awareness, and create a common approach to the environmental problems of the Mediterranean • Facilitate public access to activities for the protection and management of the environment and to scientific knowledge • Mobilize and ensure the participation and involvement of the major actors concerned U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Reporting • Preparation and application of a unified reporting system on the application of the provisions of the Convention, the Protocols and SAP MED • Collection of information on the levels and trends of loads of pollution reaching the Mediterranean Sea • Collection of information on the state of the treatment and the disposal of liquid and solid wastes and presentation such information to the Contracting Parties • Publication of a report on the State and Evolution of the Mediterranean Environment at regular intervals • Development of a Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTRs) U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Guidelines for the preparation of National Action Plans (NAPs) • National Diagnostic Analysis • Establishment of National Priorities for Action • Institutional aspects • Analysis of targets and activities • Monitoring and enforcement • Capacity building • Public participation • Reporting Investment Portfolio and Mobilization of Financial Resources • Hot spots and sensitive areas • Investment Portfolio Scenarios • Proposed activities and associated costs • Future needs • Use of the Investment Portfolio Gaps, problems and follow-up U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan
Contact address: Mr. Ante Baric, GEF Project Manager UNEP/MAP Vas. Konstantinou 48 11635 Athens, Greece Tel: + 30 210 7273102; Fax: + 30 210 7253196 E-mail: abaric@unepmap.gr U N E P /M A P United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan