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Have you ever thought about the life of a t-shirt after it is taken off the clothing rack? Most people put very little thought into the process that goes into creating a t-shirt, from start to finish. Understanding how clothes are made provides an insight into our societyu2019s consumption habits, and can also provide valuable information on ways to reduce energy consumption and pollution during production. https://www.swagcycle.net/thinking-about-the-life-of-a-t-shirt/
The first stage of a t-shirt's lifecycleisdesign.Thisiswhen thedesignercomesupwiththe concept for the shirt and creates a prototype. The prototype is then sent to the manufacturertobemadeintoa finalproduct. 1.DESIGN
The second stage of a t-shirt's lifecycleismanufacturing.Thisis whentheshirtisactuallymade. The fabric is cut, sewn, and assembled into a finished product.Oncethemanufacturing process is complete, the shirt is readytobesold. 2. MANUFACTURING
The third stage of a t-shirt's lifecycle is distribution. This is whentheshirtisshippedfromthe manufacturer to the retailer or online store. Once the shirt arrivesatitsdestination,itwillbe available for purchase by consumers. 3.DISTRIBUTION
Thefourthstageofthelifecycleofa t-shirtis use. This is when the consumeractuallywearstheshirt. Dependingonhowoftentheshirtis wornandhowwellitiscaredfor,it can last for several years before needingtobereplaced. 4.USE
Thefifth andfinalstageof a t-shirt's lifecycleisend of life.Thisiswhenthe consumernolongerwantsor needstheshirtanddecidesto getrid ofit.Theshirtcanbe donated,recycled,orthrown awayinalandfill. 5.ENDOFLIFE