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Living or Not???

Explore the vital traits defining living organisms: Movement, Response, Growth, Reproduction, Adaptation, and Metabolism. Learn how these features shape life around us in this comprehensive overview.

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Living or Not???

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Living or Not???

  2. Characteristics of living things • Movement • Response (to a stimulus) • Growth • Reproduction • Adaptation • Metabolism (all changes where energy is released)

  3. A good acronym!! M R G R A M

  4. Do you need to have all 6 characteristics?? • Yes!!

  5. Movement • Plants move toward the light • Some flowers close their petals at night • The Venus Flytrap plant snaps shut when two of its sensitive hairs are touched at the same time.

  6. Response/Stimulus All living organisms can respond to a stimulus: Response = what was done in response to the stimulus Stimulus = the thing that was done to initiate the response Ivan Pavlov found that you could train dogs to salivate when they heard a bell! Example: Plant responds to the stimulus of touch: Mimosa pudica responds to touch

  7. Growth • Most living things increase in size

  8. reproduction • Organisms produce new individuals that are usually like the parent organisms.

  9. Adaptation Any characteristic that makes an organism better able to survive in its surroundings. EX: a dog’s coat keeps him warm in the winter

  10. Metabolism is a set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms to maintain life

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