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Ocean Current Systems and Dissolved Gases: A Snapshot of Oceanic Temperature and Composition

Explore the major ocean current systems and the distribution of dissolved gases in the ocean. Discover the thermohaline sources, oxygen profiles, and water mass types in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Learn about T/S tracers and conservative properties of water masses.

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Ocean Current Systems and Dissolved Gases: A Snapshot of Oceanic Temperature and Composition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Heat enters ocean-atmosphere in tropics, goes out at poles

  2. (Pinet)

  3. Major ocean current systems

  4. Surface patterns extend as deep as 1000 m

  5. Snapshot of ocean temperature – shows lots of eddies… Warm-core ring Cold-core ring

  6. Anoxic environment Respiration: Animal, plants and microbial decomposition Dissolved Gases in the Ocean Oxygen profile

  7. Dissolved Gases in the Ocean Oxygen profile

  8. Thermohaline sources North Atl Deep Water Mediterranean water Pacific Deep water Red Sea Ant. Inter. water Antarctic Bottom Water

  9. Mediterranean and Red Sea make Atlantic and Indian Oceans salty

  10. And warmer than the Pacific….

  11. Atlantic temp and salinity

  12. Atlantic – O2 and water mass types (along western Atlantic) AAIW NADW

  13. Pacific (160W) temperature and salinity

  14. Pacific O2 and water masses AAIW

  15. More sluggish in Indian and Pacific Oceans. Particle flux is cumulative, means older water more nutrient enriched…

  16. T-S curve T-S diagram

  17. T and S‰ as tracers of water masses ‘signature’ generally set at surface ocean T and S‰ are considered conservative properties Conservative properties: altered only by processes happening at the boundaries of the oceans. Within the ocean interior, see changes ONLY as a result of the mixing of water masses

  18. T/S for Atlantic and Indian Oceans

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