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Explore the levels of organization in living organisms, the components of cells, and the cell theory. Identify organelles and understand their functions.
Living organisms are made up of cells. Cells are organized at different levels to form very complex living organismslikeyourbody.Eachlevelhasaspecificroleorjobtoperform. Which of the following lists these levels in the correct order of organization from the simplest to the most complex? A.Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms B. Organisms, organ systems, organs, tissues, cells C. Tissues, cells, organs, organisms, organ systems D.Organs, organ systems, organisms, cells,tissues GOON
Pictured is an animal cell and a plant cell. Which organelle labeled in the animal cell produces the energy for thecell? Organelle1 Organelle2 Organelle3 J.Organelle4
3 Theorganizationofthestomachanditscompositionisshowninthediagram.3 Theorganizationofthestomachanditscompositionisshowninthediagram. This diagram best represents which part of CellTheory? All organisms are composed of one ormore cells. Allcellscomefrompre-existingcellsbycellreproduction(excepttheoriginalcell). Thecellisthebasicunitofstructureandfunctioninlivingorganisms. Allcellshavetheabilitytoreacttooutsidestimuli. GOON
4 Students observed cells under the microscope. They observed that the cells had a cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, and manychloroplasts. Whichobservationhelpsstudentsidentifythetypeofcellobserved? Thepresenceofanucleusmeansthecellsarefromaplant. Thepresenceofacellmembranemeansthatthecellsarefromananimal. Thepresenceofchloroplastsmeansthatthecellsarefromaplant. J.Thepresenceofacellwallmeansthatthecellsarefromananimal. GOON
Plants are complex organisms that are composed of multiple layers of organization. Which of the followingbestrepresentstheorganizationoftherootsystemfrommostcomplextoleastcomplex? A root system → root → cell B root system → cell → root C cell → root system → root D cell → root →rootsystem
The purpose of the cell wall is to— • regulate what goes into and out of acell • control the functions of acell • convertenergyfromfoodintoenergyforacell • J. provide structure for acell
7 Fido, the dog, is chewing on his bone while sitting in the shade. There is bacteria on Fido's bone. When Fido eats the bone, he will also ingest thebacteria. The dog is a multicellular organism while the bacteria is a single-celled organism. Which part of the Cell Theory shows the relationship between Fido and thebacteria? All organisms are composed of one ormore cells. Allcellscomefrompre-existingcellsbycellreproduction(excepttheoriginalcell). Thecellisthebasicunitofstructureandfunctioninlivingorganisms. Allcellshavetheabilitytoreacttooutsidestimuli. GOON
8 Which structures differentiate plant cells from animalcells? F 1, 4, 8,9 G 2, 4,9 H 1, 2,4 J 2, 4,8 GOON
The liver is an essential part of the digestive system. Which of the following levels of organization can be found in theliver? Cell Tissue Organ OrganSystem Organism I I &II III &IV IV &V
10 A school’s cafeteria kitchen has a large, walk-in storage unit where food and water is stored for lunch laterintheweek.Whichcellorganellehasafunctionthatissimilartothestorageunit? Nucleus Chloroplast Vacuole J.Mitochondrion GOON
Theprocessoftwodaughtercellsbeingproducedfromaparentcellis shownintheimage. WhichpartoftheCellTheorydoesthisimagebestrepresent? All organisms are composed of one ormore cells. Allcellscomefrompre-existingcellsbycellreproduction(excepttheoriginalcell). Thecellisthebasicunitofstructureandfunctioninlivingorganisms. Allcellshavetheabilitytoreacttooutsidestimuli.
12 Whichorganellemakesitpossibleforallotherorganellestomovearoundinthecell? 8 4 6 J.7 Page9 BE SURE YOU HAVE RECORDED ALL OF YOUR ANSWERS ON YOUR ANSWERDOCUMENT STOP