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Cooperative Education Program Overview

The Cooperative Education Program offers Grade 12 students a chance to combine school studies with work experience, earning high school credits. Characteristics include work placements, learning plans, evaluations, and weekly logs. Policies cover confidentiality, job safety, accident reporting, and attendance. Assessments include assignments, logs, final project, workplace evaluation. Attendance is crucial for success in the program, with specific guidelines for communication in case of illness.

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Cooperative Education Program Overview

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  1. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION 120 Program Overview

  2. PROGRAM INFORMATION • COOPERATIVE EDUCATION is a program where Grade 12 students combine studies at school with a work placement in the community. Students learn through participation in the tasks that are normally performed in the day-to-day operation of an organization. Students have the opportunity to earn two or three high school credits through the course.

  3. Characteristics of Co-Op Program: • ...Students work September to January OR February to June for a total of about 200 hours. Students work 3 HOURS PER DAY in the MORNINGS. • ...Students receive NO PAY for the Co-Op hours worked. Upon successful completion, a LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION will be requested. • ...Students are covered by WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION. ...Students have taken-or are currently taking - a course in school related to their placement. The placement should enhance the CURRICULUM CONTENT of the school “related” course.

  4. Characteristics Cont’d • A LEARNING PLAN is jointly developed by the supervisor of the work placement (the employer), the co-op coordinator, and the student. This plan is a list of tasks and activities the student will be involved in at the work placement • ...The work placement supervisor (the TRAINER) will be able to comment on the student’s progress by means of an EVALUATION FORM. An evaluation will be completed on the student TWO TIMES during the placement (or more if required). • ...The CO-OP COORDINATOR will pay regular visits to the work site to monitor the situation and assist if required.

  5. Characteristics Cont’d • Students are responsible for maintaining a WEEKLY LOG to record hours worked and tasks performed. They are also to complete a REFLECTION JOURNAL to share the week’s activities in a more detailed way. • ...Students will be recalled periodically to the school for REFLECTIVE LEARNING sessions (6 times). These classes are mandatory and a medical excuse will be expected after the first absence. • ...Students are responsible for completing assignments related to their placement (assigned by the coordinator) approximately every two weeks.

  6. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES • Confidentiality: Students are expected and required to maintain the confidentiality of the company’s business and clients. They are instructed not to discuss the details of the business transactions or client contacts of the organization with their friends, family, or classmates. This also needs to be emphasized by the employer/supervisor. • Job Safety: It is the responsibility of the employer to inform the co-op student of safety rules, regulations, fire exits, first aid centers and any other information that the student needs to know to insure the student’s health and safety.

  7. Policies and Procedures Cont’d • Accident Reporting Procedures: In the event that a co-op student, while at the work placement and under your supervision, has an accident involving personal injury, the accident reporting process must be followed (as a protection for all parties). Please contact the co-op teacher as soon as possible to provide information for the Employer’s Report of Injury WCB form (which the school fills out). • Remuneration: Students receive no pay for their co-op placement. If considerable costs are involved for the student (ex: special work clothes) it is expected that the employer will provide the items or reimburse the student.

  8. Attendance: One of the objectives of the program is to develop good habits of regular attendance and punctuality. If not able to report to work, the student is expected to advise BOTHthe job-site trainer and the school. • Instruction: The job-site trainer is the person at the placement site who works most closely with the student. The trainer guides the student along the training profile so that the work experience will be beneficial for both the student and the business.

  9. Mark Breakdown Assessment Areas Assignments 20% Class attendance & Participation10% Logs and Journals 20% Final Project 10% Workplace Evaluation 40% TOTAL 100%

  10. Important Note about Attendance • Students will be expected to arrive at their work placements on time and prepared to work each day. In the event that a student is ill, they are required to contact both the workplace AND Mr. Mulligan at the school, prior to their start time. If this procedure is not followed, the student will lose 5% of their final mark for each instance. They will also lose exemption privileges. If such an event were to be repeated, the work placement could be terminated and depending upon the circumstances, credits for the course will not be received.

  11. Attendance Issues • You will be given a calendar that outlines the dates you will be required to return to the classroom for an opportunity for reflection. The calendar will also outline specific deadlines for assignments. You are expected to monitor this schedule closely to ensure you are prepared for all classes. Appointments are to be scheduled outside your co-op day and I will require notes from home for any absences.

  12. Late Assignment Policy RATIONAL: Cooperative Education assignments and projects are designed to prepare students for the workplace environment, as well as to provide reflection opportunities to enhance this unique learning opportunity. Because assignments are an integral component of the course, completion of ALL coursework is the expectation. Students are expected to ensure all assignments are handed to their cooperative education teacher on or before the designated due date.

  13. Late Assignment Policy Cont’d • Assignments and/or projects: for each day that an assignment and/or project is late, 10% will be deducted from the student’s mark for the duration of 4 days. After this 4 day mark, the student will have until the end of the unit of study to pass in said assignment and/or project. • Late 1 Day – assignment/project marked out of 90% (10% of the final mark will be deducted). • Late 2 Days – assignment/project marked out of 80% (20% of the final mark will be deducted). • Late 3 Days – assignment/project marked out of 70% (30% of the final mark will be deducted). • Late 4 Days – assignment/project marked out of 60% (40% of the final mark will be deducted). • Late MORE than 4 Days –assignment/project must be submitted prior to the end of the unit of study. Assignments/projects not submitted by this point will receive a mark of zero.

  14. Weekly Log Sheets Show an example to the students. • These logs are to be completed weekly and submitted every Monday (Friday on IN-class days). • Logs will reflect the exact times you worked • Logs must contain details about responsibilities as well as who you worked with each day.

  15. Weekly Log Sheets Cont’d • To calculate hours, round to the nearest ¼ hour. For example if you worked 2 hours and 20 minutes, you would record it as 2.25 hours whereas 2 hours and 25 minutes would be recorded as 2.5 hours. • Employers are to sign these sheets each and every Friday. (Thursday on In-class weeks) That means you must maintain accurate records.

  16. STUDENTS' RESPONSIBILITIES • To represent himself or herself and the school in a positive manner • To develop and maintain a positive attitude toward work • To relate work placement experience to classroom instruction where possible, i.e. reports, assignments • To complete and return all necessary documentation • To keep records of time and duties performed (i.e. daily log sheet) and personal experiences while on the job site (i.e. Journal Writing) • To work diligently on the job • To follow instructions and work co-operatively

  17. Student Responsibilities Cont’d • To work in a safe manner, exercise proper care of materials and equipment and be alert to unsafe working conditions • To exhibit punctuality, dependability and loyalty • To demonstrate conduct, personal grooming and dress habits acceptable to the employer • To notify the employer and teacher of intent to be absent prior to starting time • To be courteous to, and considerate of, the employer, his or her clients, associates and other employees

  18. Student Responsibilities Cont’d • To keep matters of business in strict confidence • To notify the teacher of any significant change in work hours or duties • To notify the teacher of job-related problems that may be affecting work performance • To complete questionnaires and evaluation forms

  19. Additional Items • Visitation Report – show one and explain the function • Journal Writing Topics – to be completed and handed in with the Logs every week.

  20. Final Project • This project replaces an exam and is expected to reflect your learning experience in Cooperative Education. • Review the project and assignments. • Most assignments can be found on my Wiki site.

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