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One size doesn ’ t fit all. Differentiation. Learning Intentions. Understand what differentiation in a classroom setting looks like. Understand why it is an entiltlement for students and therefore an important consideration in teaching practice.
One size doesn’t fit all Differentiation
Learning Intentions • Understand what differentiation in a classroom setting looks like. • Understand why it is an entiltlement for students and therefore an important consideration in teaching practice. • Consider approaches for differentiation by content, process and products.
Write 2 truths and a lie on a piece of paper. Share and disclose your lie
Programme Introduction What, when, why differentiation Different learning needs/what it means to be a good teacher Morning tea Knowing the learner Content. Process and Product Lunch DVD Developing a differentiated lesson/unit
A large body of research shows that students • Learn at different rates • Need different degrees of difficulty • Have different interests • Learn in different ways • Need different support systems ……….
Teaching a room full of learners The same thing In the same way Over the same time span With the same support And expecting the good results Has never happened and never will….
Yes but • This takes too much time • I have too many students to differentiate • The test doesn’t differentiate • I cant do this for everything I teach • I’m not trained to • I already do
What does it mean to be a good teacher? What is a good education?
Good teachers Carol Ann Tomlinson 2009 …can help disengaged, passive, confused or discouraged students become connected to school and to learning. By making their commitments to students and subjects regularly visible, some teachers emerge as stimulating personality who breath life into learning. They get respected as role models or mentors. Students develop lasting interests through teachers enthusiastic, representations of subjects or they develop interest in subjects because teachers show enthusiasm for the students. A few become actual apprentices. Positive relationships with their instructors can motivate students when other incentives fail. Personalization should not be confused with social work. It is directly linked to the promotion of academic learning.
21st century teaching and learning Differentiation is the right of each pupil to be taught in a way specifically tailored to their individual learning needs. The process of differentiation, consequently, is the adjustment of the teaching process to meet the differing learning needs of the pupils, and it involves every teacher having sufficient appropriate knowledge of the pupils, PLUS the ability to plan and deliver suitable lessons effectively, so as to help all pupils individually to maximise their learning, whatever their individual situation.
It means that teachers proactively plan varied approaches to what students need to learn, how they will learn it and/or how they will show what they have learned in order to increase the likelihood that each student will learn as much as he or she can as effectively as possible. Complete the checklist – what does differentiation look like in your classroom?
Jigsaw Activity Differentiation is responsive teaching rather than one size fits all. Differentiation is respectful teaching. Differentiation is planning for the unpredictability of the classroom. Differentiation is an entitlement, not a teaching strategy.
Differentiation: what is it? A philosophy about education rather than a set of tools Aims to put each student’s learning needs at the centre of the classroom and maximise each student’s learning capacity Involves measuring students against their own starting point and plotting progress from there Doesn’t mean different tasks for each learner, but enough flexibility in task design so that students find learning a good fit most of the time Not a new concept “a rose by any other name…” Focusses equally on who we teach and what we teach
Principles of differentiation • Students and teachers partners in learning • Flexibility • Active and ongoing assessment of learner needs • Responding to readiness, interest and learning profile
Knowing the learner What does this mean? How do we do this
What are the different needs? English as a Second Language, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment, Literacy (both the illiterate and the highly articulate) Emotional and Behavioral issues. Gifted and talented students Special Educational Needs Cultural differences
Activity 3Take a walk in your student’s shoes • Have a 2 minute conversation with the person next to you. One person will be the listener the other will be the speaker. • The rule is: the speaker must leave out words that contain the letter ‘s’.
Is spelling important? • icdnuoltblveieetaht I cluodaulacltyuesdnatnrdwahtI was rdanieg. The phaonmnealpweor of the hmuanmnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it dseno'tmtaetr in wahtoerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olnyiproamtnttihng is taht the frsit and lsatltteer be in the rghitpclae. The rset can be a taotlmses and you can sitllraed it whotuit a pboerlm.Tihs is bcuseae the huamnmniddeos not raederveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyastghuhotslpeling was ipmorantt!
Content: what is being learnt Content – what is being learnt • Different levels of complexity of content • Content can be presented in more than one mode - eg visual and oral as well as written • Content can be delivered to whole class or small group • Scaffolding content so those who need more help can get it • Content selected which has connections to students’ own lives
Process: how it is being learnt • Process should have a clearly defined instructional purpose • Strategies used for students to learn • Provide resource material at different reading levels • Provide choice over whether to work independently or in groups • Provide material in the primary language of the learner • Use thinking tools to pitch at different levels of readiness • Varied options at differing levels of difficulty and interest
Product: the outcome of the learning Should be designed around the essential learning goals Students can express what they have learned in a variety of ways Provide assessments at varying degrees of difficulty to match student readiness A good product should contain some critical and/or creative thinking and reveal a degree of rethinking about what has been learnt
What’s the point? Growth Readiness Motivation Interest Learning Profile Efficiency
New Zealand CurriculumKaren Sewell, Secretary for Education 2007 ‘...a vision of our young people as lifelong learners who are confident and creative, connected, and actively involved.’ ‘....offering our young people the most effective and engaging teaching possible and supporting them to achieve to the highest standard.’ Are we doing this?
It is about good practice • Know the learner • Provide multiple opportunities for authentic language use with a focus on learners using academic language • Ensure a balance between receptive and productive language • Help students achieve the same explicit learning outcomes using differentiated levels of support • Identify the learning outcomes including the language demands of the topic • Include opportunities for monitoring and self-reflection
Why differentiate? • To make learning accessible to all • To maximise each student’s growth and achievement • To motivate students by providing appropriate levels of challenge • Students learn more readily when links are made to their prior knowledge and experience • Students learn more readily when learning is connected to their interests. Interest is one way of engaging students • Students are more motivated to learn when choice is provided
Finally If you want to feel safe and secure, continue to do what you have always done.If you want to grow, go to the cutting edge of our profession.Just know that when you do, there will be a temporary loss of sanity.So know when you don’t quite know what you are doingYou are probably growing! --Madeline Hunter