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Observational Signatures of Gas Flows in Galaxies' Centers

This study explores gas flows towards the nucleus of galaxies, examining the role of nuclear spirals in feeding supermassive black holes and star formation. Observational results from galaxies like NGC 1097 and NGC 6951 reveal streaming motions along nuclear spirals, shedding light on feeding mechanisms in galactic evolution. The presence of dusty structures indicates the transfer of material towards the nucleus to fuel various activities. This research provides valuable insights into the accretion processes contributing to galaxy evolution.

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Observational Signatures of Gas Flows in Galaxies' Centers

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  1. Observational signatures of gas flows toward the center of galaxies Thaisa Storchi Bergmann Instituto de Física, UFRGS, Brazil Collaborators:Barbosa, Riffel, Dors Jr., Simões Lopes, Winge, Axon, Robinson, Fathi, Ostlin, Marconi Gas accretion and Star Formation in Galaxies, Garching Research Center, Sept. 10-14 2007 Credit:Jon Lomberg

  2. Motivation • AGN paradigm: Nuclear activity as phase in galaxy evolution triggered by mass accretion to the nuclear supermassive blackhole (SMBH) (Ferrarese & Merrit 2000; Tremaine 2002; Marconi & Hunt 2003, Peterson & collabs. 2000-2007) • Main unsolved questions in AGN research: • Origin of fuel; • Nature of triggering mechanism • How gas is transferred from galactic scales to the nucleus • →inflows! • But observations show outflows, not inflows!

  3. Nuclear morphology:Simões Lopes, Storchi-Bergmann, Martini 2007: structure maps of HST images of paired sample active vs. non-active galaxy from Palomar survey; 68 pairs Active Non-active Active Non-active Active Non-active

  4. Simões Lopes et al. 2007: Results for 34 early-type pairs: • Dust structures/spirals in ALL active galaxies but in only 27% of non-active → feeding material on its way in • Previous works: Van Dokkum & Franx 1995, Pogge & Martini, 2002; Martini et al. 2003, Xilouris & Papadakis 2002, Ferrarese et al. 2006, Lauer et al. 2005; Prieto et al. 2005→ association with activity not so clear • “Side result”: non-active galaxies have stellar disks (talk by Bureau, this conference) Active Non-active Active Non-active

  5. Simões Lopes et al. 2007: Results for 34 late-type pairs: • Dust structures in both active and non-active galaxies • Many non-active galaxies have star-forming nuclei • → If dusty structures is the gas in its way towards the nucleus: nuclear spirals also responsible to send gas in to feed starbursts Active Non-active Active Non-active

  6. Signatures of feeding: gas kinematics • Inner kpc morphology support nuclear spirals (~100 pc scales) as means to feed AGN and nuclear starbursts. • But:where are the kinematic signatures? • Storchi-Bergmann, Fathi, Axon, Robinson, Marconi, 2006-2007: proposed GMOS IFU observations to look for streaming motions along nuclear spirals in AGN hosts. Sample extracted from Simões Lopes et al. 2007 (structure maps). • Observational constraints: • Low-luminosity AGN, as high-luminosity ones are dominated by outflows; • intermediate inclination to measure kinematics; • presence of ionized gas to allow optical IFU.

  7. Results: 1) NGC 1097 • Luminous (MB=-21.2) SBb galaxy at 17 Mpc with nuclear ring (700 pc); LLAGN with double-peaked Balmer lines (Storchi-Bergmann et al. 1993-2003) • HST ACS FR656Nimages of inner 500 pc: gas/dust filaments (Prieto et al. 2005; Fathi et al. 2006) Fathi et al. 2006:

  8. Fathi et al. 2006: Gemini IFU GMOS Hαspectra covering715 (3 fields; 3000 spectra) → • Results: • Non-circular motions: residuals (~50 km/s) delineate spiral arms (dots) seen in structure map; • redshifts in the near side, blueshifts in the far side → streaming motions along spiral arms towards the nucleus Far side Near side

  9. Results: 2) NGC6951 • SABbc galaxy at 24 Mpc with LLAGN (LINER/Sy 2) , with star-forming ring at ~ 500 pc from nucleus • Has radio, CO and HCN emission • Galaxy Structure map shows nuclear spirals → IFU fields→

  10. Storchi-Bergmann et al. 2007 • Results • Streaming motions along nuclear spirals • Plus: outflow produced by radio jet (Saikia et al. 2002) Far side Near side

  11. Results: 3) M81 (preliminary) 1 1 2 2 3 3 • FOV too small to fit a kinematic model • But distorted isovelocity curves evidentiate non-circular motions • Location of the distortions ↔ dusty structures

  12. Relevance and implications • First time that streaming motions in nuclear spirals are mapped – previously only in large scale spiral arms and bars (Visser 1980; Tilanus & Allen 1991; Mundell 1999 for NGC4151; Adler & Westfall for M81; Emsellen, Fathi, Peletier et al. 2005-2007; van Gorkom, Blitz, Walter, this conference) • Nuclear spirals ubiquitous in active and late-type galaxies → material in its way in to feed the SMBH and star-forming nuclei; • Timescales: at 50 km/s, gas at ~1 kpc from center will reach the nucleus in ~107 yrs • Calculation of mass inflow rate (of ionized gas!): • ~ nuclear accretion rate to drive the luminosity of the low-lum. AGNs • BUT: ionized gas may be only the “tip of the iceberg”; neutral and molecular gas may dominate inflow (nuclear molecularmass ~ 107 Msun in NGC6951; Garcia-Burillo et al. 2000, Krips et al. 2007; nuclear starburst of 106 Msun in NGC1097, Storchi-Bergman et al. 2005, Davies et al. 2006; also strong CO recently measured from the nucleus, priv. comm.)

  13. Conclusions • Strong correlation between dusty nuclear structures and activity → nuclear spirals can be channels to feed the nucleus; SMBH or starburst • First kinematic signatures of inflow towards low-lum. AGNs (in nuclear spirals) • More targets to be observed, including Seyferts and starbursts Jon Lomberg: artistic view of mass inflow along nuclear spiral arms

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