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Research in the Czech non-university sector: required but not supported

Research in the Czech non-university sector: required but not supported. Petr Pabian Centre for Higher Education Studies, Prague. International project. Research in the non-university higher education sector (UAS) in Europe

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Research in the Czech non-university sector: required but not supported

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  1. Research in the Czech non-university sector:required but not supported Petr Pabian Centre for Higher Education Studies, Prague Prague, November 28, 2008

  2. International project • Research in the non-university higher education sector (UAS) in Europe • Participating countries: Belgium, Czechia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland Prague, November 28, 2008

  3. International comparison • Research most developed: Finland, Norway, Switzerland • Research at the middle: Ireland, Germany • Research underdeveloped: Belgium, Czechia, Netherlands Prague, November 28, 2008

  4. International comparison

  5. Why is Czechia so underdeveloped? Prague, November 28, 2008

  6. Tertiary education in Czechia Professional Higher education ISCED 5B ISCED 5A PhD. M.A. M.A. DiS. B.A. B.A. Professional colleges Non-university HEIs Universities Non-university sector

  7. Non-university sector in Czechia • Vyššíodbornéškoly = Professionaleducationcolleges • 177 institutions, 28 774 students • Neuniverzitnívysokéškoly=Non-universityhighereducation institutions • 46 institutions, 33343 students Prague, November 28, 2008

  8. Professional education colleges National research policy: blind spot • Not expected to carry out research: absent from national research policy • Excluded from public research funding • Teaching not expected to be research-based • Not expected to incite interest in research • Career development without research Prague, November 28, 2008

  9. Professional education colleges Institutional strategies • Claim no research mission / involvement • Activities beyond teaching: professional expertise, community service, structural funds – not considered research Prague, November 28, 2008

  10. Non-university HEIs National research policy • No role for non-university institutions • Focus on public universities only Higher education policy • Teaching must be research-based • Accreditation: research credentials & output required Prague, November 28, 2008

  11. Non-university HEIs Public research funding • No special funding mechanisms • Eligible for all forms of funding • Core funding: same criteria as universities • Project funding: competition with universities, public research institutions and others Prague, November 28, 2008

  12. Non-university HEIs Public research funding in practice • Core funding (2008): 1 non-uni HEI (3900 €) • Project funding (1999-2007): 20 institutions, 39.projects Total public funding (2002-2006) • Public universities: above 20 billion CZK • Non-university: 16.8 million CZK (650,000 €) Prague, November 28, 2008

  13. Non-university HEIs Policy framework: summary • Research policy: not expected to do research • Public funding: not supported to do research • Accreditation: required to do research Prague, November 28, 2008

  14. Non-university HEIs Institutional strategies • All institutions claim research involvement • Primary focus: teaching => dominant position: research in the service of teaching Prague, November 28, 2008

  15. Non-university HEIs Institutional strategies: staff development • Requirement: research qualifications • Limitation: only universities confer those qualifications • Solution: attracting highly qualified academic staff from public universities Prague, November 28, 2008

  16. Non-university HEIs Institutional strategies: staff development • Situation: competition with universities • Universities offer lower teaching loads, research funding, academic career prospects • Habilitation (1999-2007): 3 out of 2478 new docents affiliated with non-university HEI Prague, November 28, 2008

  17. Non-university HEIs Institutional strategies: staff development • Solution: dual (or multiple) affiliation (ironically criticised by Academic Commission) • Problem: affiliation of these academics’ research outcomes Prague, November 28, 2008

  18. Non-university HEIs Institutional strategies: re-definition • Re-defining institutional boundaries: including research carried by academics at other institutions • Re-defining research: including activities not recognised by other actors as research Prague, November 28, 2008

  19. Non-university HEIs Institutional strategies: redefining research • Activities: developing degree programmes & teaching materials, training courses, consultancy, community service • Funding: EU structural funds & education programmes, regional & municipal authorities Prague, November 28, 2008

  20. Problems and challenges Non-university HEIs: precarious position • Contradictory policy messages: required to carry out research but not supported to do so • Funding: building capacities without core funding & in competition with universities • Staffing: dependent on universities for career development of their academic staff Prague, November 28, 2008

  21. Problems and challenges Cause: dominant position of public universities • Research policy, funding & evaluation: designed with only universities in mind • Staffing: university career structure imposed on non-uni HEIs but controlled by universities • Accreditation: academic criteria imposed on professional bachelor education Prague, November 28, 2008

  22. Problems and challenges Solutions: diversification • Diversifying policy: objectives for research in non-university sector – improvement of teaching and/or regional economy • Diversifying funding: special mechanisms • Diversifying career structures: abolishing uniform accreditation requirements Prague, November 28, 2008

  23. Problems and challenges Solutions: diversification • Diversifying scholarship: recognizing and rewarding • scholarship of teaching & learning • community service & knowledge transfer beyond economic growth: quality of life agenda Prague, November 28, 2008

  24. Thanks for your attention. pabian@csvs.cz Prague, November 28, 2008

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