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English as a Second Language Program at the Secondary Level

English as a Second Language Program at the Secondary Level. Peg O’Grady, Supervisor of Pupil Services. Overview of the ESL program -HS teachers: Susan Calio and Ruth Nilan -HS aide: TBA -MS teacher: Wendy Michalski -MS aide: Rhonda Gatt HS Population: approximately 60

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English as a Second Language Program at the Secondary Level

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  1. English as a Second Language Program at the Secondary Level Peg O’Grady, Supervisor of Pupil Services

  2. Overview of the ESL program -HS teachers: Susan Calio and Ruth Nilan -HS aide: TBA -MS teacher: Wendy Michalski -MS aide: Rhonda Gatt HS Population: approximately 60 MS Population: approximately 25

  3. Demographics: -Mostly from rural Mexico and parents are migrant agricultural workers -Parental education -Implications of previous educational opportunities

  4. The Identification Process: -Home Language Survey -Woodcock Munoz Language Survey -Wide Range Achievement Test -WAPT (ACCESS entry test)

  5. Power School and the meaning of ESL levels 1-9 Level 1-entering (instructional) Level 2-beginning (instructional) Level 3-developing (instructional) Level 4-expanding (instructional) Level 5- bridging (instructional)

  6. Level 6- exited from program/monitored for first year Level 7- monitored for second year Level 8- no direct or indirect (monitoring) service any longer Level 9- tested but not found to be eligible for ESL

  7. Common Terms in ESL • ESL = English as a Second Language – the course • ELL = English Language Learner – the person • LTEL = Long-term English Learner • L1 and L2

  8. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills Social language Vernacular 10% of school success Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency School language Vocabulary and syntax 90% of school success BICS and CALP

  9. Goals of the ESL Program • Develop both BICS and CALP to assure that ELLs can access content • Attain academic standards • ESL standards • What teachers can expect of ELLs as they progress through the language levels  

  10. LTELs – Monitored Status • Two years • Watch these kids • Can go back into ESL • Do go back and “visit” their ESL teachers

  11. Your Role • Adaptations and modifications of curriculum, instruction, and assessment • Very easy part – • Smile, talk slowly and clearly • Seat student near a Spanish speaker • Partner with English speakers • Comprehensible input

  12. Assessments and Grading • How to tell what kids know and can do • Assessment of knowledge and skill, not language ability – or lack thereof • Grading – accurate representation of students’ progress toward achievement of the standards

  13. Help is Right Around the Corner • ESL teachers and aides • The AGHS and FSEMS teachers

  14. Translations/Home School Communication -Official School Level or District Level Documents -No classroom information sheets

  15. -Check with ESL teacher and/or mentor to see if information sheets have already been translated

  16. Questions and Comments

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