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Ivy Meadors

Ivy Meadors.

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Ivy Meadors

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  1. Ivy Meadors Referred to as the "Female Tom Peters"; internationally renowned, award winning, speaker consultant, Ivy Meadors, with over 28 years of experience, is a seasoned expert specializing in business, customer service and technical support. She is recognized as one of the industry's most respected leaders. Ivy is CEO and founder of High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc.™, a full-service, vendor neutral, consulting firm specializing in service and support of the enterprise from a comprehensive viewpoint. Together with her team, she has provided innovative solutions with extraordinary results to hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies throughout the world. Her business focus is far-reaching from people considerations to best practice processes to technology solutions. Would you like to have high-performing, fully committed team members, a technologically advanced support environment, and incredibly loyal customers? High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc.™ will develop your enterprise into one that offers exemplary customer services, realizes high returns on investments, has outstanding leaders and committed employees, with the primary focus always on business excellence and the customer’s experience. High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc.™ ~~~ 425-398-9292 ~~~ Ivy@hthts.com ~~~www.hthts.com

  2. Creating Indispensable Service and Support Organizations: Avoid becoming a commodity Learn methods to make your organization become an indispensable corporate asset. The level of value provided to the organization is the distinguishing factor to determine if your Service Desk or Contact Center is indispensable. This session uses the outsourcing argument as the basis for understanding the true potential value of your Service Desk or Contact Center. What are the qualities that will guarantee management believe your operations are mission critical? This presentation shows you where to focus your efforts to realize the greatest gains. Make the most of every opportunity for improvement. Recognize and destroy the sacred cows. Learn proven methods to make your organization become an indispensable corporate asset.

  3. Get Ahead of the Curve inCustomer Service Create an Indispensable Organization And Avoid Becoming a Commodity Presented By Ivy Meadors Ivy@hthts.com www.hthts.com

  4. Slides are posted at www.hthts.com • Select the Link to Slides on Home Page See end of slide deck for additional resources

  5. Presenting • Where it all started • Basis for outsourcing • Change in mindset • Where to focus your efforts using CRM • Blogging to create relationships and offer additional value

  6. e.html • 1876: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone • 1878: First operator and they were teenage boys. They wrestled instead of worked. They pulled pranks on callers, and even cursed at them. Were too rowdy. Switched to women. • Women had pleasant voices that customers -- most of whom were men -- would like. And because society did not treat women equally, they could be paid less and supervised more strictly than men. • Late 1800s. The first woman telephone operator was Emma Nutt. Late 1800s. • 1900: All women operators. • 600 calls per hour! Answer rate was 4 seconds. • 1950: First PBX by Bell Lab • 1978: First cellular telephone • 1960’s First Mainframes • Last Cord board: 1981 1878 Late 1800s www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/kids/tech1900/phone.html

  7. History of Help Desk Technology 1981 First MF Problem Management Systems IBM - InfoMan & Peregrine Systems – PMS 1985 First Client Service application for PCs Windows 1.0 1989 Client Server Systems come to life Peregrine, Magic, Heat and a few others 1989 First Client Server KM System Symbologic – was Primus – now ATG U S West Communications 1989: 93% 1st Call Resolution

  8. The Basis of Outsourcing “Just overhead” “Not core to the business” “Cheaper if someone else does it” “Someone else can do it better” “Organizations generally outsource a ‘Help Desk,’ not a ‘Service Desk’ (ITIL)” “In top three jobs with highest attrition: Call Centers”

  9. Service Desk Commodity:Help Desk logs and escalates calls Corporate Asset:Service Desks solve calls and are proactive in identifying issues and accurate solutions

  10. Change in Mindset Be core to the business, not overhead Have a critical viewpoint Focus on solving business problems Goal Model: Best service is no service “Be willing to surrender what you are, for what you could become.“ -unknown

  11. “I’ve never had to contact Amazon about any matter. I have had, in essence, no customer service from Amazon. Put another way, I have had such perfect customer service, the service itself has been transparent. That is exactly what Amazon wants: “The goal is perfect customer service through no customer service.” Source: Fast Company April 2001 article: “Betrayed! The Biggest Lie in Business: The Customer is In Charge”

  12. Change in Mindset • Motivate using meaningful metrics • Increasesome ‘call’ durations • It’s not how many calls you take a day or how short they are, but the quality of the exchange • Only log things that are meaningful • Focus on contact deflection and elimination (e.g. “We have training available, you can sign up for free at…or I can do it for you right now.”) Have a different viewpoint: “Concave Contacts”

  13. “One Call Really Can Do it All” • Frontline should be the “nags”(ownership) • Push specific information to certain customers (e.g. new application user, new car owner) • Know and predict the customer’s needs • Define ‘practical’service levels • Deliver event driven notifications (e.g. Amazon.com)

  14. A "sacred cow“, an expression related to the Hindu belief that cows are sacred, is a belief in something, that it is above criticism. There are many traditions that we uphold, many processes and methods that have become "sacred cows". They can be out dated, ineffective, even destructive, and yet we don’t see them and will never consider changing them. But we must! We must seek out and destroy these destructive sacred cows. http://www.youth.co.za/theedge/sacred_cows/main_sacred-cows.asp “Follow the MAG Tape” SACRED COWS MAKE THE BEST BURGERS http://www.kriegel.com/robert_kriegel_books.htm

  15. Kill the Sacred Cows People who use yesterdays thinking in today’s game will be gone tomorrow - Robert Kriegel “Think Lean!”

  16. Creating a Superior Customer Experience

  17. Defining CRM and Contact Management • Customer Relationship Management: A process or methodology used to: • Learn more about customers' needs and behaviors to develop stronger relationships with them. • Bring together many pieces of information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market trends. • Help businesses use technology to gain insight into the behavior of customers and the value of those customers. • Contact management: Software to store, track and manage contacts CRM = Sales, Marketing, & Service

  18. “NETWORKING” Marketing, Campaigning CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Existing Customers SFA (Sales Force Automation) Leads / Prospects Contact Management Database (CMS)

  19. Why Use the Technology Know….. Who’s buying / reading / downloading / accessing “stuff” What “stuff” are they getting Why are they buying / reading / downloading / accessing it When was the last time they got the “stuff” How long since they were last “touched”

  20. Why Invest the Time and Effort Saves time later Builds rapport quickly (e.g. Karaoke, pets) Schedule follow-up activities and FUP! Differentiates you from your competitors Know your contact in real-time “Every customer should be made to feel that the organization cares about them personally.”

  21. Results… • Provide a superior customer experience • Offer superb value and innovations in service that others may not • Increase revenues • Cross-sell / up-sell products more effectively continued…

  22. Results… • Acquire new customers through data mining • Know which customers are worth investing in • Help staff close deals faster / solve issues accurately • Simplify marketing and sales processes “360 view of contacts”

  23. Contributing Success Factors Must Have Strategy to contact your customers / end users • Frequency • Methods utilized • Quality of contact Data capture process • Relative to their specific interests / needs • Real-time or within 24-48 hours • Take the time to review & update customer profiles

  24. acctng service quotes sfa CMS blog email Int. Broch. Contributing Success Factors Integrated Systems • Email integration (affords event triggered emails too) • Auto generate invoices, contracts, quotes, etc. • No duplicated data and less room for error with a single database

  25. Telephony Data Integration Caller-id CMS (i.e. Heat, Goldmine) Screen-pops profile “Immediate access to customer details” “Call directly from CMS system!”

  26. Free up Critical Resources • Seek out customer complaints • Stop manual data entry efforts (e.g. Form online, generates an email, call center types in each entry into system line by line. (3-5 minutes for data entry.) • Be sure there is value in making the effort • Does anyone really care about what is measured? 5. Monitor contacts, coach, reward, and take action (e.g. Didn’t know they weren’t making any effort to up-sell, voice tone, # times customer asked them to repeat, etc.)

  27. Are they “Really” Satisfied? A recent survey conducted jointly by Call Center Magazine and our sister publication, Managing Offshore, reflects this predicament. The survey found that 65% of companies think that their customers go away "highly satisfied" after a call, while only 22% of customers actually reported walking away "highly satisfied.“ http://www.callcentermagazine.com/shared/article/showArticle.jhtml?articleId=49400662&classroom=

  28. Telephony • Utilize the telephone system more fully: emails, vmails, and calls all go into the ACD queue • Wrap-up / quick codes for call “logging” • Use queues to route calls to other support groups Switching modes now…

  29. OK, So what’s up with this Blog thing?

  30. What is it? • A blog (weblog) is… • …an online diary; a chronological log of thoughts and ideas published on a web page. • …a simple form of content management • Blog Examples: • Project collaboration (i.e. internal corporation, with your client’s team) • Personal diary, your opinions, thought for the day • News feeds • continued…

  31. More Blogging…. • Form of Content and Collaboration Management • More Blog examples…. • Favorite links, hints and tips • Example “Privacy Blog” of links: http://www.delcreo.com/delcreo/blogs/privacy/delcreoPrivacyBlog.html • Ongoing dialog with key contacts about issues important to them • Personal online accounts of 9/11 drew millions of readers • Turn all your blogging into your first eBook

  32. Blogging Considerations • Find people with similar interests and they find you – capture in your contact management system for future prospecting! • “Comment SPAM” - big issue (http://codex.wordpress.org/Combat_Comment_Spam) • AudioBlogger – call Blogger and lvm – posted as MP3 file • PhotoBlogger • Password secured! • Delete what you don’t want in your Blogs • Top Blogs are primarily technical in nature

  33. Sampling of Blog Software • Top Blog Systems of 2004 • http://www.blogger.com • http://wordpress.org • http://www.bloglines.com • http://www.movabletype.org • http://www.silkware.com • http://multiply.com (photo blogging) “27% of U.S. adults who go online read blogs.” - Anick Jesdanun, Associated Press Hosted and installed versions available for some

  34. Blogging Resources Loads of Blog info radio.weblogs.com/0107846/stories/2002/10/03/blogSoftware.html Blog Business Summit - Seattle www.blogbusinesssummit.com/register_google.htm Article on Blogs applicable to those publishing books www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.05/mustread.html?pg=2 Forum for Bloggers http://www.forum4bloggers.com

  35. Interactive Brochures • Quick, easy way to personalize communications • Customizable content • Direct link leads contacts back to web site • Workflow approval process • Auto generate and send press releases Resource: www.marqui.com

  36. Primary Take-aways • Change in mindset – become indispensable • The best service is no service • Communicate the need for the “investment” • Demonstrate your value to the enterprise

  37. Function as if it is Your Own Business Manage costs: think of the entire company, not just your immediate group. “Me, Inc.” Tom Peters Call Centers are the front door to your external customers. Help Desks are the backbone that guarantees the success for your employees to serve those end most crucial customers.

  38. Eliminate the unnecessary work, scale-back functions, change in mindset, and the right team together will result in establishing “An indispensable Help Desk or Call Center that’s Ahead of the Curve and Indispensable!”

  39. Newsletters Loads of Content for the Service and Support Professionals Northwest Support Professionals Sign up at: nwsupportprofessionals.org Northwest Call Center Professionals Email: nwccp@hthts.com Help Desk Northwest Email: membership@hdnw.org Sign up now!!

  40. Our Exclusive Newsletter “eSharings” Call Center and Help Desk professional’s newsletter focused on creating indispensable service and support groups; comes loaded with resources, viewpoints, tips, books, and ideas that you can apply now. Sign up at www.hthts.com

  41. I would love to hear from you anytime, Ivy@hthts.com Speaker, Consultant High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. www.hthts.com (425) 398-9292

  42. Disclosure Resources in presentation • Do not in any way intend to show favoritism to any one product or vendor. • Information is offered to simply provide you resources for gathering information. • Lists are not intended to be all inclusive.

  43. Miscellaneous Resources SACRED COWS MAKE THE BEST BURGERS http://www.kriegel.com/robert_kriegel_books.htm KCS KNOWLEDGED CENTERED SUPPORT http://www.serviceinnovation.org/library/programs/kcs/kcs_brief.pdf Books Success Principles by Jack Canfield Trump: How to Get Rich

  44. CRM Resources www.best-business.us/management-crm.htm www.crm-a.org/resources.html www.crmportals.com/Crmworld.html www.crmguru.com/articles/2004

  45. Password Resets & Provisioning • VoiceVault http://www.voicevault.com/passwordreset.htm • Courion http://courion.com/ • M-Tech Mercury Information Technology Inc. http://mtechit.com/ • Anixis http://www.anixis.com/ • RSA http://www.rsasecurity.com/ • Symark Software http://www.symark.com/ • Useful article that speaks to some of the different solutions available and many other links. http://www.nwfusion.com/supp/security2/password.html

  46. Perform Root Cause Analysis“It’s Imperative!” http://www.rootcause.com/whatsrca.htm http://www.systems-thinking.org/rca/rootca.htm http://www.thinkreliability.com/approach.htm#root

  47. “The Contact Center of the Future” • Multi-channel access: e-mail, Web chat, Web callback, voice-over net, voice-over IP, Web collaboration • Integrated knowledge management and contact management tools  • Personalization of every customer interaction 

  48. “The Contact Center of the Future” • More powerful off-the-shelf telephony integration  • Genuine customer knowledge through superior business analytics and market intelligence  • Front line employees who deliver extraordinary service • Employees who are recognized for their outstanding value and worth! • Incredible Leaders!

  49. Service Desk is often viewed as a commodity service by the lines of business in an enterprise. Is the Service Desk actually strategic? • If a company’s Service Desk is really a Help Desk, the perception is correct, but there are strategic uses of Service Desks as well. For example, if you take the wealth of data generated by a Service Desk and use it as a tool to better manage the IT organization and infrastructure, that’s strategic. For example, a company who learns from their service desk data that operating problems occur as a result of an existing process, can benefit from learning what in that process should be re-engineered in that process to eliminate those concerns. The Service Desk is helping the CIO make better choices. It’s strategic when you can take the data and use it to better manage the human resources in IT as well. • http://www.unisys.com/services/network__services/insights/insights__compendium/ask__the__expert___d___michele__hudnall.htm • Ask the Expert • Service Desk Outsourcing • Michele Hudnall, Senior Research Analyst, META Group

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