Genre Morphs Devin Easter
Introduction • This project was a enjoyable project in the fact of being able to choose our own images and what they mean to us. I enjoyed selecting the images and dissecting each image beyond just what I could see, and identifying more about the photos. I hope anyone who would see this project to look at it and see the many aspects of power that I used. Both the negative and the positive aspects. I am examing power to show people the benefits of power, but also the many wrong that can come from the wrong king of power.
Introduction • I personally enjoyed doing the image of the soldiers having Thanksgiving in another country. I felt sympathy for them because they could not celebrate with there families at home. But also at the same time I knew they would not want it any other way because of the bigger picture of why they were doing so. I do not know anyone in the army, but I could see how times like this would be very trying for an individual to go through. The image about the woman crying in Syria helped me realize the real crisis that was happening there. I felt sorry for this woman because she was in the middle of a war that wasn’t her fight, but she was suffering anyway. Also the women and children who were in Congo and had to leave because of the war there. It made me want to help them personally because this type of power by the wrongful participants was not right.
Introduction • The research analysis helped me examine the photo more than just what I was use to. It helped me go into more depth about what was really happening in the photo. It also showed me new was to analysis a picture for my benefit. The process behind completing the project showed me to slowdown and not look at the pictures as a project, but a way to increase my intelligence. To look at a photo and dissect it in a new more efficient way.