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13th Oriental COCOSDA Workshop Region Report 2010 Hong Kong Tan Lee and Helen Meng. Speech research @ HK. City University of Hong Kong ( 香港城市大学 ) Linguistics The Chinese University of Hong Kong ( 香港中文大学 ) Electronic Engineering, Systems Engineering Modern Language & Linguistic s
13th Oriental COCOSDA Workshop Region Report 2010 Hong Kong Tan Lee and Helen Meng
Speech research @ HK City University of Hong Kong (香港城市大学) Linguistics The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大学) Electronic Engineering, Systems Engineering Modern Language & Linguistics Audiology and ENT The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (香港理工大学) Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Linguistics The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (香港科技大学) Electronic Engineering, Computer Science The University of Hong Kong (香港大学) Speech and Hearing Science, Linguistics
Chinese Learners of English Corpus (CU-CHLOE)(Helen Meng, CUHK) • Objectives Exemplify pronunciations of Chinese learners of English Improve English as a second language learners’ pronunciations using speech technology • Speakers & Recording Conditions 100 native Cantonese (Hong Kong) speakers, 111 native Mandarin (Mainland) speakers Quiet office; Head-worn microphone; computer prompted • Content & Transcription Aesop’s Fable: The North Wind and The Sun: 6 sentences Teacher-selected materials • Phonemic sounds: 20 sentences • Confusable words: 10 lists; Minimal pairs: 50 lists ARPABET symbols + newly defined • Current status Manually transcription ongoing Co-organizing AESOP (Asian English Speech cOrpus Project) Recording tools recorded and made available to AESOP community
Cantonese AphasiaBank(Anthony Kong, UCF; Sam Po Law, HKU; & Alice Lee, UCC)funded by National Institutes of Health, USA (2010-2014) • Content of database • Audio and video recordings of speech samples • 180 normal speakers and 180 individuals with aphasia • Elicited through picture description, procedural description, story telling, and open questions. • Objective • To apply a multi-layered discourse prosody model, developed based on passage reading by normal Taiwan Mandarin speakers, for analyzing normal and aphasic Cantonese discourse prosody. • Data analysis (Prosodic analysis) • Manual orthographic and phonetic transcription • Acoustic-phonetic segmentation, achieved by forced alignment using HTK • Using perceptual judgement, annotate syllable, prosodic word, phrase, breath group, & prosodic phrase group (HPG; Tseng et al., 2005). • Measure duration, intensity, and F0 of each syllable using Praat. • Current work • Pilot study on HPG with 2 normal speakers & 2 individuals with aphasia. • Working with Tan Lee’s team (CUHK) on automatic alignment of large-scale recordings
Distinguished Lecture by LDC Director • Prof. Mark Liberman, Director of Linguistic Data Consortium, visited Hong Kong on Oct. 4, 2010, and delivered a public speech titled: • The Golden Age of Speech and Language Science
Thank you and hope to see you at • Oriental COCOSDA Workshop 2012 • Hong Kong