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NOUNS. INTEREST CENTER FOR 5 th GRADERS. Karmiña Guerra Amparo Rojano Nelly Gayón. NOUNS. Nouns. I need my students to learn…. Nouns are everywhere and it´s difficult to communicate without them. Using nouns you can name anything around you. Nouns enable you to express how you feel.
NOUNS INTEREST CENTER FOR 5th GRADERS Karmiña Guerra AmparoRojano Nelly Gayón
I need my students to learn… • Nouns are everywhere and it´s difficult to communicate without them. • Using nouns you can name anything around you. • Nouns enable you to express how you feel. • Using nouns you can give an identity to anything you want. • Nouns help you organize things, ideas and feelings. • Nouns are used in math, science, history, arts, economics, daily life, wherever man exists.
REsources • Artifacts • Flash cards • Games • Technology • Cardboards • Pictures • Music • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwyuhcZtrvM • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzrk9B1IOHE • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJUgQt30t08&feature=related • Internet… • http://vimeo.com/14709733#t=18 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC4iV1qQ1gk • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVuoB8rQhlg • www.redes/sm.net • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKhI91kOucc&feature=related • Actividades modulo 2 buffalo\11554309-Noun-Poem.pdf Actividadesmodulo 2 buffalo\Noun.docx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy72OPgdVuA http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/nouns.html - Activity • http://lizsantiagoeslworsheets.blogspot.com/search/label/nouns - activity
resources • Printed material • Books • Amigos del Lenguaje . Editorial Santillana pg. 21-25 • LenguaCastellana. Aprenderparavivir. Esdiciones SM pg. 158-161 • Magazines http://www.ezschool.com/Games/NounSort.html http://www.softschools.com/language_arts/grammar/noun/balloon_game/ http://www.ezschool.com/Games/Nouns.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks1/literacy/phonics/play/
TASKS LIST • Task 1 • Student will recognize the importance of nouns by creating an alternative way of communication without using them. • Task 2 • Using music students will analyze the difference between nouns and verbs • Task 3 • Students will work with proper and common nouns in an excel format. • Task 4 • Commercial proposal of a perfume using abstract and concrete nouns. • Task 5 • Check list classifying under categories or semantic fields. • Task 6 • Organize items according to characteristics using individual and collective nouns.
TASK CARD 1 • Since the beginning of time , men have been looking for ways to communicate with each other. First, they use drawings and sounds , and little by little they developed language as a response to the need of socialization. • Today is part of our life so we don’t really think about it. Take your time to experience what our ancestors felt when they try to communicate without the aid of language ant its structures. • Learn more about the origin of language: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_language
TASK 1 • You are the oldest child in your family. • Your mother just finish cooking for your father´s birthday party and asked you to watch the food while she goes to buy some last minute stuff. • While you were playing PS3 your dog decided to try all the food. • Your challenge is to make a play where you explain your mom what happened without using nouns.
TASK CARD 2 • Sometimes is easier to understand a concept by looking at the differences rather than the similitudes. • Religion has always been an important part of men history but trying to define or understand God is always an issue. This has motivated singers, writers, philosophers and people like you and me to generate ways to transmit feelings and perceptions of God. • Clue: Difference between verb and noun.
TASK 2 • You are a researcher hired to investigate Religion´s influence in today´s music. Your challenge is to interview Ricardo Arjona about his song “Jesus is verb not noun” as part of your survey. During the interview you should analyze and explain what he meant with the sentence “verb and not noun”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6aWGwMddiA Jesus is verb not noun fragment
TASK CARD 3 • In order to know what you need you must know what you have. • Purchasing Managers have the responsibility of keeping records of the products they buy, their behavior, existence and acceptance in market ,in order to decide what to buy. • It is very important to keep this information as clear and accessible as possible using charts and making sure to identify properly each product, • Clue: Proper and common nouns
TASK 3 • You are the Purchasing Manager for Farabella. You are travelling to China to buy merchandise for the next season so you need to know what is in stock, which are your best products and which the slow sellers. • Your challenge is to classify all the products according to their characteristics and brand name in an EXCEL format. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvgyXcSlxUg
TASK CARD 4 • Knowing your costumer is the key to success. • Everyday market turns to be more competitive and the key to success is to know what your target wants. For this reason, is a must to make a research in order to design a proposal or campaign. It is no longer a matter of price but a matter of sensation. Today, customers are seduced by how the product makes them feel rather than by price . • Happiness, love, passion, energy, are words you can usually associate with products making them appealing to the customer. • Also, the presentation of the products are decision makers. An appealing box, colors or logo could be at last what makes the difference. • Clue: Abstract and concrete nouns
TASK 4 • You are a campaign manager hired by Shakira to redesign her perfume. She wants to know how her costumers feel when using it. • Your challenge is to make a proposal based on research including sensorial stimuli, presentation, advantages over actual product, and commercialization. http://www.almendralejoempresarial.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=188:unidad-4-crear-propuestas-comerciales-diferentes-dando-un-enfoque-distinto-a-los-productos-yo-servicios-existentes-y-combinando-los-mismos&catid=38:guia-para-la-creacion-de-empresas-comercio&Itemid=74
TASK CARD 5 • What you like and what you need… • One of the hardest task when traveling is packing. We have all experienced, one time or another, missing our tooth brush, underwear, or ,that what we brought is not suitable and we find our self with a pair of jeans in a formal dinner. • To avoid this, our first impulse is to take our whole house with us but usually the airline wants the opposite. • Packing intelligently is the best option. Finding out what you will need for that specific place and making a check list organized by categories will reduce mistakes. • Clue: Semantic fields
TASK 5 • You are a tourist guide who is taking a group of students to the Amazonas. • Your challenge is to create a check list so they will not forget to pack what they need. The format should be divided by categories: vaccines, documentation, clothes, shoes, personal belongings, technological devices, etc. http://canasto.es/2007/04/lista-viaje/ http://travelinamazonas.blogspot.com/2009/11/tramites-y-requisitos-para-viajar-al_06.html
Task card 6 • How many surprises life gives us. • Sometimes what you expect is not what you get. When you inherit something you expect to find everything in order. But what will you do if you find everything mixed up? • Organization is not always easy, but , taking one step at a time , will bring pieces together. To fulfill this goal things should be identified, grouped and classified according to their characteristics.
TASK 6 • You have just inherit a farm called “La Arenosa”. When you went to visit you found everything mixed up so it was impossible for you to know what you inhered. • Your challenge is to group all the animals and things by classes. For example, books will be under library, sheep under herd, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJrcpBegvjI
FUTURE IDEAS • Participate in an observation rally . • Make a song with as many proper names as you can. • Create a collage with different kinds of noun.. • Write a poem about soccer using the names of your favorites teams and players. • Using recycle material represent abstract nouns. • Compare different types of nouns. • Build a puzzle with words that express your feelings toward school. • Write a paragraph using with the accent in the last syllable. • Make an acrostic about Colombia using nouns. • Create a game to identify the different types of nouns.