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Objective 3

Objective 3. Compare and contrast the four bone classifications, giving examples of each. Bones of the Human Body. The adult skeleton has 206 bones Two basic types of bone tissue Compact bone Homogeneous Spongy bone Small needle-like pieces of bone Many open spaces. Figure 5.2b.

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Objective 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Objective 3 Compare and contrast the four bone classifications, giving examples of each.

  2. Bones of the Human Body • The adult skeleton has 206 bones • Two basic types of bone tissue • Compact bone • Homogeneous • Spongy bone • Small needle-like pieces of bone • Many open spaces Figure 5.2b

  3. Classification of Bones 1. Long bones • Typically longer than wide • Have a shaft with heads at both ends • Classified by shape, not size • Contain mostly compact bone • Examples: Femur, humerus, phalanges

  4. Classification of Bones 2. Short bones • Generally cube-shape • Contain mostly spongy bone • Examples: Carpals (wrist), tarsals (ankle), patella (knee cap)

  5. Classification of Bones 3. Flat bones • Thin and flattened • Usually curved • Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of spongy bone • Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum, scapula

  6. Classification of Bones 4. Irregular bones • Irregular, complex shape • Do not fit into other bone classification categories…the “other” category • Example: Vertebrae, scapula, and hip

  7. Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape Figure 5.1

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