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Avatar: Suspension of Disbelief

Today you will: Read a list of transitions and use them in your writing . Practice using transitions of compare similarities and contrast differences . Collaborate to write a thesis statement to organize your essay .

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Avatar: Suspension of Disbelief

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  1. Today you will: Read a list of transitions and use them in your writing. Practice using transitions of compare similarities and contrast differences. Collaborate to writeathesis statement to organize your essay. Individually writea paragraph in Point by Point styleto show your understanding of compare/contrast format. Avatar: Suspension of Disbelief

  2. Using your notes to compare/contrast James Cameron created the woodsprite in the likeness of the deep-sea jellyfish. The woodsprite is a beautiful floating creature that comes from the Tree of souls. The Na’vi consider it a spiritual being, connected to their diety, Ewya. Although it looks similar to a jellyfish, with its floating movement and tentacles, the jellyfish is not considered spiritual in our society. Also, the jellyfish, unlike the woodsprite, floats through the water. This difference can probably be explained from Cameron’s other Earthly inspiration: the dandelion seed. This more closely resembles the “parachute” form of the woodsprite. Modeling the fantastical form from elements of nature found on Earth allows the reader to actually believe that this kind of life may actually be possible.

  3. Group Compare/Contrast Essay • Begin with a thesis that states each element. • Each group member must write one paragraph to compare/contrast an element on your noteguide • Begin with a clear topic sentence that states the element you are examining in that paragraph. • Use at least two transitions to compare and contrast the element • Close the paragraph with a “So what?” Explain how that element affects the audience's ability to suspend its disbelief. • USE your school provided google account: • Username JSThompson16@troyschools.org • Password: Student ID • Have one person create the document and share it • Everyone must work on the essay at the SAME TIME

  4. A three-prong thesis • Your thesis should state all the elements your group is examining in the essay. The world of Avatar , although set on another planet far in the future, is quite similar to Earth; the woodsprite, the Thanator, and the Hallelujah Mountains resemble natural elements most movie goers can recognize.

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