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Join our course to deepen your understanding of assessment systems, types, and strategies in education. Learn about formative and summative assessments to enhance student learning. Enhance your teaching skills today!
Welcome toEDUC 5555Assessment and Intervention Co-facilitated by ____ & ____
Please tell us the school you work at, your position, and your teach
Course Overview • Course expectations • SUU sponsors our university credits • Registration is completed on the last day of class for each course, along with $45 check to SUU • This a 3 credit course; SUU requires 45 hours of seat time for 3 credits • Class will be held from 4:00 – 8:00 most evenings • Class syllabus • Assignments • Tests • Grading • Attendance • Course Schedule
Norms for Math Endorsement Classes • Be respectful of other participants and of the facilitators • Use technology appropriately i.e. taking notes = appropriate online shopping or Facebook = inappropriate - please mute cell phones • Be on time for class • Avoid sidebar conversations • Participate No outside work • Any others?
Necessary Class Materials • Your math journal (any notebook will do) • Class readings will mostly be copied articles for this course. We will let you know ahead of time if you need to bring the required textbooks: • Parker, T. H. & Baldridge, S. J. (2004). Elementary mathematics for teachers. • Van de Walle, J. A. (2010). Elementary and middle school mathematics: Teaching developmentally • Beckman, S. (2008) Mathematic for Elementary Teachers
Assessment & Instruction Purposes • Develop a deeper understanding of balanced assessment systems. • Develop a deeper understanding of the following types of assessments: • Summative and Formative assessments • Open, closed, and performance tasks • Criterion and norm referenced tests
HOW DO YOU ASSESS? List some ways you typically assess students in your classroom. 1. 2. 3. 4.
The word “assess” Comes from the Latin verb ‘assidere’ meaning ‘to sit with’. In assessment one is supposed to sit with the learner. This implies it is something we do withandforstudents and not to students (Green, 1998)
Assessment in education is the process of gathering, interpreting, recording, and using information about pupils’ responses to an educational task. (Harlen, Gipps, Broadfoot, Nuttal,1992)
Values and Attitudes about Assessment • Teachers value and believe in students. • Sharing learning goals with the students. • Involving students in self-assessment. • Providing feedback that helps students recognize their next steps and how to take them. • Being confident that every student can improve. • Providing students with examples of what we expect from them.
The State of Assessment • “A wealth of research – a poverty of practice.” (Black and Wiliam, 1998) • A shift from “teaching” to “learning” • Confusion of terms and conditions • Evaluation • Assessment • Pre-Assessment • Formative • Summative
ASSESSMENT PROCESS Pre – Assessment Summative Assessment (Assessment OF Learning) Formative Assessment(Assessment FOR Learning)
PRE-ASSESSMENT • The purpose of pre-assessment is to determine what students know about a topic before it is taught. • Pre-assessment will help the teacher determine flexible grouping patterns and should be used regularly.
Checklist Pre-test KWL Charts Graphic Organizers Pre-test Student Discussions Student Demonstrations Student Products Student Work Samples Show of hands/EPR (Every Pupil Response) Standardized Test Data Teacher Observation Writing Prompts Writing Samples Pre-Assessment Strategies
Formative and Summative Assessments • Formative and summative assessment are interconnected. They seldom stand alone in construction or effect. • The vast majority of genuine formative assessment is informal, with interactive and timely feedback and response. • It is widely and empirically argued that formative assessment has the greatest impact on learning and achievement.
Formative Assessment • Assessment for learning • Taken at varying intervals throughout a course to provide information and feedback that will help improve • the quality of student learning • the quality of the course itself
Formative Assessment is… • “…learner-centered, teacher-directed, mutually beneficial, formative, context-specific, ongoing, and firmly rooted in good practice" (Angelo and Cross, 1993). • Provides information on what an individual student needs • To practice • To have re-taught • To learn next
Formative Assessment Strategies • Conference • Cooperative Learning Activities • Demonstrations • Exit Card • Graphic Organizers • “I Learned” Statements • Interviews • Journal Entry • KWLs • Learning Logs • Oral Attitude Surveys • Oral Presentations • Peer Evaluations • Problem Solving Activities • Products • Questioning • Quiz • Response Groups • Self-Evaluations
Summative Assessment • Assessment oflearning • Generally taken by students at the end of a unit or semester to demonstrate the "sum" of what they have or have not learned. • Summative assessment methods are the most traditional way of evaluating student work. • "Good summative assessments--tests and other graded evaluations--must be demonstrably reliable, valid, and free of bias" (Angelo and Cross, 1993).
Unit Test Performance Task Product/Exhibit Demonstration Portfolio Review Summative Assessment Strategies
Formative ‘… often means no more than that the assessment is carried out frequently and is planned at the same time as teaching.’ (Black and Wiliam, 1999) ‘… provides feedback which leads to students recognizing the (learning) gap and closing it … it is forward looking …’ (Harlen, 1998) ‘ … includes both feedback and self-monitoring.’ (Sadler, 1989) ‘… is used essentially to feed back into the teaching and learning process.’ (Tunstall and Gipps, 1996) Summative ‘…assessment (that) has increasingly been used to sum up learning…’(Black and Wiliam, 1999) ‘… looks at past achievements … adds procedures or tests to existing work ... involves only marking and feedback grades to student … is separated from teaching … is carried out at intervals when achievement has to be summarized and reported.’ (Harlen, 1998)
The Garden Analogy If we think of our children as plants … Summative assessment of the plants is the process of simply measuring them. It might be interesting to compare and analyze measurements but, in themselves, these do not affect the growth of the plants. Formative assessment, on the other hand, is the equivalent of feeding and watering the plants appropriate to their needs - directly affecting their growth.
Factors Inhibiting Assessment • A tendency for teachers to assess quantity and presentation of work rather than quality of learning. • Greater attention given to marking and grading, much of it tending to lower self esteem of students, rather than providing advice for improvement. • A strong emphasis on comparing students with each other, which demoralizes the less successful learners.
Self-evaluation Where would you place your assessment practice on the following continuum? The main focus is on: Quantity of work/Presentation Quality of learning Marking/Grading Advice for improvement Comparing students Identifying individual progress
Classroom Assessments Some teachers Some teachers talk about: talk about: LEARNINGGRADES • Can these co-exist peacefully? • Should one receive emphasis over the other? VERSUS
The Assessment–Instruction Process Pre – Assessment “finding out” Summative Assessment “making sure” Formative Assessment “checking in”“feedback”“student involvement”
HW article:The Role of Assessment in Elementary Math • (You were to have read this article on your own prior to class.) • Consider the following with a partner: • What is the role of a CFA in your classroom? • Respond to this statement: A CFA is formative so much as the teacher uses the information to inform instructional decisions, i.e. reteach misunderstood concepts. If a teacher chooses to not take any instructional action based on student performance on a given CFA, that test then becomes summative. • Who or what resources do I have available to me if I have any concerns or questions as I implement a balanced math “assessment toolkit”?
A Balanced Assessment System • Screening assessments • Diagnostic assessments • Formative assessment – assessment for learning • Summative assessments - assessment of learning • Classroom • Standardized
Users and Uses of Assessment Purpose: Identify how different stakeholders use assessments. CAROUSEL “Cheat Sheet” Review the definitions of each assessment.
Users and Uses of Assessment Purpose: Identify how different stakeholders use assessments. CAROUSEL BRAINSTORMING • Choose a recorder. • Write short responses to the questions on the poster. • Write “not applicable” to any question where it would be the appropriate response. • Rotate to next poster. • Return to your original poster. • Put a star next to the user that is most dependent upon this form of assessment. • Compare the responses of currently reality to the definitions and examples in the Cheat Sheet. Circle any misused or misunderstood assessments.
Which stakeholder group currently makes the best use of assessment information? Teachers Students Administrators Parents Community
Which part of a balanced assessment system do you think is used the least? Screening assessment Diagnostic assessment Formative assessment Summative assessment
What types of Assessment Methods Can Be Used? ASSESSMENT METHODS Selected or CLOSED Response Extended Written Or OPEN Response Performance Assessments Personal Communication
What types of Assessment Methods Can Be Used? CLOSED ASSESSMENT METHODS Selected Response Students select the correct/best response from a list provided Multiple choice, true/false, matching, short answer, fill-in questions
What types of Assessment Methods Can Be Used? OPEN ASSESSMENT METHODS Extended Written Response Students construct a written answer in response to a question or task Compare …… Analyze…… Interpret…. Solve a problem and explain work… Describe in detail…
What types of Assessment Methods Can Be Used? PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT METHODS Performances: *playing an instrument, *carrying out steps in an experiment *speaking in a foreign language *working productively in a group Assessment is based on observing a performance/product and making a judgment Performance Assessments Products: *term paper *lab report *work of art
What types of Assessment Methods Can Be Used? Personal Communication ASSESSMENT METHODS Determine what a student has learned through personal interaction with them *Responding to journals/logs *Asking questions during instruction *Interviewing students in conferences *Giving examinations orally Personal Communication
Matching Assessment Targets and Methods Methods Targets Performance Assessment Personal Communication Extended Written Response Selected Response Knowledge Mastery Match the assessments at your table with the target and method Reasoning Proficiency Skills Ability to Create Products
THANK YOU! • NEXT week we will be learning more about Formative and Summative Assessments • Read the article, Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment, by Black and Wiliam in preparation for next week’s class. • You are dismissed as soon as you complete tonight’s Exit Slip (next slide).
Exit Slip • On a sticky note, respond to this question: • What are your personal and professional beliefs about assessment? * Place your completed sticky note on the exit slip poster as you leave.