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仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit 4 Our World —— 复习课

仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit 4 Our World —— 复习课. Topic3. taller. 1. Jim is ______ ( tall ) than Tom. 2. Peter is _______ ( tall ) student of the six students. 3. Michael is _________ ( fast ) swimmer of all the students. 4. Kangkang’s drawing is ____________ ( beautiful )

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仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit 4 Our World —— 复习课

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  1. 仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 4 Our World ——复习课 Topic3

  2. taller 1. Jim is ______(tall) than Tom. 2. Peter is _______(tall)student of the six students. 3. Michael is _________(fast)swimmer of all the students. 4. Kangkang’s drawing is ____________(beautiful) than Jane’s. 5. Sally’s English is ________(good) in her class. the tallest the fastest more beautiful the best

  3. ( )1. Which is of the two boys? A. the tallest B. the taller C. taller D. tall ( ) 2. Yaoming is one of in the world. A. best players B. the best player C. best player D. the best players ( ) 3. Our rooms are bigger than . A. yours B. them C. their D. your’s ( ) 4. --Our teacher told us that these exercises were___. — Really? A. far more easy B. much easier C. even more easy D. so easier ( ) 5. He is the tallest __________ the three. A. in B. of C. at D. for

  4. 1.超过 more than = over 2.拆毁 pull down 3. ……的象征 a symbol of…… 4.尽力做某事 try to do sth. 5.命令某人做某事 order sb. to do sth. 6.古城墙 old city walls 7.真人模型 live models 8.在二十世纪六十年代 in the 1960s 9.由…….组成 be made up of 10.把……. 连结起来 join ------ together 11. 把……看作 regard----as 12.从那时起 from then on

  5. Language points 1.stand v. 位于/矗立于 This house stands on a hill. 2.. there used to be 曾经有 There used to be lots of old city walls in Beijing . 3.表计量的句式:主+be+数词+表数量的名词(metre .kilometre .centimetre.kg)+表性质的形容词(long.wide .high.deep)。某物有多长/宽/高/深 Eg: The blackboard is 4 metres long and 2 metres wide. The tree is 3 metes tall. The mountain is 2000 metres high.

  6. 4.100,000 读作 one hundred thousand a.1,000 以上的数字,从后往前数,每三位加一个逗号,第一个逗号为千(thousand),第二个逗号前为百万(million),第三个逗号前为十亿(billion),在上述数词中,hundred ,thousand, million, billion均为单数。 eg: 10,111 ten thousand one hundred and eleven 9,816,543 nine million eight hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and forty---three b. 当hundred ,thousand, million, billion 等表示不确定的数目,表示一个大概的数量时,常用复数形式,后面跟介词of.意为“数以百计,成千上万,数百万,几十亿”的. eg: There are millions of stars in the sky

  7. 5. from then on 从那时起.常与一般过去时连用。 From then on , I began to learn English. from now on从现在起.常与一般将来时连用。 From now on , she will have to walk to school. 6. find it +adj + to do sth I find it easy to learn English. find + n.+ 介词词组 Every year many people find great pleasure in visiting the Great Wall. 7. 对“某物有多长/多宽/多高/多深多重-------”提问分别用Hong long /wide /high /tall/deep/heavy-- Eg: -----Hong wide is the desk? -----It’s 1.5 metres wide. -------Hong tall is Jim ? ------He is 1.63 metres tall.

  8. 8.Egypt. 埃及 n. Egyptian n. 埃及人 adj. 埃及的 He is an__________. He comes from____________. Egyptian Egypt

  9. Exercises: 1 .Most old houses are ____________(拆毁)and only a few_________ (留下)now. 2.We must try our best to p________ our environment. 4.Today the ___________(政府) realizes the important of saving these old city walls. 5.The kings in Egypt built the pyramids as their ________(坟墓) 6.At last ,they finished _________(重建) our city. pulled down remain rotect government tombs rebuilding

  10. Check the words: 1. Each stone ___________(重)more than two tons. 2. Miss Gao r__________ her students as her own children. 3. This book is _________________(由------组成)three parts. 4. The first emperor, Qin Shi Huang , __________(连接)the old walls together. 5. There are only two m__________ people in that country. 6. It’s one of the seven wonders of the a___________ world. weighs egards made up of joined illion ncient

  11. building buildings builders Exercises: 1.The government spent much time __________the new___________(build). 2.It took the ________10 years _____________the warries (build). 3.Emprror Qin’s Terra Cotta Warries are very ____________. They are one of the greatest ___________.( wonder) 4.He ordered his students ______________(not move). 5.Beijing is one of the _______(old) cities. to build wonderful wonders not to move oldest

  12. A • 6.The machine was invented ________. • A. in the 1962s B. in 1962s C. in the 1962 • D. before 1962s • 7.The desk is _____________. • A. two meters long B. two---meter high • C. two meters’ long D. two---meters high • 8.Roses seem very ____________. • wonder B. wonderful C. wonderfully • D. more wonderful • 9.------They didn’t go to school today,______ ? • -------________.They stayed at home. • A. did they ; Yes ,they did B. did they ;No ,they didn’t C. didn’t they ;Yes ,they did D. didn’t they; No ,they didn’t A B B

  13. 10. He has few friends,___________? 11. There are many warries in Xi’an,___________? 12. He didn’t see the film last night,______________? 13. He used to be late for school,________________? 14. You have nothing for breakfast ,_______________? 15. Let’s go fishing ,_____________? 16. Open the door,______________? does he aren’t there did he didn’t he do you shall we will you

  14. 1.The dove(鸽子) is a ________ (象征)of peace. 2.The teacher ___________(命令)me ______________________(不要站在) here. 3.He ______(过去)to _________ (用)the red machine .But now it is _______(没用了). 4.It took about 100,000 people over 20 years to build it. ====100,000 people ______ ______ ________20 years ________it. 5. -----There aren’t classes today , are there? ----- ______________.It’s Sunday today. symbol ordered not to stand use used useless more spent than building No,there aren’t

  15. 6. I spent 10,000 yuan buying the motorbike. ====The motorbike _______ _________ 10,000 yuan . 7.The Xi’an City Wall is 13.75 kilometres ____. A long B wide C far D high 8.Bad food can make you _________. A ill B illness C sickness D trouble 9. People built the pyramids with ____ stones. A millions of B two millions C two millions of D million of 10 The Great Wall is _______ long and ___ great wonder. A so, so B such , so C so ,such D such ,such me cost A A A C

  16. 11. Most of children find great pleasure in _______computer games. A play B to play C playing D play with 12. ------_______is the box? ------ One and a half meters wide. A How long B How old C How many meters wide D How wide 13. We find _______interesting to talk about pets. A that B so C its D it C D D

  17. 14. The teacher always _____me ______a bad boy. So I’m not_________. A regard------as , pleased B regards---------as , pleased C is regarded----as , happy D is regarded ---- as , glad 15.English is _________important of all the subjects. A very B more C most D the most B D

  18. 附加疑问句

  19. Itis an apple,? isn’t it Yes, it is.

  20. They are apples,? aren’t they Yes, they are.

  21. 定义与结构 反意疑问句(tag question)又叫附加疑问句表示提问者对某事有一定的 主见,但是没有把握,希望对方来证实。它有两部分组成:陈述句+简短问句。 一般情况:肯定句+否定疑问句 前 肯 后 否 否定句+肯定疑问句 前 否 后 肯

  22. 反意疑问句的前后两部分在时态,人称和数上都要保持一致。反意疑问句的前后两部分在时态,人称和数上都要保持一致。 • It looks like rain, doesn’t it? • He doesn’t need to work so late, does he? • 前 否 后 肯 前 肯 后 否

  23. 1、简短问句的主语用人称代词,不用名 词,并要与陈述句的 主语保持一致,同时前后两部分的助动词、情态动词、动词在人称、数、时态上要保持一致。 Tom is a good boy , isn’t he ? Tom is a good boy ,isn’t Tom ? × 2、否定疑问句中的not要采用缩写形式 × He is a teacher ,is not he ? 3、朗读时,陈述部分用降调,后面部分可升可降。如果提问者对陈述部分把握较大时,后面用降调,反之用升调。

  24. 1. 陈述部分的主语是this, that 或v.ing时,疑问部分的主语多用it;陈述部分的主语是these, those时,疑问部分的主语多用they。 • This is a dictionary,_______ • Those are sheep, ________ isn’t it? aren’t they? Reading in the sun is bad ,__________? isn’t it 2. 陈述部分是“there be”结构的,疑问部分 用there省略主语代词。There is something wrong with your watch, isn't there?There will not be any trouble, will there?

  25. 几乎不 简直不 3.陈述句中含有not, no, hardly, neither, never, few, little, too…to ,nobody ,nothing. seldom等否定词或具有否定意义的词时,疑问部分常用肯定形式。如: Few people knew the news, did they? Tom has never been to England, has he? 4.如果陈述句的主语是something, nothing, anything, everything 等不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用it。 如果主语是l’m,后反意部分用aren’t l l’ m late , aren’t l? 但由否定意义的前缀或后缀而构成的否定意义的词时,仍按肯定处理:如:He is unhappy, isn’t he ? 5

  26. Everybody likes Beijing, don ,t they? Nobody wants to go swimming, does he/do they? Neither of them is right, is he/are they? 当陈述部分的主语是no one, nobody, everybody, someone,somebody,anybody,anyone,anybody,none,neither等不定代词时,疑问部分的主语多数是复数代词they(与复数动词连用)有时也用he(与单数动词连用)

  27. Fill in the blanks: ①The boy is Japanese, ________he? ②The book isn't interesting, _________ it? ③He knows a lot about English names, ________ he? ④The girl doesn't like apples, ________ she? ⑤There are two birds in the tree, ________ there? ⑥The man came to China last month, ________ he? isn't is doesn't does aren't didn't

  28. 反意疑问句的回答 不论怎样提问,若事实是肯定的,就用yes回答;若事实是否定的,就用no回答

  29. It’s cold in the picture,___________? isn’t it Yes,it is.

  30. They play football,? don’t they Yes, they do.

  31. do they They don’t like swimming,_________? 不,他们喜欢 Yes,they do.

  32. Jay can’tsing many songs,? can he Yes, he can. 不,他会唱。

  33. Lily wasn’t ill in bed, _________? was she Yes, she was. 不,她有生病。

  34. Liu Xiang can run fast, __________? can’t he Yes, he can. can’t he He can fly, ________? No, he can’t. was he He wasn’t in the Olympic Games last year, ______? Yes, he was.

  35. aren’t they They are good at singing , ___________? Yes, they are. They sang songs in GZ yesterday, _________? didn’t they No, they didn’t. They come from China, _________? don’t they Yes, they do.

  36. 前否后肯的 反意疑问句 中英文翻译的区别: Mike doesn't study hard,does he? 麦克学习不努力,是吧? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn ,t . 不,很努力。/ 对 ,不努力. 这种翻译法和一般疑问句的否定形式的回答的译法一样

  37. Wasn’t she at home ? No ,she wasn’t . She wasn’t at home, _______? was she 是的,她不在家。 No, she wasn’t .

  38. were they The students weren’t in the classroom, ____________? Yes , they were. 不,他们在.

  39. They weren’t in the park last Sunday, _______? were they No, they weren’t . 是的,他们不在。

  40. 结构一: 前肯,+ 后否 Be 动词: 1. You are an actor, ________ _____ ? 2. He is a good boy, ________ ______ ? 3. It was fine yesterday, _______ ___ ? 4. You were studying when I called you last night, __________ _____ ? 5. She is going to visit me, _____ ____? 6. I am Chinese, ______ ______? aren’t you isn’t he wasn’t it weren’t you isn’t she aren’t I

  41. 行为动词: 1. It often rains here, ________ ___ ? 2. Tom likes soccer, _________ ____ ? 3. You have a headache, _______ ___ ? 4. Lily called you yesterday, _______ ____? 5.She had to stay at home,_______ ____? 其它动词: 1.You will go to America, ______ ___ ? 2.His sister can swim well ,_____ ______? 3.Their fathers didn’t go there,____ ____? doesn’t it doesn’t he don’t you didn’t she didn’ t she won’t you can’t he did they

  42. 1. His mother is a doctor, ______ ____ ? • 2. The dogs are fighting, _______ _____? • There is a boy in our classroom, • _______ _______ ? • 4. There were many cars in the street, • _________ ________ ? • 5. There will be robots in our families, • ________ ______ ? isn’t she aren’t they isn’t there weren’t there won’t there

  43. 特殊用法 6. Sit down please, _______________ ? 7. Please call me, _________________? 8. Let’s go home, ________________ ? 9. Let us go home, ________________ ? 10. Let me see, __________________ ? 11. Don’t smoke, _______ _____ ? will you will you shall we will you will you will you

  44. 结构二: 前否,+ 后肯 1. You aren’t an actor, ______ ____ ? 2. He isn’t a good boy, ______ _____ ? 3. It wasn’t fine yesterday, ____ ____ ? 4. It doesn’t rain here, ______ ____ ? 5. His sister doesn’t have a headache, ________ _____ ? 6. You didn’t call me yesterday, _______ _____? are you is he was it does it does she did you

  45. 7. You won’t go to U.S.A., ______ ____? 8. There isn’t a boy in our classroom, ______ _______ ? 9. There weren’t many cars in the street, _______ _______ ? will you is there were there

  46. Exx 1. June is the sixth month of the year, _______? 2. Wednesday is the third day of the week, _______? 3. Jim Green is from American, __________? 4. Your mother likes seafood, _____________? 5. Your father goes to work by bus, __________? 6. David and Joy are brother and sister, ____________? 7. You sit in the middle of your class, __________? 8. Jeff Green teaches English in Shanghai, ____________? isn’t it isn’t it isn’t he doesn’t she doesn’t he aren’t they don’t you doesn’t he

  47. doesn’t he can’t she isn’t he • 将下列句子改成反意疑问句 • Tom comes to school late,_____________? • Jane can speak Chinese now, ______________? • Yao Ming is a famous basketball player,___________? • Mr Mott packed everything last night, ___________? • Han Mei doesn’t know much about the weather in Sydney, _________? • There were a lot of tall trees in the park, ________________? • The weather here gets warmer and summer, ____________? • Mike and Jack are playing football now, ____________? • Watching TV too much is bad for us ,________________? didn’t he does she weren’t there doesn’t it aren’t they isn’t it

  48. (1)You’re a farmer, _______ ________? (2)The weather isn’t fine, ______ _____? (3)Kate came here last month, _____ ______? (4)I don’t think Tom is at home, _____ _____? (5)There weren’t enough nuts, _____ _____? (6)There’s a pen in the pencil-box, ____ _____? (7)The man had bread for lunch, ______ ____? (8)Mary can speak little English , _____ ______? (9)Nothing is wrong with the watch, ____ _____? aren’t you is it didn’t she is he were there isn’t there didn’t he can she is it

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