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THE PERILS OF FALSE TEACHING TO THE SEEKER. 1 Corinthians 5:1-6 Titus 3:1-10.
THE PERILSOF FALSE TEACHING TO THE SEEKER 1 Corinthians 5:1-6 Titus 3:1-10
Teach us that bad leaven really can contaminate the whole and that, therefore, we do have a responsibility not to shut our eyes to false teaching and the sin it generates because the Spirit of Holiness cannot tolerate evil that invites Satan into a family unit or a church.
Therefore, we DO have a responsibility not to shut our eyes to false teaching and the sin it generates because ignoring wrong doing never deals with the problems caused by evil.
As expressed below, God has provided His followers with many warnings about the possibility and the perils of false teaching. Some of these passages are warnings to be alert for the lies and the liars involved.
Some of these passages are warnings of the consequences of following the false teachers. Some of these passages are warnings to learn God's Revealed and Holy Word (the Bible) so that we can know the truth.
These warnings have been provided so that no one attempts to plead ignorance, at their moment of judgement, because Jesus WILL NOT accept that (John 15:22).
There can be NO doubt about the FACT that God has an attitude about false teachings and those who follow them.
Much of the false teaching we encounter in this day comes from the minds of liberal philosophers and liberal "theologians" who disagree with the character of God and the nature of the people and events they find in the Bible.
They examine these things with a 21st century mindset instead of the mindset of the times and the societies these Biblical events occurred in.
The error in their thinking (provided by the Philosophy of Relativism which is the subject of another commentary) is that a society's concept of morality is dependent on the circumstances present in a particular time and place.
Such things will change with the influences of time, geography, interaction with other societies and expanding knowledge of the creation that surrounds us. Therefore, we cannot judge historical events by today's moral standards.
We have to examine events using the standards as they existed in that time and place. We must be ever careful to be sure our research into these standards and circumstances is both correct and correctly applied to the events and people we are studying.
Into our increasingly unbelieving society the world will continually disseminate faulty teachings. It is because of this FACT that believers must be continually discerning about every "new" thing we hear (1 John 4:1-3).
Otherwise, erroneous messages can lead Christians into compromising their convictions. This can, and does, cause affections and priorities to change. We must be ever vigilant that we don't let the world's clamour make the Spirit's voice inaudible because we need His guidance to keep our minds less vulnerable to Satan's lies.
With the Holy Spirit's help we can, as individuals, continue to follow Jesus in spite of how corrupted this world becomes.
Passages such as 1 Cor 5:1-6 and Titus 3:1-10 teach us that bad leaven really can contaminate the whole; that the Spirit of Holiness cannot tolerate evil that that invites Satan into a family unit or church; that therefore we do have have a responsibility not to shut our eyes to false teaching and the sin it generates; that ignoring wrong doing never deals with the problems caused by evil.
One often wonders where Christianity's sense of moral outrage, such as that expressed by Jeremiah, has disappeared to. Our sensibilities seem to have been dulled by today's dazzling array of images of this world's priorities.
Since we are unwilling to turn off the T.V.s, CDs, Videos, and computers, we turn off our intellects instead. Over time our minds become so full of trash we come to accept this situation as the norm. The bizarre becomes the commonplace.
Morally exhausted, we lose our capacity to discern good from evil. The inability to make these moral distinctions is the intellectual AIDS of our time as it is an Acquired Intellectual Deficit Syndrome. Such moral blindness, of this calibre, has to be learned.
In a culture with moral AIDS, definitions are manipulated by Satan's world until the true meanings of words and concepts become obscured. This makes it almost impossible for the Word of God to be truly received.
If sin and repentance mean nothing, then God's Grace is irrelevant. Such moral deafness leads only to disaster, as the following passages clearly show. In Israel, in Jeremiah's day, the Israelites accepted Ahab's gross evils as the new "normal".
Things are no different today as we accept the gross evils found within the various forms of media and the world around us. It is because of Israel's failure to discern good from evil that the nation came under the righteous anger and judgement of God.
Evil is to be expected in a fallen world but Christians are expected and required to reject it. Christians must re-capture their sense of moral outrage. Do not be sucked in by the world's standards: be bold in holding to Christ's standards.
Don't let Satan wear you down to his level. If you do, it may well be an eternal position.
Clearly, then, one of the big dangers of false teaching is that it leads to a degenerate society because it lacks any moral absolutes. In this situation, the authority figures of such a society lack moral authority and thus only have the authority of force.
Scripture • Genesis 12:3Deuteronomy 4:1-3&7:16 & 13:1-10 & 18:19-22 & 30:17-18aPsalm 14:ALLProverbs 30:5-6Ecclesiastes 10:1-3Isaiah 24:5Jeremiah 8:4-17 & 14:14 & 16:19-20 & 23:16-32Lamentations 4:13-16Micah 2:ALL & 3:ALLZachariah 10:2Matthew 7:15-23 & 15:8-11 & 16:1-12 & 23:ALL & 24:4-5 & 24:24-26Mark 13:22Luke 6:26John 10:8 • Acts 2:14-41 & 3:12-26 & 13:6 & 20:29-30Romans 1:18-231 Corinthians 2:52 Corinthians 4:3-4 & 11:3-4 & 11:13-15 & 11:26Galatians 1:6-10 & 2:4-5 & 6:7Ephesians 5:6 & 6:ALL & 11:ALLColossians 2:4/8/181 Timothy 4:1Hebrews 3:12-132 Peter 2:ALL1 John 4:1-32 John vv7 & vv 9-11Jude vv 4/11/16Revelation 16:13 & 19:20 & 20:10