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THE PERILS OF BEING A FALSE TEACHER:. Never choose to be a worker for God without giving it a lot of thought. Deu 5:32 tells us clearly that we are never to "turn to the left or to the right". What we have to teach and to preach has already been determined by God. It is ALL within the Bible. .
Never choose to be a worker for God without giving it a lot of thought. Deu 5:32 tells us clearly that we are never to "turn to the left or to the right". What we have to teach and to preach has already been determined by God. It is ALL within the Bible.
We are not to simply convey our testimony but also to preach the Gospel. There must always be recognition of God's hand upon you. Never water down His Word.
Never add to His Word nor take away from it. Never teach the philosophies of man in order to "correct" God's Holy Word lest that hand which is upon you closes to crush!
Christians are called to discern false teachings and those who claim to perform miracles and exercise authority from God.
Jesus said: "Great is your reward in Heaven". Who in their right mind would trade eternal possessions in Heaven for the things of this world that fade away such as reputations and fame do and that the moth can destroy and the rust consume before one ends up in Hell?
Within the realm of Christianity, false teaching is an ever present danger and it is something that God unmistakeably states that He abhors. God looks on false teaching, and the activities it encourages, as spiritual fornication.
While He MAY forgive such activities on the part of a properly repentant miss-lead follower, the wording of many of the following passages leaves no doubt that there is NO POSSIBILITY of God forgiving those who knowingly teach against His Bible.
For a false teacher to say that they did not know that they were teaching against God WILL NOT be accepted as an excuse according to the words of Jesus, as found in John 15:22.
These passages are about the fate of those who attempt to steal or lead astray God's flock, most especially those who are "wolves in sheep's clothing" ~ ordained ministers wearing the position, garb and title of "shepherd".
Quite clearly, the consequences are brutal and eternal. There can be no doubt about the FACT that God has a serious and negative attitude about false teachers.
Scripture • Genesis 12:3Deuteronomy 4:1-3&13:5-10 & 18:19-20 & 30:17-18aProverbs 30:6Isaiah 24:5Jeremiah 5:30-31 & 8:4-17 & 23:1-2 & 23: 10-15 & 23:39-40 & 25:34-35Lamentations 4:16Ezekiel 13:3 & 13:8-9 & 13:22-23 • Matthew 23:23-29/33 • Romans 1:32-332 Corinthians 4:3Galatians 1:8-9Ephesians 5:6 • Tit 1:9-16Hebrews 6:4-62 John vv9-11Revelation 19:20-21 & 22:18-21
Many false teachers claim to be especially anointed by God to bring us a "new" message from Him. This would place them on par with a prophet or an apostle, as these are the only ones God has identified as being authorized to bring a message from Him. Anyone making such a claim must fulfill the job description as supplied by God:
One of the reasons behind God's anger, regarding false teaching, is that it pulls His followers away from Him. God describes Himself as a JEALOUS God. We are the GREAT SHEPHERD'S SHEEP.
We are "The Bride of Christ". When we choose to follow Him we are His! Whenever jealousy is ignited, wrath is the only possible outcome and to fall into the hands of the living and wrathful God would be horrible beyond description yet, false teachers are wagering their intellectual superiority and their eternity against God.
The Word of God, the Bible as a whole, is only the proper guide for our discerning whether or not a teacher is "kosher". When a mesmerized audience or congregation are not thinking in a critical manner about what a pastor with great charisma is saying, they can accept without question statements that cannot be verified by the Bible as absolute truth.
This is why sound knowledge of the Bible is so critical to one's earthly well being and to their eternal address.
Consider, for a moment, the multitude of passages employed in both situations presented herein. God is well aware, as we should also be, that the truth is often not to be found in a single passage stating "It is written...".
This is because a single passage can be removed from its Biblical context and corrupted into any form of false teaching one desires. The truth is more likely to be found in the statements: " it is written.... and again it is written...".
What God has done here is to provide us with not only "it is written...and again it is written..."; but also "again and again and again and again...". It would be exceedingly difficult to come to believe that God does not have a serious concern about these issues.