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HF I&C status

HF I&C status. Alexi Mestvirishvili, University of Iowa. People. Most of the people from Turkey universities already left. Hope all or some of them will be here next year as well. Underlined who are here. Marcos Correa Martins will stay at CERN until beginning of Februrary.

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HF I&C status

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  1. HF I&C status Alexi Mestvirishvili, University of Iowa LS1 session, December CMS week

  2. People Most of the people from Turkey universities already left. Hope all or some of them will be here next year as well. Underlined who are here. Marcos Correa Martins will stay at CERN until beginning of Februrary • OnurFikriOztirpan- Istanbul Technical University • Yusuf OguzhanGunaydin-Istanbul Technical University • GuralAydin-Istanbul Technical University • UmutKayhanSen- Cukurova University • CansuUguruyar-Cukurova University • MithatKaya- Bogazıcı University • OzlemKaya- Bogazıcı University • KeremCankocak-Istanbul Technical University • SevgiTekten- Bogazıcı University • EceAsilar- Middle East Technical University • Yavuz Oz- Bogazıcı University • CemaliKilinc- Middle East Technical University  • HuseyinBahtiyar-MimarSinan Fine Arts University • Mete Yücel-Istanbul Technical University • EsraBarlas-Istanbul Technical University • FerhatÖzok-Iowa University • ElifAsliAlbayrak-Iowa University • Marcos Correa Martins Junior CBPF - CENTRO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISAS FÍSICAS • Thiago dos Reis Martins CBPF - CENTRO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISAS FÍSICAS LS1 session, December CMS week

  3. What we have at CERN • We got all 1760 PMT’s after they were measured and sorted at Iowa. • BB’s 134 out of 216 (needed) at 904 lab. All are populated with PMT’s • 79 BB’s housing 632 PMT’s tested so far in a two dark boxes. Test’s are going on • 12 BB+PMT assembly is tested in a week • Independent DAQ – CMSHCAL11, Crate with one DCC and two HTR’s • FE – 12 HF style QIE’s, CCM, Cbox – enough to connect 3 ROBOX’es – 1/3 of a quadrant. • All these will be moved to P5 when time comes LS1 session, December CMS week

  4. What we have at CERN - PSU • CAEN SY4527 mainframe – next generation after SY2527 • A1538 for cathode+A1511B for last two dinodes • For final installation there will be different A1538D module used, which is a modification of A1538 and provides 10ma per channel A1511B SY4527 A1538D LS1 session, December CMS week

  5. At P5 • Work is based on units of • Quadrants (1/4 or 90degrees of one HF). • Size of smallest HV “partition” (commissioning unit) • Smallest unit that can be cabled independently LS1 session, December CMS week

  6. ROBOX Rework -Basic concept Assembly team Remove boxes from quadrant (9 boxes) • Work is pipelined • ~4 Weeks/HF quadrant, +3 Days contingency at end of each quadrant • ROBOX work is ~3/4 the effort of the assembly team Testing team 1 week Installation team Disassemble boxes Testing contingency Rebuild boxes 1-3 Test boxes 1-3 Rebuild boxes 4-6 Test boxes 4-6 Rebuild boxes 7-9 Test boxes 7-9 Remove Qn+1 Disassemble boxes Testing contingency Rebuild boxes 1-3 Test boxes 1-3 Reinstall quadrant (9 boxes) LS1 session, December CMS week Slide from Ianos Schmidt

  7. Cabling work -basic concept Testing contingency Rebuild boxes 1-3 Test boxes 1-3 Assembly team Testing team Rebuild boxes 4-6 Test boxes 4-6 Installation team Rebuild boxes 7-9 Test boxes 7-9 Remove Qn+1 Disassemble boxes Testing contingency Cable Prep and testing Reinstall quadrant (9 boxes) Rebuild boxes 1-3 Test boxes 1-3 Remove Cables Install Cables Reinstall quadrant (9 boxes) Cable Prep and testing Remove Cables • Cabling work ~1/4 the effort of the assembly team. • Cabling work in shadow of ROBOX testing, but, • Cables should be tested and bundled by the time ROBOXes are ready for installation. • Prefer to have cables installed after ROBOX installation. Install Cables Commissioning LS1 session, December CMS week Slide from Ianos Schmidt

  8. A LS1 Startup scenario Start of LS1 (Feb.11, 2013) HF in garage Feb 26 Central services (cooling, power) Available end of April Assembly team Learning curve: • Installation team 100% on ROBOX work. No overlap with cable prep. • Takes longer to cable first quadrant - Impact is on start of commissioning (Catches up about half way through). First cables at CERN Remove boxes from Q1 Testing team Installation team Disassemble Local DAQ available ~20 May 1-3 1-3 DELAY 4-6 4-6 7-9 7-9 • Delay from late cable PO • Assuming Order placed Nov 30,2012, expect cable available ~April 11, 2013. • -expect delay to be ~2 Weeks Disassemble Cont. Install Cable prep. On detector work: Modify metallic structures, Consolidate services, install cable support… Cable Install Commissioning LS1 session, December CMS week Slide from Ianos Schmidt

  9. Summary • All PMT’s and more than a half out 216 BB’s are at CERN B904 lab. Rest is expected to be at CERN by end of February • All BB’s are populated with PMT’s, around 80 BB’s are tested, others waiting their turn. • Testing speed is 12 BB’s per week. Expect to end 904 test by late March. Then setup moves to P5 alcove. By then first set of ROBOXes already could be removed and lifted up to surface. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • HF work is organized around units of “quadrants”, which represent ¼ of one HF. • There are three teams working in parallel: • Assembly team, responsible for ROBOX rebuilding, and cable preparation • Testing team, responsible for ROBOX testing and test data analysis • Installation team, responsible for ROBOX and cable installation, as well as cable/service consolidation, and rack/cable support modifications.. • Each team spends ~4 weeks on a quadrant. • Work is pipelined, so one quadrant takes ~6-7 weeks to complete. • Expect first HF to be complete ~Mid August 2013 • Expect second HF to be complete ~End December 2013 LS1 session, December CMS week

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