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A Ten-Part Study of Sharia Law Part 2 -- The Caliphate

A Ten-Part Study of Sharia Law Part 2 -- The Caliphate. Prepared by Lyle B. McCurdy, Ph.D. Overview of the Ten Parts.

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A Ten-Part Study of Sharia Law Part 2 -- The Caliphate

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  1. A Ten-Part Study of Sharia LawPart 2 -- The Caliphate Prepared by Lyle B. McCurdy, Ph.D. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  2. Overview of the Ten Parts P1 -- IntroductionP2 -- The CaliphateP3 -- JihadP4 -- Slavery and DhimmitudeP5 -- Men’s Rights and ObligationsP6 -- Women’s Rights and ObligationsP7 -- Societal Aspects of ShariaP8 -- Religious aspects of ShariaP9 -- Health Aspects of Sharia P10 -- Sexual Aspects of Sharia Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  3. Primary source for the Study Reliance of the Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law A highly respected source of Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of the Four Schools of Sunni Islam: • Hanafi, • Maliki, • Shafi’i (best by recension), • Hanbali Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  4. Some Introductory Definitions Caliphate – a sacred Muslim state (like old Ottoman Empire). Islamist – an adherent of radical Islamic ideology. Jihad – Primarily “Holy War.” Also a “personal struggle.” Kafir, kuffar – non-believers; hated by Allah & Islamists. Salafism– only “true” Sunni Islam; militant & extremist. Sharia – Allah’s sacred Islamic law, from Koran & Hadith. Shiite – 10% of ummah; Caliph from Mohammed; ex.Iran. Sufism – mystical Islam; not believed to be true Islam. Sunni – 90% of ummah; Caliph by vote; ex. Saudi Arabia. Terrorism – violence to civilian targets for political purposes. Ummah – collective community of Islamic peoples worldwide. Wahabbism – a derivative of Salafism in Saudi Arabia. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  5. Islamic Hierarchy Hard Liners – radical Islamic fundamentalists; Salafists; Wahabbists; Anwar al-Awlaki; Osama bin Laden; MB. Militant Jihadists; violence okay; Nidal Hassan; MB; Morsi (?). Soft Jihadists – cultural jihad ok, y/n violence; MB; Morsi (?). Believers – Y/N to violence, but not by them. Fear of militants. MINOs – Y/N to separation of mosque & state; some mosque, some Koran; Y/N to violence; peaceful, all religions equal. True moderates: separate mosque & state; Islam religion only; no to radicalism and jihad; ZuhdiJasser, MD in Phoenix. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  6. A reason for being here -- Sharia at work. . . Steps to building a Caliphate? Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  7. The Caliphate • The Caliphate is a “Sacred Muslim State.” • Mohammed was a prophet who became a head of state after he moved to Medina; first Caliph. • His examples became the model for Muslim leaders who followed him called Khalifa (in English, caliph), meaning a Muslim head of state (…) [Darwish, p. l77] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  8. Sharia and the Caliphate Sharia is Allah’s Sacred Islamic law for the Caliphate. It deals with all aspects of life, including politics, war (jihad), economics, banking, business law, contract law, marriage, divorce, child rearing and custody, sexuality, sin, crime, and social issues. Sharia’s laws treat public & private life the same, all based on the Koran and Mohammed’s sayings and examples. Many are inhumane for control. [Darwish, p. 4] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  9. Islamic Hostility (a) • Islamic states (the Caliphate) really hate the rights, freedoms and privileges found in Western countries. • Much of Sharia is cruel and dysfunctional law, even for Muslims, hence, much hostility and anger builds up. • Islamist leaders use Jihad to diffuse that anger away from themselves, outward towards the non-Muslim world. • Many Islamic institutions are built around the existence and promotion of Muslim anger. A Caliphate will inflame that anger into jihad; things will only get worse. [Darwish, p. 187] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  10. Islamic Hostility (b) • Muslim countries that do not promote jihad are vulnerable to the anger turning inward. • If a Muslim leader abandons jihad, he is confronted with an angry population, a population that will become a major threat to the Muslim State and its leader. • The Arab Street is ungovernable if jihad is taken away while Sharia laws remain intact. • Sharia’s inhumane laws must be coupled with jihad if the pressure cooker of the Muslim State is not to explode in the face of Muslims themselves. [Darwish, p. 187] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  11. Muslim Ruler Obligations • Muslim rulers are obligated to follow Sharia, otherwise they are left exposed to Muslim anger. • And, citizens are no longer required to obey him -- he must be toppled and/or assassinated. Many Muslim leaders have been named kaffir and killed for respecting and cooperating with the West on equal footing. • Signing a peace treaty and ending hostilities with a non-Muslim country will certainly do the job -- President Anwar Sadat of Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel and was assassinated. [Darwish, p. 189] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  12. Al-Qaeda and the Caliphate The caliphate formally ended in 1924 following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. (Banna started MB in 1928) Al-Qaedaseeks to re-establish the caliphate.  Bin Laden called for Muslims to establish the righteous caliphate of the ummah. In 2005, al-Qaedasought "Phase five" -- "an Islamic state, or Caliphate.“ A Caliphate will be an existential threat to West. Once re-established, Zawahiri, al-Qaeda leader, believes Egypt will become a rallying point for the Islamic world, leading the jihad against the U.S. and Israel.[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayman_al-Zawahiri] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  13. The Left and the Caliphate The left’s anti-war worldview is years out of date regarding totalitarian nation-state ideologies such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism. Non-Muslim countries face a danger greater than any of the “isms” above – Islamism; an existential threat more dangerous than Communism. Islam isn’t seeking a simple nation state – their objective is a Caliphate; a single unit extending across nations, regions and eventually the entire world. The left is blind to this threat! [Front Page Magazine, D. Greenfield] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  14. Selected verses from the Reliance regarding the Caliphate will be presented next. Note – because of overlap, some material will be discussed later. The Reliance is broken into 26 parts, a to z, and its verses are labeled as such. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  15. The “Caliphate’s Obligation” o25.2 (H: The caliphate is a communal obligation just as the judgeship is (S: because the Islamic community needs a ruler to uphold the religion, defend the sunna, succor the oppressed from oppressors, fulfill rights, and restore them to whom they belong).) [Reliance] H: Early commentator, IbnHajarHaytami. S: Early commentator, Abd al-Hamid Sharwani. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  16. Enemy Lands w43.5 [section (c)] As for other countries, enemy lands (dar al-harb, lit, “abode of war”) consist of those with whom the Muslim countries (Dar al-Islam) are at a state of war (n: in the light of which, it is clear that there is virtually no country on the face of the earth where a Muslim has an excuse to behave differently than he would in an Islamic country, whether in his commercial or other dealings). [Reliance] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  17. Jihad Against Enemy Lands o25.9 [section (8)] and if the area has a border adjacent to enemy lands, an eighth duty arises, namely to undertake jihad against enemies, dividing the spoils of battle among combatants, and setting aside a fifth for deserving recipients. [Reliance] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  18. Killing Women & Children o9.10 It is not permissible (A: in jihad) to kill women or children unless they are fighting against the Muslims. [Reliance] A: Early comment by Sheikh Abd al-WakilDurubi. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  19. Killing Old Men o9.10 (…) It is permissible to kill old men (O: old man) meaning someone more than forty years of age and monks. [Reliance] O: Early commentator, Umar Barakat. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  20. Killing Non-Muslims o1.2 The following are not subject to retaliation: [section (2)] a Muslim for killing a non-Muslim, [section (4)] a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.[Reliance] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  21. Obey the Caliph o25.5 (K: It is obligatory to obey the commands or interdictions of the caliph (N: or his representative in everything that is lawful (A: meaning it is obligatory to obey him in everything that is not unlawful, offensive, or merely in his own personal interests, even if he is unjust, because of the hadith, “Hear and obey, even if the ruler placed over you is an Ethiopian slave with amputated extremities,” (…) [Reliance] K: early comments by Muhammad ShirbiniKhatib. N: early comments by Sheikh Nuh Ali Salman. A: early comments by Sheikh Abd al-WakilDunbi. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  22. Muslim Truces o9.16 (para 6)(…) Interests that justify making a truce are such things as Muslim weakness because of lack of numbers or material, or the hope of an enemy becoming Muslim (…) If the Muslims are weak, a truce may be made for ten years if necessary (…) [Reliance] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  23. Respect for the Rule of Law Civilized people respect the rule of law and abide by it in their daily lives; especially the Golden Rule. Islamists on the other hand, view non-Islamic law as a simple instrument of convenience to be used as needed, and ignored otherwise. They believe in a different law—the Sharia: a set rules developed 1400 years ago. Sharia specifies vastly different rules for Muslims and for non-Muslims. This does not include the Golden Rule. Since infidel laws are not from Allah, there is no violation if they are broken by a Muslim. [http://amilimani.com/2013/02/the-case-for-a-religious-review-board/] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  24. Just say NO! [http://amilimani.com/2013/02/the-case-for-a-religious-review-board/] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  25. Gall and Audacity As Muslims gain strength in non-Muslim countries, the demand that Sharia law be legalized in place of our existing laws begins to increase. This is occurring in large-Muslim populations in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden, and in some parts of the USA. This may seem relatively harmless to the neophyte and/or useful idiot. However, once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will eventually reach out to rule everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, whether they want it or not! [http://amilimani.com/2013/02/the-case-for-a-religious-review-board/] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  26. Islamist’s view of democracy Islamists have no use at all for rule by the people; i.e., democracy. Islamists believe that Allah’s rule must govern the world in the form of Caliphate -- a theocracy. Islamists mock democracy, subvert its working, and ignore its provisions as a way to falsify what they believe to be a sinful and false system of governance invented by infidels. To Islamists, Ummah-ism — international Islamism in the form of Sharia law — is the only legitimate form of government. Unfortunately, Ummah-ism is just another form of despotism such as Communism and Fascism, with a dose of “divine” authority tossed in. [http://amilimani.com/2013/02/the-case-for-a-religious-review-board/] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  27. Ummah-ism (Muslim Community) Ummah-ism — international Islamism: believed to be the legitimate form of government. It is another form of despotism such as Communism and Fascism, with some “divine” authority tossed in. It is opposed to democracy and freedom. For example, it exists in Iran under Khamenei, and in Arabia under the Saudi King These governments are infested with the Islamic disease of oppression, supremacy, corruption, and lack of accountability. Ummah leaders are as vile as Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mussolini, etc. [http://amilimani.com/2013/02/the-case-for-a-religious-review-board/] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  28. A Cadre of Islamists & Useful Idiots Muslim immigrants are instructed to produce many children so that they can over-run our political systems. Flush with our petrodollars, they easily gain power and undermine our democratic rule. Unfortunately, many politicians, academics, and other useful-idiot liberals in government and education are blind with self-interest and help promote Ummah-ism in non-Muslim Countries. [http://amilimani.com/2013/02/the-case-for-a-religious-review-board/] Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  29. A few pictures that illustrate some results of Islamization Source: 1389 Blog - Counterjihad!Welcome to the counterjihad!The pictures speak for themselves Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  30. IRAN 2012 IRAN 1970 http://www.pagef30.com/2009/04/iran-in-1970s-before-islamic-revolution.html Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  31. Change in Afghanistan http://salem-news.com/gphotos/1287042320.jpg Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  32. EGYPT (Cairo University), 1959 http://imageshack.us/f/204/att00043x.jpg/ Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  33. EGYPT (Cairo University) 2012 Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  34. NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 1980 Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  35. NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 2012 Source, eight pictures: http://1389blog.com/2012/11/10/pictures-speak-for-themselves Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  36. The End Thanks for attending! And – please help us spread our message! We encourage you to invite your friends, neighbors and/or co-workers to our upcoming meetings. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

  37. Selected References Darwish, Nonie. Cruel and Usual Punishment, The terrifying global implications of Islamic Law. Thomas Nelson publications, 2008. Greenfield, Daniel. http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/what-the-left-does-not-understand-about-islam Reliance of the Traveller, A classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, Revised Edition. By Ahmad ibnNaqib al-Misri, Amana Publications, 1994. Shariah, the Threat to America, Report of Team ‘B’ II, Download pdfbooklet free from Center for Security Policy. The Grand Jihad, How Islam and the Left Sabotage America, by Andrew C. McCarthy, 2011, Encounter Books. Sharia-details-P2-Caliphate-pptx

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