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S.O. S: SAVE OUR SEAS. SAVE OUR SEAS It Covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. It is an essential source of food and water. Millions of species of plants, animals, and microbes live there. The sea and its treasures. Our precious beautiful sea.
SAVE OUR SEAS It Covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. It is an essential source of food and water. Millions of species of plants, animals, and microbes live there. The sea and its treasures. Our precious beautiful sea. The ocean regulates atmospheric gases, affects the planet’s weather, provides food and jobs for humans, and is home to countless species – about 80 percent of the world’s biodiversity lives in the ocean. But the oceans are in trouble, because every day we do something to threaten them. Marine pollution is a serious problem these days. Ships dump toxic waste, tankers leak and spill oil, river systems carry pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides and other poisons to the ocean. Every year, three to four million tons of oil pollute the sea. Is the situation hopeless? Can we overcome the threat to the ocean? In every corner of the planet, experts, United Nations agencies and other defenders of the environment are waving the red flag: “Stop the damage! The ocean is not a garbage can!” (Adapted from SOS: Save Our Sea, November 6, 1998.) CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? Em uma palavra, qual é o problema causado pelas atividades humanas sobre os mares? Para os defensores do meio ambiente, como o mar vem sendo tratado? A quem o pedido de socorro do título é dirigido? POLUIÇÃO COMO UMA LATA DE LIXO A TODOS OS HABITANTES DO PLANETA CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
TRANSPARENT WORDS É comum encontrarmos nos textos em inglês, palavras cognatas ou “transparentes” cuja forma e sentido são muito parecidos com os que elas têm em português. O que facilita a compreensão. No texto que você acabou de ler, há pelo menos 20 palavras transparentes. Quais são elas? Liste em seu caderno. SAVE – PERCENT – ESSENTIAL – SPECIES – PLANTS – ANIMALS – MILLIONS – SERIOUS – PROBLEM – TOXIC – OIL – SYSTEM – MICROBES – PRECIOUS – OCEAN – ATMOSPHERIC – GASES – REGULATES – AFFECTS – PLANET – HUMANS – BIODIVERSITY – MARINE – POLLUTION – SITUATION – POLLUTANTS – PESTICIDES – HERBICIDES – POLLUTE – NATIONS – AGENCIES CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
1) Nas frases abaixo, escolha o verdadeiro significado das palavras em destaque, todas falsamente transparentes, todas “falsefriends”. • My father and my mother are my parents. (parentes – pais) • b) My sister plans to go to college next year. (colégio – faculdade) • c) After hours of discussion, they approved the project. (discussão, briga – debate, troca de ideias) • d) Diana and Dodi died from injuries suffered in a car accident. (ferimentos, lesões – injúrias, ofensas) • e) The professor gave a lecture on Portuguese literature. (professor secundário – professor universitário) (conferência, palestra – leitura) • f) I often study in a public library. (livraria – biblioteca) • g) I am not strong enough to push that heavy bookcase. (puxar – empurrar) CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
NOUN PHRASES Você já sabe que o adjetivo em inglês vem antes do substantivo que ele qualifica: ayoung girl a happyfamily Sabe também que o adjetivo não varia no plural: twoyoungfamilies some happyfamilies Algumas vezes, contudo, encontramos grupos nominanis formados por dois (ou +) substantivos em que o primeiro funciona como um adjetivo, qualificando o segundo: computerprogrambasketball game beach soccer Star Wars CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
2) Encontre no texto os adjetivos (ou substantivos com função de adjetivo) que completam as locuções abaixo. • a) _______________ waste lixo tóxico • b) _______________ systems sistemas fluviais • c) _______________ _______________ agencies agências das Nações Unidas • d) _______________ pollution poluição do mar • e) _______________ gases gases atmosféricos • f) _______________ can lata de lixo • g) _______________ flag bandeira vermelha TOXIC RIVER UNITED NATIONS MARINE ATMOSPHERIC GARBAGE RED CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
3) Complete as frases abaixo com substantivos que se encontram no quadro. • WEATHER – TREASURES – ENVIRONMENT – TANKERS – SURFACE – POISONS – SOURCE – DAMAGE – THREAT • a) Lemons and oranges are a good _______________ of vitamin C. • b) Neil Armstrong walked on the _______________ of the moon. • c) The _______________ is always cold in the North Pole. • d) The Louvre has many art _______________. • e) Ships and oil _______________ are often responsible for marine pollution. • f) Pesticides and herbicides are _______________ used in agriculture. • g) Pollution is a _______________ to our health and our future. • h) A tornado causes great _______________ to cities, towns and farms. SOURCE SURFACE WEATHER TREASURES TANKERS POISONS THREAT DAMAGE CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
STRUCTURE SIMPLE PRESENT Observe os verbos em destaque nas frases abaixo: Theoceancovers more than 70 percent... Millionsofplants, animals, microbeslivethere. Theoceanaffectstheplanet’sweather. Everydaywedosomething to threatenthe ocean. Pelo contexto, podemos concluir que os verbos em destaque expressão fatos da natureza, verdades gerais ou ações habituais, repetidas no presente. O tempo verbal nesses casos é o SIMPLE PRESENT. CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
5) Preencha as lacunas com uma das formas do SimplePresent dos verbos abaixo. • WRITE – COVER – HAVE – CONSUME – NEED – DRINK - HELP • a) I _______________ at least three cups of milk evry day. • b) We _______________ more laws to control car use. • c) Something in milk _______________ to regulate body weight. • d) In “Central Station” Dora is a woman who _______________ letters for illiterate people. • e) Women _______________ the same number of brain cells as men. • f) The ocean _______________ more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. DRINK NEED HELPS CONSUME HAVE COVERS CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
6) Preencha as lacunas com DO, DOES, DON’T ou DOESN’T. • a) Vinícius de Oliveira __________ work as a shoeshine boy now. • b) Bats __________ navigate by sight. They navigate by sound. • c) __________ the Eskimos live in igloos? • d) __________ you talk to your parents and friends about your concerns? • e) The government __________ have a right to tell people how to live their lives. • f) __________ the ocean affect the planet s weather? • g) Most teenage girls ____________ want to get fat. • h) __________ you think it’s a good idea to control car use? DOESN’T DON’T DO DO DOESN’T DOES DON’T DO CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN
I believe in miraclesWhere you fromYou sexy thingI believe in miraclesSince you came alongYou sexy thing Where did you came from, baby How did you know I needed you How did you know I needed you so badlyHow did you know I gave my heart gladlyYesterday I was one of a lonely peopleNow you're lying close to me Making love to me I believe in miracles CRUZ E SOUSA - ENGLISH CLASS - TEACHER KAREN