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CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership

CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership. A collaborative scheme led by Bolton Business Crime Reduction Unit. Piloted across 8 industrial estates. Sample results from 50 companies. Analysis spans 12 months before and 12 months after the scheme's launch. CASE STUDY:

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CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership

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  1. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership A collaborative scheme led by Bolton Business Crime Reduction Unit. • Piloted across 8 industrial estates. • Sample results from 50 companies. • Analysis spans 12 months before and 12 months after the scheme's launch.

  2. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership What is the IEPBID scheme? A programme designed to create the right conditions for investment, growth & competitiveness. A collaborative, voluntary approach to crime reduction, agreed on the basis of a local business referendum overseen by the Council. A not-for-profit initiative, led by a board of business representatives, supported by security specialists and Bolton Business Crime Reduction Unit. Supported by public funding sources.

  3. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership What is the IEPBID service? A package of specific measures to enhance the participating industrial estates, agreed in consultation with local businesses. Security measures included 60 hi-spec CCTV cameras; a dedicated uniformed patrol service; equipping firms with alarm pagers and an incident response service. A discussion forum for firms to address issues of common concern, backed by a news and intelligence service.

  4. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership Overview • Project launched on 1st July 2004. • Encompassed 5 industrial estates. • 296 companies operate from these sites, of which 149 (just over 50%) are members of the IEP scheme. • Project later extended to a total of 8 estates. • Approx. 15,400 people work on these estates.

  5. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership Crime prior to the IEP scheme • Average cost of crime per company: £12,792. • Approx. cost of crime to all members: £1.9 million. • Approx. cost to all companies: £3.8 million. • Total no. criminal incidents reported: 274. • Figures apply to the 5 estates initially participating. • Cost estimates based on Home Office Research Study #217 and instances of criminal activity reported by member companies.

  6. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership Crime subsequent to the IEP scheme • Average cost of crime per company: £2,099. • Approx. cost of crime to all members: £313,000. • Approx. cost to all companies: £621,000. • Total no. criminal incidents reported: 59. • This represents a 78.5% reduction in criminal incidents across the IEP areas.

  7. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership Crime comparison • Criminal incidents: down by 78.5%. • Cost of crime: down by 84%. • Average cost saving per company: £10,693. • Approx. cost savings (all members): £1.6 million. • Approx. cost savings (all companies): £3.16 million. • Burglaries: down from 81 to 12. • Attempted break-ins: down from 35 to 7. • Criminal damage: down from 108 to 26. • Robberies and assaults on staff: eliminated.

  8. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership Results • Crime prevention costs reduced by 89% (£63,600). • 9 new companies have moved onto the estates. • 163 new jobs have been created. • 27 firms have improved landscaping, fencing etc. • A new IEP BID referendum was held in December 2005 for a 5 year BID involving 300 businesses. It was overwhelmingly supported.

  9. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership Case study 1: Bowling Engineering • Spent over £9,000 on crime prevention in 2004. • Post-BID, expenditure was reduced to £1,500. • Pre-BID, the firm experienced 2 attempted break-ins, 2 instances of theft from vehicles and 6 instances of criminal damage. • Post-BID, the company experienced no instances of criminal activity at all.

  10. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership Case study 2: The Saville Group • Pre-BID, the firm experienced 32 instances of criminal activity including break-ins, attempted break-ins, damage to vehicles and theft. • Post-BID, the company experienced none of the above and only 2 instances of criminal damage. • As a result of its improved security, other Saville Group members now use the site for preparation work, creating a need for additional employment.

  11. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership BID costs (2006 to 2011) • £1.18 million invested by Bolton MBC in CCTV equipment & installation, landscaping & fencing, alarm pagers and staff time. (2002 - 2005). • BID companies obliged to pay the BID company according to a scale of agreed banded charges. • Bands range from £500 to £3,000 per annum. • Charge collected by a separate Business Rates Bill. • Money ring-fenced for BID activity.

  12. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership BID benefits • Substantially reduced costs. (84% reduction on costs of crime and 89% reduction on crime prevention costs.) • Enhanced public representation through business collaboration, and improved ability to respond to local issues. • Greater peace of mind and staff safety. • Potential to reduce business insurance costs.

  13. CASE STUDY: Bolton Industrial Estates Partnership PIKE • Led by the University of Central Lancashire in partnership with Bolton MBC. • Funded by the European Union's European Regional Development Fund. • Tel. 01772 895309. • Website: www.pikenorthwest.co.uk

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