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Energy Research, Development and Demonstration. DCMNR Consultation, 2005. 27 & 29 July 2005. Scope of Meeting. Introduction (Assistant Secretary Brennan) Presentation (Bob Hanna) Background to consultation Headlines Detailed analysis related to consultation document (Condoc) headings
Energy Research, Development and Demonstration DCMNR Consultation, 2005 27 & 29 July 2005
Scope of Meeting • Introduction (Assistant Secretary Brennan) • Presentation (Bob Hanna) • Background to consultation • Headlines • Detailed analysis • related to consultation document (Condoc) headings • other significant observations • Discussions • Conclusions • What Happens Next (Assistant Secretary Brennan)
Background to Consultation • IEA observations • Strategic Review and Inventory of Projects • New climate for innovation and research • Comments from the research community
IEA Observations The 2003 Review’s Recommendations for R & D were: “The government of Ireland should: Prioritise activities on a limited number of projects andconcentrate resources on them with a view to meeting national energy policy objectives Engage in active participation in R & D activities at the international level, including participation in EU and IEA programmes Stimulate cooperation between the public and private sectors in R & D”
Strategic Review Thecontinuity of work and developing appropriate national capacity is very vulnerable to the absence of consistent funding over a number of years. As is seen from review of the projects reported, multi-disciplinary projects are becoming more prevalent than in the past. The current energy R, D & D support mechanisms do not easily provide for activities involving significant new human or capital infrastructure. Unlike biotechnology or ICT, there are few sustained support mechanisms to attract and retain key skills in the energy area
Strategic Review Many research teams are sub-viable by international standards and not sustainable over the medium to long term. New institutions are not required for measures or instruments which can be undertaken by existing organisations. Particularly programmatic organisations cannot easily manage new instruments or capital grants for capacity building. Increased collaboration and fast response to national capacity deficit issues can be addressed by the creation of small coordinating structures, with multi-annual funds for targeting expertise and providing capital support.
New climate for research TheProgramme for Government committed the government to work “to ensure that Ireland develops a world class research capacity”, to “recognise the importance of encouraging a dynamic research culture” and to “build the capability of firms to carry out and manage R & D in Ireland”.
Consultation Document • The Consultation document invited responses to the following aspects of coordination of R, D & D: • Institutional and Governance Options • All-Island Perspective • EU Perspective • Links with Environment • Long-term v short-term Goals • Funding • Capacity Building
Headline Findings DCMNR very pleased with quantity and quality of submissions received 34 submissions received; 25 “substantive” 24 responses recommended Option 2 – Energy Research Coordination Council Wide scope of membership recommended Long-term support framework needed to ensure sustainable capacity
Detailed Analysis • Relating to Condoc Headings • Other Significant Observations
Institutional and Governance 24 responses recommended Option 2 (Energy Research Coordinating Council) • of these, 2 indicated that authority / respect issues would be important • 1 response favoured either Option 1 (Coordination Function within DCMNR) or Option 2 2 responses favoured Option 3 (Energy research Agency) but recognised that Option 2 is more easily realised 1 response recommended two bodies – one for energy efficiency and one for renewables related work
Institutional and Governance 1 response recommended the title: Irish Energy Research Council 6 responses recommended that SFI should service/assist the new Council 1 response recommended that SEI should service the Council 1 response recommended that EPA or HEA should service the Council
Institutional and Governance 4 responses recommended that members of the Council should be drawn from industry, academia (domestic and international), government, SEI and SFI. 1 response emphasised that members should understand R, D & D and act in a personal capacity 3 responses recommended that the Council should have an independent Chair or should be chaired by DCMNR
Institutional and Governance 1 response recommended an advisory Council comprising members of the beneficiary community 1 response proposed an Implementation Group 2 responses recommended that DCMNR / the Council should lead strongly as well as coordinate
Institutional and Governance 3 responses recommended that the Council should set goals / priorities for research activity and funding 4 responses recommended that the Council should have an analytical / modelling capability for alternative scenario planning and strategic planning
Institutional and Governance It was variously suggested that the new Council could usefully learn from UKERC and QUB Questor Various responses recommended that the Council should directly award funding for priority / strategic projects, should cover all aspects of energy, should have strong performance monitoring capability and should seek to minimise administration and funds allocation procedures
All Island Perspective 20 responses recommended some form of all-island perspective (e.g. members drawn from N.I.) • of these, 7 proposed that the body be constituted on an all-island basis • 1 proposed that it should be domiciled on the border • 1 proposed an all-island seminar
EU Perspective 17 responses supported an EU perspective for the Council • of these, 3 wanted the Council to have some influence on FP7, etc. • 2 wanted the Council to proactively facilitate Irish access to EU programmes
Links with Environment 27 submissions recommended energy / environment linkages 3 of these proposed building on existing SEI / EPA collaboration 4 also proposed links with the Marine Institute Interdisciplinary programme approach recommended (discussed later)
Long-term v Short-term 8 responses recommended a balance between long and short term goals / programmes 2 of these explicitly stated that this balance must be struck by the Council 2 responses recommended utilising Technology Foresight process to assist 1 response warned that 15 year timeframe was necessary 1 response recommended prioritising long-term work 1 response recommended prioritising short-term work Various responses stated that US National Research Council, QUB Questor, EU, IEA, EI and SEI have appropriate balance
Funding 4 responses stated that long-term funding certainty was needed 1 suggested a 3 or 5 year rolling programme 1 proposed supporting programmes rather than projects 2 said that state funding should enable access to industry and / or EU funds 3 recommended 50 / 50 state / industry funding 2 stated that there should be explicit benefits accruing to industrial supporters
Funding 8 responses supported competitive processes (but 1 defined this as competitive against international benchmarks rather than between individuals or teams in Ireland) 3 responses recommended utilisng international peer-review processes 1 suggested the establishment of a “seed capital” fund through a PSO 1 suggested that CER could direct market participants to allocate funds to R, D & D 2 responses recommended that specific support should be earmarked for information dissemination activities
Capacity Building 4 responses recommended long-term funding certainty 3 responses indicated that support was needed at all levels from primary to professorial Various inititiatives were proposed: • specialist institutes / centres of excellence in key technologies • “researcher in residence” • scholarship approach to EE deficit • baseline funding for permanent 3rd level researchers • support programmes rather than projects • build research community • wisdom available for short-term issues • govt. funding buys “public good” service
Other Comments Initiative broadly welcomed Agree with Strategic Review findings Need explicit energy policy Need links with: broader research agenda, IDC, Cabinet sub-committee, etc. economic and enterprise policies EU policies Need wider international collaboration
Other Comments R, D & D Projects Inventory revealing – continue Capture and part-fund strategic research done by / for SSBs Focus research on “Irish situation” (e.g. wind, wave, peripherality, growth, climate change) Set measurable CO2 targets for projects
Other Comments ERC approach supported (3 responses) Commitment by 8 respondees to work with DCMNR in transition Focus only on certain technologies Must have multidisciplinary approach, encompassing technology and policy work (c.f. ERC /ESRI collaboration) Council must have significant education / awareness raising functions Council must have input into education policy decisions
Other Comments Council must: • set clear goals • identify priority research areas • foster research on transport dimension of energy policy • take note of failures / lessons learned elsewhere • learn from positive experiences in USA, Asia and small independent nations
Scope of Meeting • Introduction (Assistant Secretary Brennan) • Presentation (Bob Hanna) • Background to consultation • Headlines • Detailed analysis • related to consultation document (Condoc) headings • other significant observations • Discussions • Conclusions • What Happens Next (Assistant Secretary Brennan)
Energy Research, Development and Demonstration DCMNR Consultation, 2005 27 & 29 July 2005