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What is all this about? William of Auxerre on Liturgy

What is all this about? William of Auxerre on Liturgy. Magistri Guillelmi Autissiodorensis Summa de officiis ecclesiasticis. Prologus I. De officiis ecclesiasticis 1. De officiis in generali 1. De officio horarum 2. De officio misse 2. De officiis in speciali

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What is all this about? William of Auxerre on Liturgy

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  1. What is all this about? William of Auxerre on Liturgy

  2. Magistri Guillelmi Autissiodorensis Summa de officiis ecclesiasticis Prologus I. De officiis ecclesiasticis 1. De officiis in generali 1. De officio horarum 2. De officio misse 2. De officiis in speciali 1. De officiis dierum dominicarum 2. De officiis festorum sanctorum 3. De officio dedicationis II. De ministris officiorum 1. De uestimentis ministrorum 1. De uestimentis pontificum ueteris testamenti [ ... ] [ III. De loco siue De ecclesia materiali ]

  3. The pluralistic approachII. The digital scholarly edition

  4. TEXT TEXT I W TEXT TEXT L V TEXT TEXT D S The pluralistic approach Text as Idea, Intention Text as (structured) Work Text as (visual) Sign Text as Document Text as Linguistic code Text as Version

  5. Work The pluralistic approach Introduction Externalreferences Manuscript descriptions Idea Work structure Sign Facsimiles Document Linguistic code Version Diplomatic transcription Critical text Cambrai text

  6. What is medieval liturgy all about? • rationale: praise of God • function: rememorative • exposition: allegorical

  7. T

  8. What is medieval liturgy all about? • rationale: praise of God • function: rememorative • exposition: allegorical • origin: typological

  9. Et consurrexerunt ad standum et legerunt in volumine legis Domini Dei sui quater in die. Et quater confitebantur et adorabant Dominum Deum suum. Nehemias 9,3 • Septies in die laudem dixi tibi super iudicia iustitiae tuae. Psalm 118,164Media nocte surgebam ad confitendum tibi super iudicia iustificationis tuae. Psalm 118,62

  10. - killing of the firstborn Egyptians- birth of Jesus heavenly joy and heavenly peace night compline nocturns - destruction of the Egyptian army in the Red Sea- resurrection of Jesus - first advent of Jesus - return of Jesus vespers matins day prime - Jesus meets the women- Jesus preaches to the people terce none - the Jews deride Jesus- pentecost death of Jesus and torn of the veil sext crucifixion

  11. pascha pentecostes reconciliatio deviatio peregrinatio renovatio adventus septuagesima

  12. tempus renovationis tempus reconciliationis tempus peregrinationis tempus deviationis parousia original sin pascha pentecostes reconciliatio incarnatio deviatio peregrinatio resurrectio pentecostes renovatio adventus septuagesima

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