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Center for eHealth Innovation and Process Transformation (CeHIPT)

Center for eHealth Innovation and Process Transformation (CeHIPT). Interdisciplinary research to transform health care delivery. CeHIPT Executive Council Isa Bar-On Sharon A. Johnson Diane M. Strong Bengisu Tulu cehipt.wpi.edu. Spring 2010.

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Center for eHealth Innovation and Process Transformation (CeHIPT)

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  1. Center for eHealth Innovation and Process Transformation (CeHIPT) Interdisciplinary research to transform health care delivery CeHIPT Executive Council Isa Bar-On Sharon A. Johnson Diane M. Strong Bengisu Tulu cehipt.wpi.edu Spring 2010

  2. Since its founding in Worcester in 1865, WPI has taken a unique approach to education. Our applied, project-based curriculum ensures that students in our more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs can apply their knowledge of science, engineering, technology, business, social sciences, and the humanities and arts. WPI's world-class faculty work with students in cutting-edge research areas, leading to breakthroughs and innovations in such fields as biotechnology, health care, nanotechnology, robotics and information technology. WPI’sCenter for eHealth Innovation and Process Transformation (CeHIPT) conducts interdisciplinary research to help health care organizations successfully transform their care delivery processes. Our project teams include researchers from health care, engineering, science, and management disciplines within and outside WPI. The research teams study health care delivery innovations and the dynamics of change as related to the implementation and use of electronic medical records, telemedicine, lean processes, and personal health records. cehipt@wpi.edu • 508-831-6199 • cehipt.wpi.edu

  3. CeHIPT Approach – Interdisciplinary Collaboration A community of researchers working on real health care problems Collaborating on research projects with clinical partners to solve real problems Building a collaborative community Applying interdisciplinary approaches • Bridge process and technology approaches • Combine technologies with new ways of delivering care • Integrate the best knowledge of: • IT • Medical informatics • Health care • Industrial & Systems Engineering • Device engineering • Management • Economics • Partners across care delivery to a variety of populations • Fallon Clinic • UMass Memorial Health Care • Family Health Center of Worcester • New England VA • UMass Medical School • Where competitors and suppliers can discuss common problems CeHIPT Breakfast Symposium Breakout Session We work on projects of value to the health care community.

  4. C e H I P T CeHIPT Vision Enabling the successful transformation of health care delivery processes Transformation Tools EHR/PHR Lean Methods Integrated Solutions Telemedicine Case Studies Test-Beds Medical Home Practice Theory Expertise Engineering Business CeHIPT @ WPI has the interdisciplinary perspective, the technological expertise, and the clinical partners to achieve its vision of transforming health care delivery. Sciences Medicine

  5. Current CeHIPT Projects A variety of projects, clinical partners, processes, and technologies Electronic and Personal Health Records (NSF-funded project) • Clinic Partners: UMMHC, Fallon Clinic, FHCW, Israel, Canada • Focus: Understand how EMR/EHR/PHR solutions can contribute to transforming care delivery New England Health Care Engineering Partnership (NEHCEP – VA funded) • Clinical Partners: New England VA Health System; Research Partners: VISN 1, MIT, Northeastern • Focus: Using lean process design and modeling techniques to design innovative, patient-centered health care delivery processes, for care at the bedside, comp and pen exams, etc. Improved Medical Measurement • Clinical Partner: UMass Memorial • Focus: Design and test measurement methods from existing clinical data TeleWound Care • Clinical Partner: UMass Medical School • Focus: Develop and test technologies (images and algorithms for wound analysis), processes, and reimbursement policies to support clinical decision-making for delivering wound care remotely • Faculty: from computer and biomedical engineering, IT, and health care economics • A common theme: linking IT and process 5

  6. Research Observations – Challenges Achieving successful EHR implementation and transformational EHR use is challenging Pre-EHR Implementation Post-EHR Opportunities for EHR-enabled Transformation Effectiveness Curve Costs and Difficulties of Transitioning to an EHR The Challenges • Facilitating the initial transition to an EHR • Enabling transformation through meaningful use of health IT • Connecting the EHRs • Supporting individual, organizational, and national journeys to change • Overcoming the challenges: a better health care system and a healthier population 6

  7. CeHIPT Theme 1: Linking IT and Process Design The First Pillar for Transforming Health and Health Care 7

  8. Research Observations – EHR/PHR Opportunities EHRs provide many possibilities for transformation Opportunities created by a connected health IT foundation • Individual patient information available when and where needed • Ability to manage and treat patient populations (beyond the individual) • Better deployment of expensive health care resources • Use of EHR-collected data to support clinical decision making • Use of EHR-collected data to design better health care delivery processes • Ability to bring care to patients via home-based technologies The opportunities from a connected health IT foundation are well worth the effort. Massachusetts needs to continue leading the way. 8

  9. CeHIPT Theme 2: Empowering Patients A Second Pillar for Transforming Health and Health Care 9

  10. Research Observations – Empowering Patients A healthier population requires empowered patients – who are more actively involved in their health and their health care Importance of Empowering Patients • A theme that emerged from our current CeHIPT projects • A growing focus of CeHIPT research projects Opportunities for supporting patient empowerment: • Design processes and technologies that: • encourage patient engagement • promote better health habits • Support prevention and early detection of common health issues • Utilize PHR and telehealth technologies to improve health management • Establish proactive primary care through patient-centered medical home practices • Managing health avoids expensive health care. 10

  11. CeHIPT Theme 3: Educating the Workforce A Third Pillar for Transforming Health and Health Care 11

  12. Observations – Educational Needs New ways of thinking are necessary for transformation For health care professionals: • Basic understanding of system engineering tools and information technologies • Ability to visualize processes and recognize opportunities For leaders, engineers, and IT professionals: • Understanding of the health care environment, culture, and terminology • Ability to recognize and implement feasible solutions Opportunities for meeting educational needs: • Provide educational programs that build on and link strong foundations in clinical and engineering/IT education • Create opportunities to practice application of tools and techniques in health care settings, through strong partnerships between universities and health care organizations • Testbed and experimental environments for exploring design options • Internships and projects Massachusetts is well positioned to meet these educational needs. 12

  13. Next Steps for Massachusetts and WPI The Nation is catching up with Massachusetts and its health care reforms. Massachusetts can be proud of its excellent health care system • Leadership in health care policies and reforms • Exemplary health care delivery organizations throughout the state And has exceptional resources for continued improvement • Excellent medical schools and educational institutions focused on engineering and IT • Health care organizations that are adopting improvement strategies and IT • WPI’s CeHIPT that is building a collaborative community of medical, engineering, and IT professionals focused on practical solutions that will transform how health care is delivered • WPI’s Biomedical engineering and life sciences education and research • WPI’s Project-based engineering and IT education, Practical research projects But … health care innovation is a national priority • How can Massachusetts continue to lead this innovation? • Must invest creatively in an economically constrained environment How can Massachusetts continue to be a health care leader? 13

  14. Working Together To continue Massachusetts’ leadership in health care delivery innovation Massachusetts should be promoting and supporting: • Integrating both engineering and IT into health care delivery, e.g., lean methods, to ensure that technology provides transformational benefits • Innovative solutions for empowering patients • Innovative solutions for educating the workforce • Retraining by providing health care internships for IT and engineering professionals We must work together by: • Building bridges across silos, in government, in education, in the health care workplace • Health care reform, economic development, and education must work together • Endorsing, supporting, and promoting health care innovation, e.g., CeHIPT • CeHIPT is a resource for the commonwealth’s promotion of health care innovation • Must find new opportunities for collaboration and funding to support innovations • Must seek and support educational innovations Additional ideas for working together for a healthier future? With your leadership, Massachusetts can continue to lead the nation. 14

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