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Integumentary System

Integumentary System. What is the integumentary system?. Skin Also called cutaneous membrane (combination of epithelial and connective tissue). Function of the Integumentary System. Protective covering Regulates body temperature Manufactures Vitamin D Sensory function

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Integumentary System

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  1. Integumentary System

  2. What is the integumentary system? • Skin • Also called cutaneous membrane (combination of epithelial and connective tissue)

  3. Function of the Integumentary System • Protective covering • Regulates body temperature • Manufactures Vitamin D • Sensory function • Temporary storage of fat, glucose, water and salts • Screens out harmful UV radiation • Absorbs certain drugs

  4. Structure of Skin • 2 distinct tissue layers • Epidermis = stratified squamous epithelium • Dermis = connective tissue, epithelial tissue, smooth muscle, nervous tissue, and blood • Under these layers is subcutaneous layer (NOT SKIN) • Loose connective tissue & adipose tissue that binds skin to other organs

  5. Structure of skin Which is the thicker layer?

  6. Structure of Epidermis

  7. Epidermis has 4 layers

  8. Melanocytes • Cells that produce melanin • Melanin provides skin pigment • Shade of skin is also dependent on environment

  9. What determines skin color? • Distribution and size of pigment granules • Sunlight, UV light, x rays • Blood in dermal vessels • bright red blood pink skin • Dark red blood  bluish (cyanosis) • Dilated blood vessels  red skin

  10. Layer between dermis and epidermis • Ridges lead to finger prints • Patterns of ridges determined by genes and fetal movement • Would identical twins have the same fingerprints?

  11. Dermis • ~1.0-2.0 mm thick • Composed of: • Dense connective tissue (collagen & elastic fibers) • Muscle fibers • Nerve cells (usually connected to sensory receptor) • Blood vessels • Hair follicles • Sebaceous glands • Sweat glands

  12. In the dermis there are many accessory organs: • Hair • Nail • Sebaceous glands • Sweat glands

  13. Hair

  14. Hair follicle = tube-like depression • Hair root = portion of hair in skin • Hair papilla = cells responsible for hair growth • Hair shaft = hair that extends from skin (composed of keratinized cells) • Arrectorpili = muscle attached to follicle

  15. Nail

  16. Nail plate = on surface of skin • Nail bed = skin under nail • Lunula= white, half-moon shaped area at bottom of nail plate • Actively dividing • Why would nails mirror health?

  17. Bluish nail beds = circulation problems • White nail bed/oval depressions = anemia • Pigmented spot = injury or melanoma • Horizontal furrows = period of serious illness or malnutrition

  18. Sebaceous glands • Found near hair follicles • Specialized epithelial cells • Produce sebum (fatty material & cellular debris) • Keeps skin soft, pliable, waterproof • What does excess sebum cause?

  19. Sudoriferous/Sweat Glands • Found in deep dermis • Respond to body temperature

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