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Understanding the Challenge of a Widening Access Framework within Mental Health – Widening Access for Social Justice. Kelly McCarthy & Mark Richardson Tutor Development Officers The BeWEHL Initiative. Today……. Introduction Brief Overview of BeWEHL Initiative
Understanding the Challenge of a Widening Access Framework within Mental Health – Widening Access for Social Justice Kelly McCarthy & Mark Richardson Tutor Development Officers The BeWEHL Initiative
Today…… Introduction Brief Overview of BeWEHL Initiative Rationale for approach/ research aims Links to policy Definition of terms Research Questions
BeWEHL Initiative Action research – BeWEHL model Retention & progression of non-traditional learners ‘Blended Professional’ (Whitechurch, 2009).
Rationale for Research Anecdotal evidence Research Angles Links to Policy/ literature Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Mental Illness: the economic case for investment in Wales, October 2009 Recovery model
Aims • Explore what is needed in terms of learning and teaching to apply a widening access framework within mental health • Assess, establish and maintain a collaborative framework for delivery
Aims (cont’d) Meet Mental health/disability targets as a key group for Welsh Government and UWN widening access Meet UWN’sKPI’s—positive contribution to social justice, a positive contribution to the student experience and attention to equality and diversity especially within the UWN’s widening access strategy
Research Questions - discuss What role can widening access (HE) play to meet the needs and aspirations of MH target groups? How can widening access (HE) support a positive student experience within a recovery model toward MH wellbeing? How would this be funded? How would this meet KPI’s – social justice?
Feedback Opportunities Threats Economic vs social impact Where do we go from here?
References DAVIES. C. & MCCARTHY. K. 2009. Negotiating Curriculum: a case study. Newport CELT Journal. Vol. No. 2. pp.72-75. MORTIBOYS. A. 2005. Teaching with Emotional Intelligence: A Step-by-Step Guide for Higher and Further Education Professionals. London: Routledge. THROOK. R. K. & CASTELLUCCI. M. B. 2004. Reaching Your Potential and Professional Development. Third edn. USA: Thompson Delmar Learning. WHITCHURCH. C. (2009). The Rise of the Blended Professional in Higher Education: A Comparison between the UK, Australia and the United States. Higher Education 58(3): 407-418.