“Gettin’ Byzzy With It” • America’s hot dogs, baseball and barney, bad health care but a strong army. The Romans felt the same way we feel today, like Frosted Flakes: We’re Great. We’re No. 1, like the top of the charts, but then the Roman Empire split apart. The land in the West cut up into fiefs, but the Empire in the east stayed tight. It’s the Byzantine Empire, surely, we’re rocking Asia Minor, Now it’s Turkey? The capital was Constantinople now it’s Istanbul not Constantinople. “Ding” Justinian steps into the ring, conquering lands like it was his thing. He fell in love with this girl, Theodora, the actress doing back flips knew tactics. 2
We get busy with it, Y’all get dizzy with it. Don’t question, we’re the best, where the East meets the West. We get busy with it, y’all get dizzy with it. Byzantine stay busy, we rock, rock the city, what! Now it seems we Byzantines practice Christianity seven days a week, at least. We pray to icons, little pictures of Mary, Jesus, and some of the saints. • She changed the laws, she keeping it wise, cause now men can’t just be beating their wives. When a rebellion rose, Justin wanted to go, But Theodora said, “Nah we can’t go, we need to stay and fight.” And that day she’s right, because Justinian defeated them that night. Pit foe against foe, your foes will be weak, that’s the Byzantine trick just for keeping the peace. 3
Icons were just fine, and it’s heresy if you say otherwise. Said, “If you do I’ll hate you, I’ll excommunicate you, kick you out the church, and send you back to grade school.” In 1054, the church split in two parts: Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. Hook • But some leaders said, “Uh-uh, you can’t,” Cuz the second commandment says don’t pray to paint. If you score three goals, that’s a hat trick, but this controversy was iconoclastic. When Leo III said “no” to icons, we still had ‘em, so now we have to hide ‘em. • The pope in Rome said 4
Byzantine Empire • Emperors want to reclaim the West • _______ and ______ co emperors • Nika Revolt – Theodora wants to ____, they get things under control but Constantinople is ________ • _________ Code – simplified and reorganized • When he died, the empire had no ______ • ________ will become the official language Justinian Theodora Stay Burned Justinian Money Greek 5
Religion • Emperor was ____________ • Many clergy used _______, some thought it too close to _______ worship • Eastern allowed clergy to _______ • East = Church councils authority; West ______ has supreme authority • 1054 ______ -divide • East - _______ ; West remained ________ Priest - King Icons Idol Marry Pope Schism Orthodox Catholic 8
The Great Schism of 1054 • Roman Catholic Church • Based in Rome • Official language – Latin • Church led by a Pope referred to as Father. • Church leaders could not marry. • Only Pope and Bishops could interpret the scriptures. • The Pope was the Supreme head of Church - above any political ruler. • Religious icons accepted. • Eastern Greek Orthodox Church • Based in Constantinople • Official language – Greek • Church led by a Patriarch referred to as a Bishop • Priests could marry. • Scriptures were the final authority on all matters. • Emperor or political ruler was above the Bishop. • Rejected the use of icons. 16
Not Again!...Another Fall • 800s – Golden Age • Conditions for ________ improved • Took back some lost land • Weakened from inside: • Nobles in the city support emperors who spend money on _________ • Military aristocrats want more money spent on _______ • Empire decreases in size • 1453 Empire taken over by the _____________ Peasants Culture Army Ottoman Turks 10