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教導感恩 Education of Appreciation. 義. PTTC. 一名成績優秀的青年去應徵一個公司的助理工程師職位,董事長從該青年的履歷上發現,該青年成績優秀。. There was a young man with excellent credentials. He went to a job interview for a position as an assistant engineer. 董事長問:「是你的父親為你付學費嗎?」 該青年回答:「家父在我一歲時就去世了,是我母親付的。」.
一名成績優秀的青年去應徵一個公司的助理工程師職位,董事長從該青年的履歷上發現,該青年成績優秀。一名成績優秀的青年去應徵一個公司的助理工程師職位,董事長從該青年的履歷上發現,該青年成績優秀。 There was a young man with excellent credentials. He went to a job interview for a position as an assistant engineer.
董事長問:「是你的父親為你付學費嗎?」 該青年回答:「家父在我一歲時就去世了,是我母親付的。」 The company’s chairman saw the young man’s exceptional academic grades on his resume and asked, “Did your father pay for your education?” The young man replied, "No, my father died when I was one years old. My mother paid for my education."
董事長問:「那你母親是在那家公司高就?」 該青年回答:「我的母親是幫人洗衣服的。」 董事長要求該青年把手伸給他,該青年把一雙潔白的手伸給董事長。 The chairman asked, "What kind of work does your mother do?” The young man replied "My mother makes a living doing laundry." The chairman then asked to see the young man's hands. The young man showed him a pair of clean soft and white hands.
"Have you ever helped your mother with the laundry,” inquired the chairman. The young man answered, "I have never helped her, my mother always asked me to focus on my school work." The chairman then said, "I have one thing to ask of you. When you go home today help wash your mother's hands. Then come back to see me tomorrow morning." 董事長問:「你幫你母親洗過衣服嗎?」 該青年回答:「從來沒有,我媽總是要我多讀書。」 董事長説:「我有個要求,你今天回家,幫你母親洗一次雙手,明天上午你再來見我。」
該青年覺得自己成功的可能性很大,回到家後,高高興興地要為母親洗手,母親 受寵若驚地把手伸給孩子。 該青年為母親洗著手,… The young man felt confident that he would get the position. He went home and gladly washed his mother's hands. His mother was surprised at her son’s gesture and happily extended her hands to the young man.
漸漸地,眼涙掉下來了,因為他第一次發現,他母親的雙手都是老繭,有個傷口在碰到水時還疼得發抖。 青年第一次體會到,母親就是毎天用這雙有傷口的手洗衣服為他付學費,母親的這雙手就是他今天畢業的代價。 While he was washing his mother's hands, he began to slowly shed tears. This was the first time the young man had noticed that his mother’s hands were worn with numerous sores and abrasions. At one point, his mother trembled with pain as his hand brushed over water one of her open sores. For the first time in his life, the young man understood the sacrifice his mother had made. His mother's hands were price of his graduation!"
該青年給母親洗完手後,一聲不響地把母親剩下要洗的衣服都洗了。 當天晩上,母親和孩子聊了很久很久。 The young man finished washing his mother's hands and without a word, washed the rest of the laundry.
第二天早上,該青年去見董事長。董事長望著該青年紅腫的眼睛,問到:「可以告訴我 你昨天回家做了些什麼嗎?」 該青年回答説:「我給母親洗完手之後,我幫母親把剩下的衣服都洗了。」 The next morning he went to see the chairman. The chairman looked at the young man's red and swollen eyes and asked, "Tell me, what you did yesterday after you went home?" The young man replied, "I washed my mother's hands and then washing the remaining laundry"
董事長説:「請你告訴我你的感受。」 The chairman said, "Please tell me, what do you feel?”
該青年説: 「第一,我懂得了感恩,沒有我母親,我不可能有今天。 The young man responded, "First, I understand that I would not be who and what I am without my mother.
第二,我懂得了要去和母親一起勞動,才會知道母親的辛苦。第二,我懂得了要去和母親一起勞動,才會知道母親的辛苦。 Second, I understand my mother's hardship by working side by side with her.
第三,我懂得了家庭親情的可貴。」 Third, I now can see and appreciate a mother’s extraordinary love."
董事長説:「我就是要録取一個會感恩,會體會別人辛苦,不是把金錢當作人生第一目標的人來當幹部。你被録取了。」董事長説:「我就是要録取一個會感恩,會體會別人辛苦,不是把金錢當作人生第一目標的人來當幹部。你被録取了。」 “I want to choose an associate who appreciates other’s hardships and does not see making money as primary purpose,” said the chairman, “You are hired!”
這位青年後來果真工作努力,深得職工擁護, 員工也都努力工作,整個公司業績大幅成長。 As time went on, this young man turned out to be a very hard worker. He valued and respected by his fellow employees. The company's performance improved tremendously.
假如一個孩子從小嬌生慣養,習慣了被人圍著、寵著,什麼都是以「我」第一, 父母的辛苦都不知道。… If a child is spoiled throughout his young life, he can get in the habit of only thinking of himself above everything else without paying attention to the hardships of others, especially those who have sacrificed the most, and those who love him most.
上班後, 以為同事都應該聽他的; This character flaw will also reveal itself in the work environment.
當了經理後,不知道員工的辛苦,還要怨天尤人。當了經理後,不知道員工的辛苦,還要怨天尤人。 A spoiled man would not understand or appreciate fellow employees’ hardships, thinking only of himself and his own difficulties.This is a very unfavorable characteristic for one in a managerial position.
這樣的人,會有好的學校成績,會有得意風光的一時,但社會上的這類人,都不能成大事,都不會感覺到幸福,都要跌跟斗,那父母是愛孩子還是害孩子呢?這樣的人,會有好的學校成績,會有得意風光的一時,但社會上的這類人,都不能成大事,都不會感覺到幸福,都要跌跟斗,那父母是愛孩子還是害孩子呢? Although a spoiled man can achieve great academic success, and sometimes career success, a spoiled man ultimately cannot achieve true happiness and success in real life.Why does a parent's love hurt their own child?
可以讓你的孩子住大房子,吃大餐、學鋼琴,讓他享受許多奢侈品,…可以讓你的孩子住大房子,吃大餐、學鋼琴,讓他享受許多奢侈品,… Giving your child all the luxuries in life, emotional and material, can ultimately hurt them.
Next time you are mowing lawn in the hot sun, you should ask your child to help pull the weeds out. Let your child to wash the dishes after a meal, even if you can afford to hire people to do it. 但你在割草時,也要讓你的孩子在大太陽下拔拔野草,在吃飯後,也要讓你的孩子洗洗碗,
不是你沒有錢雇人,而是你真心愛孩子。 True love is not to spoil your child, but to teach him to be a good and wholesome person.
Have a nice day! 更重要的是,要讓孩子 學會感恩。 Part of this is to teach your child appreciation, of people and of life.