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Case of spin-off Munich

Case of spin-off Munich. Christoph Zinser Vice-chief of Technology Transfer Office, University of Munich Project Manager of the FLÜGGE programme. Founders‘ office LMU ■ Individual consulting of academic founders / entrepreneurs and coaching of spin-offs

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Case of spin-off Munich

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  1. Case of spin-off Munich Christoph Zinser Vice-chief of Technology Transfer Office, University of Munich Project Manager of the FLÜGGE programme

  2. Founders‘ office LMU • ■Individual consulting of academic founders / entrepreneurs and coaching of spin-offs • ■Entrepreneurial training (courses, lectures) • ■Intermediation of contacts (experts, service providers, investors) • ■Motivation / Mobilisation (information events, competitions) • ■Broad network / partner organisations: HOCHSPRUNG, FLÜGGE, ODEON, GründerRegio M, MBPW …

  3. Typical case of starting-up at LMU • ■contact with founders’ office of the LMU=> coaching concerning the process • ■Participation of Munich Business Plan Competition incl. courses of the ODEON Center for Entrepreneurship of the LMU=> business planning; contact to consultants / investors • ■Grant of the support programme “FLÜGGE”=> seed-financing for the first two years

  4. Munich Business Plan Competition Mission The Munich Business Plan Competition is founded by industry and universities. Its activities aim at encouragingyoung people to set up business and creating networks for young entrepreneurs in the Munich Area. The Munich Business Plan Competition stimulates and supports the founding of innovative and fast-growing companies in thetechnology- and services sector.

  5. Three Levels of Business Planning The Competition Procedure 2004 Ideas Creation Aim:Concept of the Business Idea Content: Description of the idea and customer benefit Target group: Only entrepreneurs out of universities and research institutions with a business idea non- financed by VCs Development Stage Aim:Business Plan Content: Concept for exhaustion of the market potencials and determination of the rough financing needs Target group: All entrepreneurs with a non-financed business idea by VCs Excellence Stage Aim: Detailed Business Plan Content: realisation of the business concept and detailed description of the finance requirements Target group: All entrepreneurs with a business idea non-financed by VCs, after a quality proof of the pre-jury

  6. The support programme „FLÜGGE“ • Mission: Facilitate the transition from employment at university to entrepreneurship („FLÜGGE“ means fledged) • Funding: Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts; Projekt Management: LMU • Application: possible for graduates and scientific employees of Bavarian universities with an innovative business idea • Support: Regular income by an half-time-employment up to two years and possibility to use the universities‘ facilities (in the first six months for free) • Success story: nearly 90 high-tech-companies with more than 550 employees since 1998 all over Bavaria Milano

  7. Thank you very much • for your attention! • Contact: • Christoph Zinser • Mail: zinser@lmu.de

  8. Back up information

  9. Success Story Consolidated Figures from the past 7 years (1996/97 until 2003): companies have been established, % are still alive Mio. Euro have been funded by Venture Capital Mio. Euro have been funded by Business Angels Mio. Euro by the German State Mio. Euro by Founders own money All together these companies currently employ people 381 85 238 318 Mio. € 25 25 30 2901

  10. Integrated Universities and Research University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences Landshut University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences Salzburg (Austria) University of Applied Sciences Munich Technical University Munich University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt University Eichstätt University of the German Federal Army Munich University of Munich University Augsburg University of Applied Sciences Augsburg Max Planck Society GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health DLR -German Aerospace Center University Passau University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf

  11. Statistics • Bewerbungsrunden seit Beginn (10/97): 12 • Gesamtzahl der Anträge: 242 Personen / 163 Unternehmen • Durchschnittliche Antragszahl: 14 Vorhaben / 20 Personen • Förderquote: ca. 50 Prozent • Gesamtförderung: 122 Personen / 89 Unternehmen • Aktuelle Förderung: 28 Personen / 20 Unternehmen • Beendete Förderung: 94 Personen / 69 Unternehmen • Gesamtzahl noch bestehender FLÜGGE-Unternehmen: 73 • Geschaffene Arbeitsplätze in FLÜGGE-Unternehmen: > 560 Milano

  12. Success Story Entwicklung nach Ende der FLÜGGE-Förderung (Summe: 69) Milano

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