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Best Practices for Korean E-Resources Metadata and Presentation

Learn about optimal metadata presentation, coverage practices, and display guidelines for Korean e-resources accessibility. Addressing common issues in ISSN management, title history tracking, and search capabilities.

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Best Practices for Korean E-Resources Metadata and Presentation

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  1. Metadata and presentation issues of Korean E-Resources relating to access and discoveryERMB Workshoppresented by Erica ChangMarch 25, 2014Philadelphia, PA

  2. E-JournalsGuideline: PIE-J, KBART I recommendationdisclaimer: observation based on databases subscribed by the University of Hawaii

  3. 1. Metadata presentationGood practice:Korean e-resources retain original title and citation info faithfully and correctly. (full journal title, publication date range, ISSNs)They do not remove contentsThey digitize from cover to coverResolution is acceptable.Problem:A package does not reflect pagination of each article correctly. The pagination does not indicate the actual starting and ending page.pp 0-12, pp 0-17 should be pp. 1-12, pp. 13-17 Numbering and pagination often do not reflect the original.20권 0호, 2013 - > 20권 (2013. 6) (see, ex.1)

  4. (Ex. 1) Original numbering system: 제 20호 (2013. 6) Renumbered, 20권 0호, 2013

  5. Good practice keep the original numbering system, 제 20호, 2013.6

  6. 2. Coverage/Availabilitygood practice: Digitized from the beginning issues. problem: But when the digitized contents are incomplete, what’s missing is not indicated clearly.

  7. 3. Displaygood practice: Create presentation that allows easy access to all contentGraphic design . It is easy to access to all contents

  8. 4. ISSN problem:No separate ISSN for e-journals. Use print ISSN.No separate ISSN when title change occur. No ISSN-L.(see, ex. 2)

  9. (ex. 2) No ISSN for electronic version ISSN: 1229-3458 (Print) ISSN: 1229-3458 (Print)

  10. Is this link resolver error resulted from a journal title without ISSN? Search: 중국학연구 (Chunggukhakyongu) Result: Display two different works under same entry Condition: Both works have same title, one with ISSN, one without ISSN

  11. 5. Title historyGood practice: It is available. The earlier title is listed with date range in the current title home page. Former title is searchable and available in browse lists. Some publications carry the former title on the cover. .problem: It is not available in the separate web site. No vital publication info across the history of a journal; publisher name, clear numbering and dates, editors, editorial board, sponsoring organizations, frequency of publication. No hotlink to direct users to earlier/later title. (see, ex. 3)

  12. Actual history:제한 (1973- ) -> 황제의학 (1976-1979) -> 동서의학 (1980-)Title history indicated on the current title page:간행물명 변경이력: 제한(-1978) -> 동서의학 (1979-)The current title page indicates holdings for the 1st title, 1973-1975, but there are no contents.The contents of 2nd title is available and searchable under 황제의학. But there is no indication of the 2nd title and the holdings. There is no link to the 2nd title from the current title page.

  13. (Ex. 3) Actual history: 제한 (1973- ) -> 황제의학 (1976-1979) -> 동서의학 (1980-) Title history indicated on the current title page: 간행물명 변경이력 (제한 (-1978) -> 동서의학 (1979-) The current title page indicates holdings for the 1st title, 1973-1975, but there are no contents. The contents of 2nd title is available and searchable under 황제의학. But there is no indication of the 2nd title and the holdings. There is no link to the 2nd title from the current title page. 3rd title: 동서의학

  14. 2nd title: 황제의학 2nd title: 황제의학, is available, but no link from the current title page. No link to the current title. No ISSN 2nd title, 황제의학, is available, but no link from the current title page. No link to the current title. No ISSN 2nd title: 황제의학

  15. 6. URL, OpenURL, DOI issueGood practice: Two major vendors use OpenURL and DOI Article level URL is available. URL for article level directly takes a user to the proper article.

  16. 7. MARC supplyproblem: One vendor responded that it provides full –level MARC records with fees.

  17. 8. Romanizationproblem:No romanization is provided. Author’s name in non-Roman form (not by standard romanization) is available in one package.

  18. 9. Searching capabilityGood practice:One vendor’s statistics show that about 30 % of e-journal articles of its databases are OCRed and full text searchable. problem:About 70 % of the journal articles of the databases are image PDF. Texts are not OCRed. This means although mistakes in character recognition are not introduced, full text searching is not possible for users.A discovery tool let users search full text if it’s available. Then it may not necessary to catalog individual journal titles or e-books in ILS.

  19. 10. Software requirementsproblem: One package requires Adobe Reader 11 to read Hangul correctly using every web browsers. Even after installing it, Firefox still requires user designate the particular reader whereas Explore and Chrome just open with the Adobe Reader 11 reader installed.A vendor requires users install viewer.

  20. 11. Feedback featureIt is available, not sure how well it works and how good the responses are.

  21. 12. Metadata supplyFrequencygood practice: Some vendors do monthlyMethodproblem: Usually use email upon request, no vendors use ftp

  22. 13. Awareness on various standardsproblem:Most vendors are not aware of KBART recommendation, PIE-J.good practice:four vendors out of six are willing to know about them.

  23. E-BooksGuideline: KBART I recommendations

  24. Good practice:digitize cover to covereasy to navigateproblem:No separate ISBN, use print ISBNNo romanization: one vendor has a plan to provide romanization to e-books by working with OCLC and platform provider No full MARC: One vendor is trying to provide MARC record following RDA for descriptive cataloging.

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